Tomato Tsifomandra: variety description, photos and reviews

Tsifomander tomato is a tropical plant. According to reviews, this variety is considered exotic for our country. The birthplace of such a tomato tree is South America. However, the plant is distinguished by a stalk of an extraordinary shape, pleasant to the taste and rich in beneficial components fruit. It has gained popularity among lovers of exotic not only in Russia but also in Europe.

cytomander tomato

Tomato Tsifomandra: variety description

At the moment, there are several types of this variety, each of which has certain characteristics. The most common tomato variety of Tsifomander is Tsifomander beetroot. This extraordinary plant belongs to the nightshade family. As a rule, this variety of tomatoes is grown not only in greenhouses. The evergreen tree can be planted in pots. In the summer, it is recommended to put the plant on the street, as it needs sunlight.

Reviews of vegetable growers indicate that Tsifomander tomatoes are a useful delicacy, saturated with useful micro and macro elements, as well as vitamins. Therefore, this tomato variety is especially popular among farmers. Indeed, in addition to taste, such tomatoes have a high level of productivity with a long period of fruiting.

cytomander tomato reviews

What does Tsifomander beetroot look like?

What is Tsifomander tomato? Description of the plant should begin with its trunk. This part of the tree is developing quite quickly. Gradually lignified and branched trunks are gradually formed. Leaves have an oval shape. In length, they can be approximately 20 centimeters. Moreover, the edges of the sheets are flat and without islands.

Judging by the numerous reviews, the tomato Tsifomander well bears fruit. Tomatoes are similar in taste to the usual varieties that are often grown in our country. The fruits themselves have a round shape. Up to 8 tomatoes can form on one brush. They are usually slightly elongated and small in size. As for the seeds, they are larger and flattened than traditional varieties.

cytomander tomatoes photo

Another variety

The second popular variety of this variety, based on customer reviews, is Tsifomandra treelike. As the name implies, such a plant forms very unusual trunks. They resemble small trees. Foliage resembles small, slightly elongated hearts. Their length can be about 12 centimeters. As for inflorescences, in the process of formation they are very similar to potato inflorescences.

The fruits of Tsifomander tree are oval and small in size. Ripe tomatoes acquire an orange tint. It is worth noting that the fruits must be collected in a timely manner. Overripe tomatoes do not last long on the branches of the plant and begin to quickly fall off. The seeds themselves are small and somewhat similar to potato seeds.

variety of cytomander tomato

Features of the fruits of the variety Tsifomander woody

Tomato Tsifomander treelike is often confused with fruit. With free growth, such a plant can reach a height of two and a half meters. This is a full tree. On the palate, the fruits of this variety are quite sweet. After all, they contain 2.3% of sugars. The average weight of one fruit is 200 grams. Such tomatoes are suitable not only for eating raw, but also for pickling.

How is such a plant propagated?

Tsifomander tomatoes, the photo of which is presented above, are propagated most often by seeds. However, there is another way - vegetative. It is carried out using cuttings. To propagate plants by a similar method, the sequence should be observed:

  1. A young twig should be cut off from a fruitful strong tree. It should have at least three kidneys.
  2. Pour pure water into a liter jar and place a twig in it. Regularly need to inspect the planting material for the occurrence of characteristic swelling below. This will indicate the beginning of the formation of the root system.
  3. When swelling appears, the jar must be closed with polyethylene and placed in a place where it is warm and there is no sunlight.
  4. When the roots begin to form, it is necessary to transplant the stalk into the soil.

As noted in the reviews, such a plant propagates not only by seeds and seedlings, but also by cuttings. Using this method, you can get plants that look more like bushes.

cytomander tomato description

How to grow from seed

How does Tsifomander breed? Tomato, reviews of which are positive, can be grown from seeds. This is the most reliable way. Especially if the planting material was purchased in a proven place. The growing process itself is carried out in several stages:

  1. Before planting, the seeds of the plant should be washed without fail in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and in water. After that, experts recommend drying the planting material at room temperature and only in the shade.
  2. To accelerate the process of germination, the seeds should be placed for 24 hours in a place where a sufficiently low temperature will be maintained. One of the shelves in the refrigerator is ideal for this.
  3. While the planting material is being prepared, it is worth mixing the soil. For this kind of tomato, a mixture of river sand and peat is ideal. The soil should be light and airy.
  4. Tsifomander tomato seeds are sown in rows, between which a gap of at least 60 centimeters should be maintained. It is also recommended to leave a space between the planting material. In this case, the distance between the seeds should be at least 30 centimeters.
  5. Transplant seedlings already in the open ground at the end of May. Such tomatoes also grow well in greenhouses.
    cytomander tomato variety description

Features of growing in pots

It is not so difficult to grow this tomato variety from seeds. The process is no different from the planting technology of traditional varieties of tomatoes. However, there are some features of growing Tsifomander varieties in boxes and pots. Do not forget that the root system of such plants spreads for the most part in different directions, and not inland. Therefore, you should choose the pots correctly. They should not be deep, but wide enough. Also, when growing this variety, it is recommended to use pallets. It is through them that the main watering of plants is carried out.

Planting seeds of this variety for seedlings should be earlier than seeds of varieties traditional for our climate. It is worth noting that with proper care, Tsifomander tomato gives up to 20 kilograms of fruit with just 1 m 2 .

Basic care

The tomato variety Tsifomander, judging by the reviews of experts, is practically unpretentious in leaving. The main thing is to know all the rules and requirements of plants. Such a variety first of all needs a fairly long daylight hours. This is one of the main conditions. Therefore, experts recommend providing plants with additional lighting in the dark.

Also, do not forget about feeding. Fertilizing should be done systematically. In this case, it is necessary to use top dressing, in the composition of which phosphorus is present, as well as potassium. As for watering, it should be moderate. Judging by the reviews, tomatoes need periodic spraying. To do this, you can use a spray gun. If the leaves began to turn yellow, then they should be removed. It is also worth periodically staging.

tomato cytomander Siberian garden

Tsifomander Tomato Diseases

Many in their reviews recommend buying tomato Tsifomander Siberian Garden. These seeds are more adapted to the climate of our country. Thanks to this, the plants will be less sick. It is worth noting that the variety of these tomatoes in itself is quite resistant to many common diseases, including fusarium and verticillosis. Usually problems arise from insects. This variety is often attacked by thrips, spider mites, whiteflies or aphids.

For the prevention of diseases, experts recommend disinfection of plants and soil before planting. To do this, you can use special solutions that are sold in specialized stores. As for parasitic invasions, they can be dealt with using industrial insecticides.


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