10 megalopolises with unbearable stuffiness and the hottest city in the world

Each of us must have suffered from heat. When there is literally nothing to breathe, you feel really unwell. But it immediately becomes easier when you find out what temperature the hottest city in the world can “boast”. Anyway, weather records suggest that the same 30-35 degrees of heat are not so bad.

the hottest city in the world

Absolute leader

Of course, you cannot say with certainty which megalopolis you can give such a title as the hottest city in the world. The weather is always relative. However, many sources claim that the hottest city in the world is El Paso. It is located in the USA, in the state of Texas. Its population is about 673 thousand people. In the era of the development of the Wild West, it was this city that was famous for a huge accumulation of robbers and adventurers.

It has a dry, hot and desert climate. Precipitation is very rare and mainly from July to September, when the monsoons operate. Summer is unbearably hot and winters are dry. The absolute maximum (according to statistics) is 45.6 degrees. This temperature was recorded in June. So far this is a record high. On average, the temperature is kept at 35 degrees all summer.

what is the hottest city in the world

This city is really too hot. No wonder it is also called the sweatiest. If you believe the calculations of scientists, then for 4 hours on the street, locals give off so much sweat that you can fill the Olympic pool.

Weather Records

Well, above it was told about the hottest city in the world. But that is not all. What about places that are not considered cities?

In 1913, on July 10, a temperature of 56.7 degrees was recorded on the Furnis Creek Ranch (Death Valley, California). In 1922, September 13, in El Azazia (Libya), a maximum of 58.2 ° C was recorded! This is a tiny place where about 4 thousand people live.

In 1942, on June 22, a temperature of 54 degrees Celsius was recorded in the religious kibbutz Tirat Zvi (Israel). About 700 people live there.

In the Australian town of Cloncurry, which has approximately 2,500 inhabitants, the temperature maximum was recorded on January 16, in 1889. It amounted to 53.3 degrees.

Other records

By the way, Antarctica also has its own temperature achievement. It’s not enough to surprise anyone with negative indicators if we talk about this continent, but you can tell about the “heat”. January 5, 1974 in Antarctica, at the Wanda station, a temperature of +15 degrees was recorded.

In South America, the record belongs to the Argentinean town of Rivadavia (48.9 degrees), and in Europe - the capital of Greece, Athens (48.0 ° C). The indicators were recorded on December 11, 1905 and July 10, 1977, respectively.

By the way, Russia also boasts a record. Temperature +45.4 ° was recorded in Kalmykia in 2010, July 12.

top hottest cities in the world

India, China and Mexico

Now it is worth discussing the top of the hottest cities in the world. As mentioned above, it is relative, since the weather is unstable.

The city of Chennai in India ranks 10th. Locals call this metropolis a "fire star", because in summer at least 35 degrees of heat reigns here. Plus, in this city there is high humidity. Not very pleasant climate. By the way, once the temperature maximum was recorded, and it amounted to 44.8 degrees. Surprisingly, it was not even June, but May. And there is no winter in Chennai. The absolute minimum that has ever been registered here was 13 degrees. And so, on average - somewhere around 23-25 ​​° C. Such is the winter in this city.

9th place is occupied by the Chinese metropolis of Wuhan. Due to the fact that there is high humidity (65% and even more), a 30-degree heat is felt at all +40 ° C.

And in 8th place - the Mexican city of Mexicali. The average temperature maximum here is about 42.2 degrees. And the minimum is about 25.6. Although once here they recorded a real “frost” of 6 degrees. Interestingly, in 1997 there was a heat of 54 ° C. And then all the vegetation, including trees, withered in this city.

Pakistan, Thailand and the USA

Listing further the list of the hottest cities in the world, it is worth paying attention to the 7th place of many ratings. And he is occupied by the Pakistani metropolis Lahore. The average maximum there is more than 40 degrees. And once, in 1955, they recorded +48.3 ° C. And in 2007, almost the same temperature prevailed in this city, only 0.3 degrees less.

list of the hottest cities in the world

6th place is occupied by Thai Bangkok. This city has a subequatorial climate. And even if the absolute maximum is only 40.2 degrees, it is felt at all 50. All because of the incredible humidity. It is so great here that going to the shower is simply pointless. If you want to see the sights, then it is better to go in the winter. In December, for example. When there is only 30 degrees.

And the 5th place is occupied by the city of Phoenix from Arizona. For 110 days a year (about a third), at least +38 ° C reigns here. Yes, this is not the hottest city in the world, but staying here is not easy.

At the top of the top

The fourth place is taken by Dubai. It is definitely not worth going there in late spring and until mid-autumn, since in these places there is a heat of 35 degrees even at night. Even going to the beach and swimming will not save, since the water has a body temperature. Could not cool.

Third place goes to Iraqi Baghdad. The maximum average temperature here is +44 ° C. If you add to this the unbearably baking sun and dust storms, you get hell. And here there is practically no rainfall. Sometimes it seems that Baghdad is the hottest city in the world.

In second place is Kuwait. This place has a desert climate. Therefore, it is not surprising that the temperature often reaches 55 degrees. And it's in the shade.

the hottest city in the world el paso

And the first place goes to the Iranian metropolis called Ahwaz. If we talk about what is the hottest city in the world, then, perhaps, it will be fair to name it. After all, this metropolis is in the desert. And here, in the order of things, the temperature regime is 40-50 degrees. Moreover, this is also one of the 10 most dirty cities in the world.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9013/

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