Types of state bodies: list and powers

The work of the apparatus of state power is determined by the Constitution of the country, where the president is its guarantor. He defines foreign and domestic policy, representing it at the international level. All his rights and obligations are also represented in the Constitution. The types of government are diverse, designed for well-defined purposes. They also have their authority and responsibility.

Classification by method of occurrence

First of all, the types of state bodies are classified by the method of occurrence. The primary organ of the state arises as inheritance under the monarchy or is created as a result of the will of the people, manifested in the conduct of elections. At the same time, he is able to create the competent authorities, which are called derivatives. An example is the prosecutor's office, which has rather high authority, but cannot create itself.

Authorization classification

types of government

The size of the authority of the governing bodies differs between the highest and local state bodies. Local administration is the executive and administrative body in the system of local self-government. Any higher state authority has more authority than the local one. Local government bodies may include self-government units.

In the federal state there is a division into 2 categories. They include the federal authorities and the subject of the Federation.

In a unitary state there is only one supreme power. Regional authorities carry out their activities only in certain areas. For example, in an area, district, commune, county, county, or even county. In the Russian Federation, the local administration is represented by the governor.

Competency classification

Federal authorities of general competence solve issues of various directions. A vivid example of such work is the government. It complies with laws and takes part in all areas of the state’s activities.

Sectoral competence calls on authorities to engage in one of the areas in the national economy. The main types of state bodies of industry competence are known - the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Defense and so on.

Decision Making Classification

The types of state bodies are divided according to the type of decision-making, that is, they are taken collectively or unanimously.

A collective decision is made by voting and vote counting. Voting shall resolve issues in the Constitutional Court or during the federal assembly.

The original decision is made solely. This, for example, distinguishes the president and the Federal Assembly - the head of state can make the decision himself. Also, a sole decision can be made, for example, by the procurator of the Russian Federation.

Classification by term of office

government concept

The types of state bodies are divided by the duration of their work. For example, there is a seeded body, while people in its state change all the time, having worked for a certain period. In an indefinite state body, a person remains in his place without restrictions on the term of service.

In this classification category, it is necessary to take into account the fact that all state bodies and subjects of the Federation work on an ongoing basis. But it happens that a unit is created for a certain time. For example, during a war or emergency. After eliminating the threat, it dissolves.

Classification by type of subordination

The subordination of a state body can be vertical or double. When subordinated vertically, for example, in a constitutional court, the regional is subordinate to the central, and that, in turn, is subordinate to the supreme.

In industry, the situation with dual subordination, for example, ministries and departments of various industries, is more common. This is done in order to comply not only with national issues, but also with the interests of the local economy. Indeed, more often it is the regional authorities that are closer to production or agriculture.


regional authorities

State bodies are divided into legislative and executive. Parliament is legislative, its function is to control the work of the government, it approves the country's budget, develops laws and is able to influence members of the government and even the president, forcing him to resign in case of a vote of no confidence.

In large countries, such as Russia, England, France and so on, the parliament consists of a lower and upper house. A unicameral parliament exists in countries with a smaller territory and population. For example, in Denmark or Finland.

Executive agency

The Cabinet of Ministers and the government are the executive authority.

The government can be one-party or a coalition of diverse parties. Its staff consists of ministers, their deputies and advisers. The head is either the prime minister or the president himself.

Judicial authorities

president and federal assembly

Courts that deal with certain controversial issues are structured in such a way that everyone is responsible for their area of ​​activity. For example, a criminal court examines criminal offenses, an economic court deals with economic issues.

There are civil, administrative, military and other courts. But despite the various areas of activity, all of them are subordinate to the Supreme and Constitutional Courts.

The president

local administration

The executive regional authorities and all the others are united in a common mechanism by the head of state - the president or the monarch. They work only for one thing - their people. It is his will expressed in the functioning of all state authorities.

The president is elected democratically, engaged in foreign and domestic policy. As commander in chief, he has the right to start clashes in the interests of his state.

In the modern world, the president is the main diplomat in any international affairs. It is he who signs and initializes international agreements, appoints ambassadors to any countries.

But not in all countries the president is a significant figure. So, in parliamentary states, he has almost no influence on domestic politics, this is the head of government. Not a single document signed by the president of a parliamentary republic has legal force without its approval in parliament and government.

In the presidential republic, the president is a politically strong and active figure, he is the head of government.


local government

The concept of a state body includes its powers. Each of them has a strict range of responsibilities and privileges:

  1. All powers of the president are stipulated in the Constitution of the country. Any deviation from the clauses of the Constitution is an occasion to express a vote of no confidence in the president and hold early elections for the new head of state.
  2. The country's parliament, and in the case of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly, is developing laws based on the demands of the people. It is divided into 2 chambers - the State Duma and the Federation Council. In addition, both the State Duma and the Federation Council are creating the necessary state bodies and commissions.
  3. The Supreme Court has the right to appoint or remove from the post the chief prosecutor of the country, the chairman of the Accounts Chamber, ministers and deputies.
  4. The government may appoint or remove the chairman of the state bank and the Audit Chamber, human rights defenders. This government agency has the right to declare amnesty in the country. It is the government that is capable of removing the president and his aides.
  5. The prosecutor's office is the main body for monitoring the work of the government, the State Duma, ministers, state bodies of local and central government, heads of ministries and colleges. The prosecutor's office is on guard of the Constitution and the rule of law in the work of any state body and official. In addition, the prosecutor’s office monitors the observance of freedoms and human rights. She also oversees the work of law enforcement agencies, namely the Ministry of Internal Affairs, bailiffs and bodies involved in the enforcement of sentences. In fact, the prosecutor's office has the widest power, which allows it to control any activity of legal entities and individuals. This state body was created by John the 4th, better known as Ivan the Terrible. It was his guardsmen, who were not noblemen, but simple servants, who were placed by the monarch in all governing bodies to control their activities.
  6. The police performs the function of protecting citizens from attacks on their property and life itself by criminal elements. The main job is crime prevention. But if it happened, investigative actions are also carried out by police officers.
government apparatus


The concept of a state body is characteristic of any type of state, including the monarchy. The monarch is physically unable to control all political and financial processes in the country and creates ministries and government. He appoints the Prime Minister, Prime Minister and Ministers. He personally conducts international negotiations as part of political activities, leads the army, being the commander in chief.

The only significant difference between the monarch and the president is that the president is an elected post, while the monarch takes his post upon inheritance. Accordingly, passes it to his heir or successor.

Any authority has its own powers, which are illegal to violate. All his activities should be aimed at improving the welfare of the people, but in modern society, representatives of various structures, using their position, are trying to get rich.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8986/

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