Plant growth regulator "Ecosil": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Almost every farmer now knows about biostimulants for plants. Miracle drugs that increase productivity, the industry produces a great many. More recently, a new universal product Ecosil, produced in Belarus, has appeared on the shelves of specialized stores. Instructions for use of the drug are very simple, but this biostimulator is so strong that you need to follow the dosage absolutely precisely. We offer detailed information on how and to which plants it helps.

General information about the drug

The growth stimulator "Ecosil" is produced at the Belarussian enterprise "BelUniversalProduct". The form of release is an emulsion, which is a 5% concentrate of triterpene acids obtained from fir needles. Since this product is environmentally friendly, it does not pose a threat to humans, animals, birds, bees. The hazard class of Ecosil is set to IV, that is, the lowest. Regardless of this, gloves should be prepared to prepare the working solution and to process the plants. The manufacturers took into account that some people may need a large amount of the drug, and others may need a very small one, because the area of ​​the plots and, accordingly, the number of planted crops are different for everyone, and some do not have personal plots, only indoor plants. Therefore, Ecosil is conveniently produced in containers of different volumes, from 500 to 20 ml. The expiration date at which the drug has the activity stated in the instructions is 3 years, but even later it can be used taking into account a certain decrease in the effect.

Ecosil instructions for use


"Ecosil", the instructions for use of which are indicated on the bottle and packaging, is a multifunctional drug. It is used for:

- better rooting of seedlings and seedlings;

- early germination of seeds;

- increase the percentage of germination of seeds;

- more volumetric increase in the green mass of herbs and all plants used as greens;

- reducing the ripening time of all types of fruits;

- improving the taste of fruits and vegetables;

- increase the volume of fruits, all types of vegetables (underground, ground);

- more abundant and prolonged flowering of garden and indoor flowers;

- restoration of plants after transplantation, pruning, disease;

- increase drought tolerance and frost resistance of plants;

- achieving high results in the fight against many fungal, bacterial and viral diseases of plants.

The action of "Ecosil" begins no later than half an hour after getting on the plant, but it will be noticeable in a couple of days.

how to feed seedlings

The method of preparation of the working solution

According to reviews of everyone who already uses Ecosil in their garden, the instructions for use and preparation of the product are very simple. After calculating the required amount of funds, measure it with a dispenser, a measuring container, a syringe (whichever is more convenient), add it to a small volume of warm, about 60 degrees Celsius, water, mix thoroughly, then add water to the volume specified in the instructions. It is recommended to store the working solution no more than 24 hours out of the reach of sunlight. It is desirable to process vegetative plants with them in the morning or in the evening in dry weather.

"EcoSil": instructions for use for seeds

Every gardener or floriculturist faced a problem when the seeds cultivated and sown according to all the rules did not germinate well. Some bags even show the germination percentage so that buyers are ready in advance for, for example, about 20 seedlings from 20 purchased seeds to appear. But there are such exclusive crops, the seeds of which are sold for only 2, 3, 5 pieces per pack. What a shame it is when, having bought them, following all the instructions, you put them in the ground and do not get any result. To minimize such a problem, the magic tool "EcoSil" helps. It increases germination to 95-98%, and in addition, accelerates the appearance of seedlings and makes them more viable. Soaking seeds in Ecosil is carried out according to this technology: 0.4 ml of the product or 12 drops are diluted in a liter of water, the seeds are placed in it and kept for no more than an hour. Then they must be washed with water, dried slightly and can be sown.

Ecosil price

Ecosil for seedlings

Few people believe, but abroad dill seedlings even planted. In Russia, we traditionally plant tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cabbage and some flowers in this way. Recently, individual farmers began to plant cucumbers with zucchini in plastic cups on window sills before planting on a bed in their home. How to feed seedlings (even tomatoes, even zucchini) so that, having gotten from greenhouse conditions to the open ground, she would not get sick and better take root? Ecosil will help here.

This drug is not a classic fertilizer, but it stimulates the growth of plants, it develops resistance to many diseases, such as late blight, septoria, root rot, alternariosis, and cucumbers have white powdery mildew and drying out. Compared with other stimulants, in which it is necessary to maintain the root system of plants for some time, Ecosil is not used for seedlings just before planting, but 4-6 days before it. According to the instructions, for each culture you need to prepare a separate working solution. So, for a tomato you need to take 30 drops of Ecosil, for pepper - 20 per three liters of tap water, mix well and spray the foliage of seedlings. The instruction suggests to process eggplants and cucumbers with Ecosil already on the bed in the budding phase, and cabbage in the phase of 7 leaves.

