Ventilation in the apartment

Recently, ventilation in the apartment and everything connected with it has become increasingly important. And then it might seem, why is it needed at all? After all, you can simply open the window and ventilate. But the question arises: is it always possible to open windows for ventilation? And is the air that comes from the street clean? In apartments, dust and other pollution gradually accumulate, which has a strong effect on well-being. If the apartment has double-glazed windows, then it turns into a sealed container, the air in which is completely closed. The problem is partially eliminated thanks to wet cleaning. Another point is the ventilation in the apartment, designed during the construction of the entire residential building. It is unlikely that the ventilation shafts at least once were cleaned. This becomes the reason that they serve as an additional source of pollution of the apartment. If you constantly breathe such air, then your working capacity and immunity will suffer greatly, sleep will worsen and headaches will appear.

Ventilation in the apartment is simply necessary if you want to constantly feel good and be efficient.

There are several ventilation methods. You can consider them.

Supply ventilation is designed to supply fresh air from the street. Most often, there is no need to replace balcony blocks or windows for its installation. This type of ventilation eliminates many troubles associated with fogging of windows and the appearance of mold. This is especially true for apartments located on the ground floors of buildings, as well as for apartments located on the north side. Thanks to the supply ventilation, the room temperature can be significantly reduced, but with normal heating, you should not be afraid of the cold. There is no problem with sound insulation, since this type of ventilation is necessarily equipped with a soundproof visor. Such systems are necessarily equipped with filters, which eliminates dust particles.

Exhaust ventilation in the apartment is based on the principle of removing contaminated air through the influx of air from the street. Efficient operation is ensured if the volume of removed air is compensated by a similar volume of supply. But such systems in their pure form are currently extremely rare. The most popular and common type is the supply and exhaust ventilation in the apartment, displacing all other types. This method provides an effective air outlet to the street and replacing it with fresh. Such installations are easy to assemble and install. Such a system may include various elements that allow for additional comfort for living.

The supply and exhaust ventilation has a number of advantages. It provides the premises with fresh air, while removing waste. Such ventilation systems process air in full accordance with the individual settings of users: they heat, moisturize, and ionize. If you use special boxes, you can significantly reduce the noise level. A multi-stage filtration system will provide protection against dust and insects, which is simply invaluable in the summer.

Of course, this type of ventilation is a complex engineering device that can only be installed by a specialist. The installation process of ventilation should be carried out by persons with special licenses, and capable of realizing the task in full compliance with the requirements of the relevant authorities. As you know, ventilation in the apartment is simply necessary, but you can not rely on outdated systems that were installed during the construction of many houses, it is important to take care of installing the most modern system.


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