Minecraft Matter: Its Capabilities and Creation

Today we’ll talk about what Minecraft is and what this substance is used for. This resource is very expensive, but without it it is impossible to get some of the rarest elements.


matter minecraft
You should know that the Minecraft material is extracted according to a special recipe. You can create it only through a special generator. It also needs to be initially designed. To produce a unit of matter, it will take a lot of energy - 1 million. Very high price, since the last resource is also very difficult to obtain. At the same time, one cannot acquire a number of rare elements without matter. Among them: a unique mycelium that allows you to grow a huge mushroom; iridium; pure lava; water sources. Everything that was mentioned above can be obtained only through a pure substance, so it must be created.

Matter "Minecraft": craft with her participation

First of all, from this resource you can create quite useful and simple objects. These include: latex, cocoa beans, stone brick, sugarcane, glass, ink bag, rubber, feather, bone, creeper, white wool, coal, cactus, mossy cobblestone, water, grass and snow. Minecraft also provides a number of useful resources. Among them: flint, emerald, ruby, earth, sand, gunpowder, diamond, gold, iron, tin, copper ore, red dust, obsidian, lapis lazuli, hellish (luminous and ordinary) stone, sandstone, wood. Most of these resources can be found in finished form, but if there is no time for this, then matter will help to create them. Such recipes cannot be called profitable, therefore, the manufacture of the listed resources should be addressed in case of special need. To reduce the cost of the production of matter as a source of energy should use recycled materials. This approach will save a lot.

Matter generator

matter minecraft crafting
We will definitely need this device for the manufacture of the necessary resource. This is a special unit that allows the production of matter. To create it, the following resources are needed: coal (32), rubber (24), red dust (24), iron ore (13), copper ore (11), ultramarine (10), light dust (8), tin ore (5) diamond (1). The generator, like Minecraft itself, is available only in a special modification of Industrial Craft 2. Such a mechanism is capable of directly accepting all types of electricity coming from any of the high voltage transformers or ECHO energy storage device.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9017/

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