Ecosil method of application
But some gardeners and seedlings of these plants were fed with a magical tool, they only bred it in a smaller quantity than indicated in the instructions.

Processing Vegetable Vegetables

Of course, it is very important how to feed seedlings in greenhouse conditions. But in order to get an excellent harvest, and on the bed you need to regularly pamper your plants with something useful. The ideal choice here would also be Ecosil. The attached instructions give detailed instructions for which culture how much to borrow, when and how to process them. These numbers can be summarized in a small table.

The order of processing (spraying) of vegetable plants
No.CultureNumber of treatmentsThe timingThe number of drops "EcoSila"Water Volume (L)
1.TomatoesIn factFlowering phasethirty3

1. 3-4 sheets.

2. The beginning of flowering.

3. Mass flowering.

4. A week after the 3rd treatment.


1. The phase of budding.

2. Mass flowering.


1. 6-7 leaves.

2. Massive tying heads.

5.Beets and Carrots2

1.8-10 leaves.

2. 2 weeks after the 1st treatment.


1. The beginning of flowering.

2. Mass flowering.

3. A week after the 2nd treatment.


As you can see from the table, Ecosil for tomatoes is used without specifying the number of treatments. The landmark here is the opening of the buds on the hands.

EcoSil for seedlings

Fruit and berry processing

All fruit trees, all berry plants, and especially grapes, are susceptible to disease and pest attack. This leads to the falling of ovaries, decay of the fruit, the death of branches or the whole plant as a whole. Successfully copes with these troubles Ecosil. The method of applying the product for bushes and trees is the same as for vegetables. A unique tool helps get rid of aphids, increases the resistance of grapes to mildew, rot, anthracnose, oidium, increases the sweetness of all fruits, without exception.

The procedure for processing (spraying) trees and shrubs
No.CultureNumber of treatmentsThe timingThe number of drops "EcoSila"Water Volume (L)
1.Fruit trees2

1. The phase of budding.

2. 12 days after the 1st treatment.


1. flowering phase.

2. 12 days after the 1st treatment.


1. The beginning of flowering.

2. Mass flowering.

3. For the next year - after the harvest.


Ecosil for flowers

This wonderful tool has been successfully used by both those who have flower beds in the open air, and those who are engaged in home gardening. For many cultures, instruction prescribes its own norms, but there are generalizations. So, for indoor plants, a working solution is prepared as follows: 20 drops of the Ecosil emulsion are diluted in three liters of settled water. This solution is sprayed with the green mass of plants in the phases of budding and flowering, and tubers are soaked in it.

soaking seeds in EcoSil

For annual garden flowers, the working solution is prepared as follows: 30 drops of the emulsion are dissolved in five liters of non-cold water, after which seedlings are watered and the grown plants are sprayed during the setting of buds and flowering.

For perennial garden flowers, the treatment is identical, with the difference that 90 drops of emulsion for the same amount of water are added to the working solution.


Everyone who has already used "Ecosil" in their personal plots, note in this drug only the advantages:

- a high yield of any crops treated with the product;

- excellent germination of seeds;

- improving the appearance of sick plants;

- lush flowering of any flowers after applying the product;

- the availability of means "Ecosil" (the price corresponds to the quality and is relatively low based on the volume of the product).

It may seem to some that the cost of Ecosil from 138 thousand rubles per 100 ml is expensive. But other similar means are much more expensive. So, for example, the Zircon drug, which is in some sense an analogue of Ecosil, is sold at 5 thousand rubles per 1 ml, and Epin - at 7 thousand for the same 1 ml.

growth stimulator ecosil

Qualitative analogues of Ecosil

Means that stimulate plant growth and increase yield, are now offered so much that the eyes run up. Among the variety, the preparations "Novosil" and "Silk" are closest in effect to "Ecosil". They are also produced on the basis of fir needles and contain triterpenic acids in their composition. The methods of plant treatment and the effect achieved in these three preparations are almost the same, and the effect can be seen after two, at most three days. In fact, Novosil, produced in the form of an emulsion, differs from Ekosil only in the manufacturer and at a lower price. The drug "Silk" is available in the form of powder, granules, tablets and solution.


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