Who helped Tiny-Havroshechka fulfill the vagaries of the hostess

"Little Havroshechka" is a fairy tale that is known to many, if not all. Processed folk fantasy A. N. Tolstoy. But there is an option retold by A. Afanasyev. The editors of Aleksey Nikolaevich are more popular. He was generally a great storyteller.

who helped little hawrochek

The etymology of the nickname

Who is Tiny-Havroshechka and what is the name of the main character talking about? One critic wrote that this is a little dirty girl. Obviously, he is right. This is our Cinderella. It is difficult to assume that the nickname Havroshechka did not come from the word "sow". Peppa’s pig is eating ice cream in a cafe now, and in ancient times they called her a hardworking orphan a pig only because all the dirty housework was on her shoulders and she slept in the most unsanitary nook and crannies and processors of Russian folk tales. And just Khavroshechka does not sound so kindly and not with such sympathy as Tiny-Khavroshechka. A fairy tale already has its own name for future readers to the main character.

Tiny Hawroshka Fairy Tale

Fairy tale characters

What is a fairy tale? There are many definitions. We can say that this work, usually in prose (especially folklore), with a happy ending and magical content. As a rule, a fairy tale is designed for a children's audience. There is a beautiful sculpture of I. Gunzburg, which is called the "Tale". Quite a lot of folklorists have studied this genre; a generally accepted classification of fairy tales has been compiled. According to her, "Tiny-Khavroshechka" is a Russian fairy tale. How is it arranged? All fairy-tale characters are divided into types. In every fairy tale, in addition to good and evil characters, there are wizards or magic items, there are donors or wonderful helpers. The tale is so arranged that someone or something helps the good hero to defeat evil, and evil must be punished.

Villains and Good Helpers

It so happened that in many Russian (and not only) tales, evil personifies the stepmother. The image has become a household word. But in our case, strangers took an orphan, raised and tortured them with work. The mistress is very angry, the old husband is an obedient tool in her hands. The master's daughters, as in the fairy tale "Cinderella", are also carriers of evil. But who helped Tiny-Havroshechka? Cow Burenushka. The image is beloved, popular and common. A cow is the only thing the poor thing has in this world, everyone offends her, and only Burenushka listens, regrets and helps.

Classic homemade

tiny havroshechka fairy tale russian
Who helped Tiny-Havroshechka wash floors, cook or wash? No one. It can be assumed that the girl grew up beautiful - otherwise why would the mistress be so bleached and not appreciate the free labor? True, she was not very lucky with her daughters - the first was with one eye, the third was a happy owner of as many as three. It should be noted that the main intrigue of the fairy tale is built on this non-standard appearance of the daughters. The feisty witch-mistress ordered Khavroshechka, in addition to all other work, to wove the canvases, bleach it and roll it into rolls. Here is such a whim. The girl understood the unreality of the order and ran to cry to the cow in the wool. But the hostess also understood the impracticability of the task, because immediately after receiving the first batch of the canvas, she preoccupied herself with the question of who helped Kroshechka-Khavroshechka? In order to clarify it, she ordered the maidservant to weave the canvases even more and sent Odnoglazka to follow the process.

Fatal absent-mindedness of the main character

Burenushka (and it’s obvious that she is a kind sorceress) taught Khavroshchechka how to euthanize a spy. Again the mistress was left with nothing - the only peephole closed under tender persuasion. The story was completely repeated with Dvuglazgoy. But with Three-Eyes, the number did not come out, because Khavrochechka forgot about the third eye and did not say the magic spell “Sleep on the eye!”. This is the culmination of a fairy tale - the mistress of the daughter who has all looked up with a third eye and finds out who helped Kroshechka-Khavroshechka and how. Probably, the very fact that the orphan did not do anything, but just got into one ear of a cow and got out of another and gathered ready-made rolls, brought the possessed to a state of affect, otherwise why would she kill a magic sorceress who would weave and weave?

Happy fairytale ending

Tiny Hawroshek Author

The obedient grandfather immediately ran to sharpen his knives, and Khavroshechka cried to Burenushka. One can understand a girl - again to remain alone in the midst of hatred and anger, in addition, lose his savior and girlfriend. It is a pity that the cow sacrificed itself. But then, a fairy tale tree grows from the bones of the Burenushka in the garden - golden branches, silver leaves. And here a new hero appears - a strong man. Obviously, he was predicted that the girl who would treat him with a bulk apple from a magic tree would be a good wife for him. It is clear that the ugly master daughters of the golden twigs all six eyes and tear. Yablochka handed the strong man Tiny-Khavroshechka. The author of a folk tale leads us to a happy ending - good is awarded, and evil is punished, because it is hard to imagine that the mistress and her daughters survived the wedding of Khavrochechka. And how the neighbors laughed! The fairy tale, both in the version of A. Tolstoy and in the presentation by A. Afanasyev, is written in a bewitching language, it is filled, as someone said, with “poetic lace of sayings” that have become part of everyday language.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F902/

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