FMS of Russia: ban on entry to Russia

Since 2014, the problem with the prohibitions on entry into the Russian Federation has become especially acute. Up to this point, information was simply accumulated and applied only in special cases, when a particular person was under no circumstances to gain access to the territory of the country. But in 2014, everything has seriously changed. A huge number of people were surprised to find that they can’t ride freely back and forth across the border. All these features are regulated by Federal Law No. 114.

Article 26 of Law 114-FZ

Basically imposes a ban on entry into Russia by the FMS of Russia. Sometimes it can be other bodies, but this is considered the exception rather than the rule. Article 26 shows more or less “soft” options for prohibitions. An interesting fact is that the law clearly states that the items listed below may cause a ban. That is, they may not become. You can’t find out in advance about this, of course, if you do not constantly check this information through the online service. So, let's move on to those points on which the FMS can ban entry.

  1. Administrative violations. If a person more than 1 time in 3 years is brought to justice, with a high degree of probability, having left the country, he will not fall back for the next three years (since the last court decision). It’s still possible to break once, this should not be a problem, but more is highly discouraged.
  2. False information. The general rule in any situation with the government is to provide the right information. If a person tries to report some kind of false data, regardless of the goal, he may also fall under the ban on entry. Of course, first you need the authorities to figure out whether the correct or incorrect data is provided, but usually this happens very quickly.
  3. Violation of the rules of stay. This primarily applies to all persons who regularly cross the border. Especially if in this case the visa regime is not applied. In principle, this rule has always acted, but rarely when actually used. Now, it is necessary to strictly monitor the period of your residence in the country and immediately after leaving the country. Otherwise, you can run into a ban. Moreover, the rules usually apply to the period of time that needs to be spent outside the Russian Federation. That is, you can’t just leave and call. In fairness, if a person submits documents for further official residence in the country, this rule does not apply to him while these papers are being considered.

The last point is the most insignificant. If at the border crossing any violations of the sanitary or customs plan are found, then until they are eliminated, the entry will also be closed. To avoid this is very simple, it is enough to study in advance information about what you can or cannot do / transport.

entry ban

Article No. 27 of Law 114-FZ

Unlike the previous article, this one already approaches the question more strictly. Here are listed such problems because of which it is simply obliged to impose a ban on entry by the FMS.

  • There is a criminal record for a deliberate crime.
  • The presence of unpaid fines or taxes during the previous period of stay in the country.
  • Serious violations of safety, labor law, public order and so on. In this case, the ban may remain valid for up to 5 years.
  • If there is a visa regime with the country of origin, and the documents necessary for crossing the border are not available, a ban on entry will continue until all necessary papers are received.
  • In the event that a person trying to enter the country can be a danger to both citizens and the state itself, he will not be allowed to go anywhere either.
  • With readmission and deportation. In general, these concepts are somewhat similar, although the first occurs in agreement with the country of origin, and the second is already a compulsory action of government agencies that do not want to see this person in the country and have every reason to expel him.

Russian Federal Migration Service ban on entry to Russia

Who can ban

In addition to the FMS of Russia, the following state structures may impose a ban on entry into the Russian Federation:

  • FMBA;
  • FSKN;
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • SVR;
  • FSB;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Ministry of Defence;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Rosfinmonitoring.

In practice, situations in which the ban is imposed not by the Federal Migration Service, but by another, are extremely rare and usually involve really serious problems, about which the violator is already well aware.

verification of a ban on entry to the Russian Federation

Checking the ban on entry into the Russian Federation

The easiest option to help you understand if you can go to Russia or it makes no sense - this is the FMS online service. It is accessible to everyone, without any restrictions, but it should be remembered that all data provided in this way are for reference only. That is, they cannot be used to petition the court to review the ban. To get information, you need to go to the appropriate site, fill in all the fields (they are signed, it is almost impossible to make a mistake) and confirm the entered information. Within a few seconds, the system will automatically analyze all this and issue its verdict. The only thing that can be said here: the site is not updated every second, and even if a person knows for sure that checking the ban on entry into the Russian Federation should not show anything due to a recent court decision that has entered into force, most likely they will not be able to make it yet to the database. The converse is also true. That is, if right now there is no information, it is not at all a fact that it will not appear at the moment of crossing the border.

FMS CIS entry ban

Official confirmation

If official paper is required, then besides finding out about the ban on entry in the bodies of the FMS, there are no other options. This implies that a person will have to write a request or take the help of his representative, having previously given him the appropriate power of attorney to receive such data. In such a situation, the response time may vary within a wide range, although according to the law, state bodies must provide the necessary documents no later than 10 working days from the receipt of this request. If through a representative the moment can still be tracked somehow, then with a letter a similar number will not work. When it reaches the addressee, one can only guess.

FMS entry ban

How to remove the ban

Now consider the option in which you can remove the ban on entry from the FMS (CIS, near or far abroad - in this case, it does not play any role). So, the problem with a high degree of probability can be solved if:

  • A person studies in an institution with state accreditation.
  • Very urgent medical attention is required.
  • On hand there are documents on the permission of temporary residence in the country or a residence permit. It should be remembered that they do not remove responsibility and for the violations you still have to give an answer.
  • There is a patent for work (paid and fully usable).
  • Citizens who are close or distant relatives live on the territory of the Russian Federation (the closer they are, the greater the chance of a positive solution to the problem).

Whatever the situation, even if once lucky and allowed to enter the territory of the state, this does not mean that in the future it will become the norm. Any violation or other similar problems will instantly make a person not entry.

If there are any good reasons, you can safely make a statement to the court, but it is highly recommended not to do this if there is no evidence that could affect the final decision. Of course, first you need to get official paper from the FMS, study the reason, find objective circumstances for reviewing the issue, and only then go to court.

ufms entry ban

Terms of consideration

According to the rules, government bodies can consider the basis for lifting the ban on entry into Russia (the CIS or any other countries - this is also not important here) for at least 30 days. There is no maximum term, so the problem can drag on for a very long time. The main thing in this is to clearly understand that any "intermediaries" or other similar individuals simply will not be able to make this permission before such a deadline. So you can’t believe them. And certainly you can’t give money, no matter how they convince you of a quick solution to the problem. As a rule, there will be no result, and the money spent will go in an unknown direction.

Prohibition Practice in World Politics

Starting from the same 2014, entry bans are used very often as sanctions. Mostly the United States and European countries in relation to the Russian Federation, but on the contrary it happens no less often. However, in reality, all this is nothing more than "window dressing." What is an insurmountable obstacle for an ordinary person, those in power do not interfere.

ban on entry to russia cis


The ban on entry of unwanted persons is used very widely, a similar practice has been known since ancient times. If some person did not please the ruler with something (in the old days) or violated the current legislation, he will be expelled from the country. Of course, provided that it would be more profitable than keeping him in custody and in the absence of other adequate corrective measures. There is nothing terrible or out of the ordinary in such prohibitions. The main thing is not to violate anything, then there will be no problems.


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