Home Furnishing - The Most Common Options

For a comfortable stay in your own home outside the city you need a cosiness that will help to create its interior decoration. Everyone carries out the construction of a country house in accordance with their ideas and the state of the wallet. But, perhaps, both of these are best suited to the new technologies of prefabricated frame houses, which are distinguished by their low cost and short terms of work on the internal arrangement of the premises.

frame house interior decoration


The interior decoration of the country house is simply necessary, at least in order to hide utilities and electrical wiring. At the same time, this will be its warming, elimination of various imperfections and shrinkage results, and, of course, it is needed to give the premises a certain style. The interior decoration of a frame house located outside the city can be done with lining, panels imitating timber, block house, drywall and ordinary plaster.

Lining application

The interior decoration of a house outside the city with a clapboard already once experienced a certain boom. And until now, this option remains popular for several reasons. Lining is a profile board made of natural wood - pine or spruce. Cladding the interior with clapboard is a very fast and convenient task. The result will be high-quality eco-friendly walls and floors, which will be easy to repair if necessary.

interior decoration of a country house

Timber Panels

Finishing with these panels is as convenient as finishing with clapboard. The outside of them imitates a bar. These panels can be treated with special coatings that give the wood a color and texture for any wood species. This is the cheapest finishing material.

Block House Application

A “block house” is a board whose outer side imitates a round log. This material will allow you to design the premises in the style of an old village house, which will give them a certain charm and comfort. The interior decoration of the house with a "block house" is as convenient as the decoration with clapboard. On the inside of each board there is a ventilation groove that will allow it to last longer. For the same purposes, the block-house board undergoes special production drying.

home decoration

Drywall Application

It is a versatile, economical and practical material. The interior decoration of the house with drywall will allow you to fulfill any desired room design. It is possible to glue wall-paper on drywall, cover it with plaster or paint it. The premises will have a fairly aesthetic appearance. In addition, in frame houses, he will play the role of insulation.


Modern methods of plastering allow you to give the rooms an interesting design and realize a wide variety of ideas. The interior decoration of the house with modern types of plaster not only serves as a protective coating, but also is a decorative finish. In these cases, a more complex work technology is used, since it is necessary to lay a layer of thermal insulation, reinforcement, and also provide a protective coating on the surface of the plaster.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9000/

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