Stars in the Rain: A Brief Summary of the Story

Summary of “Stars in the Rain” is able to tell the main idea of ​​the story Krapivina. A kind fairy tale about miracles, which we constantly forget among our gray everyday life, but which surround us everywhere. One has only to lend a hand - and the world will look completely different.

Weather vault

Summary of “Stars under” the rain will be small, but the work itself is small in volume.

stars in the rain summary

Stars in the rain! Has anyone observed such a phenomenon? It is unlikely that anyone would glance at the sky during the rain, right? But in vain! So much can be seen on the vault of heaven during inclement weather.

To see the stars in the rain is very romantic, beautiful. It seems that such a miracle exists only in a fairy tale. And ordinary people do not have time for such stupidity as looking at the sky. This is exactly what adults say, who drowned in the grayness of their usual everyday life.

Children's view of the world

A brief summary of “Stars in the Rain” introduces the reader to the main character of the work - a glorious boy who, more than anything else, wants to help people notice simple miracles, which are full around.

Summary of nettle stars in the rain

The main character is an ordinary child, a boy named Slavka. Slavka was distinguished by his curiosity and desire to learn as much as possible new. In his childish naivety, he believed in any miracles that could happen in this world. But the main difference between Slavka and other people was that he not only believed. He wanted to create miracles himself, giving people joy, so that others around them would begin to believe in a fairy tale that they met daily, but did not notice.

New discoveries

Summary of “Stars in the Rain” by Krapivin continues with a new idea that came to the mind of a young boy.

Once Slavka was visited by an extraordinary thought: everyone can see the stars around the clock. Do not believe? But the boy was able to prove this by inventing a very simple little thing. In order for people to be under the stars even during the day, Slavka pierced many small holes in the black umbrella.


A summary of the story “Stars in the Rain” should mention the unfair reaction of Mama Slavka to his new invention.

summary of a star's story in the rain

Despite the fact that Slavka undoubtedly created something new that could serve people for the benefit, her mother still punished the boy. But the protagonist did this solely from good intentions. Aunt, who came to visit the Slavkina family, instead of saving the boy from punishment, only supported her mother and even offered to come up with a punishment more severe. Everything that happened really upset Slavka. He did not agree with the justice of his punishment.

Consequences of injustice

Absolutely upset Slavka saw only one way out of this situation - flight. Offended by misunderstanding, the boy disappeared from home. He nevertheless decided to show his invention to the world, hoping that others would appreciate his work, that it would bring them joy.

Despite the boy’s hopes, not everyone appreciated his work. Only the captain understood it, who was soon to go on a journey in search of Antarctica. It was this man who accepted the boy’s invention, appreciating it. Only this person realized that the child really wants to show people that miracles are real. One has only to make a little effort to see them.


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