How to make beautiful beds with your own hands?

When it comes to land planning, each gardener first of all thinks about how to create the most suitable conditions for plants. Clear even beds with vegetable crops, cultivated land between rows, fresh bushes after timely watering - this is what people are accustomed to seeing in well-groomed areas. Not so long ago, the trend in this regard has changed.

Modern farmers are gradually moving away from the usual method of planting plants. The combination of agricultural techniques with design ideas to give an esthetic appearance to the estate is gaining more and more popularity. In the article we will talk about how to make a beautiful garden bed from improvised materials.

The importance of a competent approach

Creating a picturesque garden, you need to be cautious and not go to extremes. It is important not to get carried away with its design so as to miss the most important thing. Indeed, the type of construction you choose will determine how the cultures growing in them develop. The size and depth of the isolated areas can significantly affect soil moisture and gas exchange processes. Important is their location, as well as the composition of the soil. Therefore, the decorative design should also be practical. First of all, gardeners need to think about how to properly and beautifully make beds. To do this, you must follow a number of agrotechnical rules:

  • The area reserved for planting vegetables needs to be divided into small areas for future plants. Their shapes can be very different: rectangular, square, in the form of rabatki and even zigzag.
  • Each individual sector should be used for its intended purpose. You immediately need to decide where and what plants will grow. All cultures develop in different ways, so special attention should be paid to soil preparation. It is important to take care of the composition of the soil, especially for more demanding crops. This can be partially done before the construction of the box, and after it is ready, add the rest of the earth.
  • The decoration of land sectors always involves a combination of vegetable crops. The first thing you need to carefully study the issue of combining them - their positive and negative impact on each other.
  • To ensure that plants receive a sufficient amount of light and heat, experienced gardeners practice multi-level planting. Vegetables are placed according to their needs: high closer to the north, and low - on the south side. Their transition should be gradual, with the arrival of the amount of sunlight.

If you do not have creative abilities, then the photos provided in our article will tell you how to beautifully make beds in the garden. Using the ideas of professional designers, you can organize and equip your estate well. Based on what materials you have, you need to choose the type of design.

How to make beautiful beds in the garden


Ready-made boxes for growing vegetables can be bought at gardening stores. The original and productive section is easy to create on your own. How to make a beautiful garden and from what material, you decide. In warm boxes, the earth warms up faster, and the heat lasts longer. They do not have to be wooden. The main fences are selected depending on the type of agriculture and the overall design. For their arrangement it is used: small logs, slate, brick, wood, boxes, stones, plastic bottles. How to make beautiful beds in the garden using these materials?

Insulated sections with high sides are more suitable for the ecological method of growing plants. This is a natural type of gardening, in which you do not need to dig up the soil and apply chemicals. High boxes will need to be periodically replenished with organic matter, humus and peat. With such elements, the garden will look neat and dirt will not spread along the paths. In the cold season, they can easily be turned into greenhouses by installing metal arcs on them. If necessary, a film is applied to them.

How to make beautiful beds, photos

Types of designs

How to make beautiful beds on a problem site with your own hands? In gardens with a slope, step elements can be constructed. Boxes with soil are placed perpendicular to the slope. This method will provide the plants with uniform moisture and protect against flushing during heavy rainfall. If you look at such a structure from the lowest level, you can see a kind of motley staircase. Thus, the flaws of your landscape will turn into an incomparable design that will make a lasting impression on your guests.

In certain places it would be nice to make several vertical sections. They are best made of wood. This idea will bring a special twist to your estate. In addition, they are ergonomic, they can be brought into the room if necessary.

If you plan to grow plants in lazy beds, then the sides can be made low. For such purposes, it is better to use slate or bricks. Smooth frames made of natural stone will look harmonious if the aisles are filled with tree bark. And since one of the principles of lazy planting is mulching, a layer of straw or sawdust will give the overall picture naturalness. Ideally, fences and sides should be combined with the overall landscape of the site.

To rationally equip a small area, sections must be placed compactly. Pendant original designs from boxes and plastic bottles are suitable here. The beds can be arranged in areas intended for recreation.

How beautifully to make beds in the garden, photo


No matter how amazing your buildings look, if it is difficult to look after them, it will not bring satisfaction. When caring for vegetables, the gardener should experience joy and a sense of comfort. Otherwise, the efforts that were made in the arrangement of the estate will be in vain. Therefore, it will be appropriate to discuss how to make comfortable and beautiful beds. It would be nice to make a drawing of future elements and calculate their parameters according to the size of the entire garden. There are no special instructions in this regard, the main thing is to provide an approach to plants from all sides. The optimal dimensions of isolated structures:

  • The width of the sections located in the garden varies from 100 to 150 cm. It is worth considering the nuance that you will need to reach the middle.
  • The wall element is measured in the range of 60-80 cm. It should be checked whether it will be possible to freely care for the stands on the opposite side.
  • The ideal distance between the boxes is 60 cm. Narrow passages create a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes bushes of plants grow and extend beyond the boundaries of structures. In addition to reducing the size of the workplace, there is a danger of damaging the culture.
  • The length of the beds is a free parameter, which is not required. It all depends on personal preferences. On a large plot, an insulated section in the form of a rabatka will look good.

If you pre-create a project on paper with an image of how beautifully to make beds in the garden, a photo can be a timely clue. There are no too wide structures on them, as well as narrow aisles. They perfectly illustrate the combination of agricultural technology with the decorative design of plantings.

Photo: how to make beautiful beds with your own hands

Standard option

The arrangement of beds is best done in the fall. If the site is not damp, and it does not flood with water, then the work can be left until spring. Summer residents without experience can not always navigate, with which work begins in the garden. How to make beautiful beds to a person who was previously far from agriculture? You can start with the simplest design provided below.

  • Considering the dimensions given above, a trench 0.5 m deep is dug. If the place allows, it is better to make it more authentic.
  • A foundation is installed around the entire perimeter. The material used is stones, slate or bricks. The original solution will be a frame built of logs. Ideally, its height should be about 40-60 cm. The inside of the rim is covered with polyethylene.
  • An iron net is placed at the bottom of the trench, which will serve as protection against rodents.
  • The lower layer of soil is created from sawdust, thin branches of trees, cardboard and bushes of vegetable crops. Subsequently, he crosses and turn into a homogeneous mass. From above you need to fill the earth and pour water.
  • The last layer is enriched with mineral fertilizers and mixed with manure and peat. Then any mulching material is applied.
How to make comfortable and beautiful beds

Decor Elements

If you do not know how to make a beautiful garden, use the advice of professional gardeners.

  • The elements of high decorativeness include trellis. The presence of these items means planting flowers in the garden. Tied, climbing plants will go well with tomato bushes.
  • A special touch is made by green fences from plants. Usually for such purposes low-growing crops are planted.
  • You need to experiment mixed landings. Bold decisions will give your site a special look. The main thing is to choose cultures according to the rules of combination.
  • Separate beds are created from old stumps and wide logs. The trunk of a felled tree can be placed horizontally, filled with soil and plant seedlings in it.
How to make beds correctly and beautifully

Amazing plant combinations

When the structures of the isolated sections are ready, the next step in the design lesson will be their design. You can think, focusing on the photo, how to make beautiful beds with your own hands with contrasting color schemes. Some of the pictures presented in the review show that a plant such as salad is used to decorate the boxes. This is the most unpretentious culture, which is well adjacent to many types of vegetables.

Fresh greens are always necessary to the table. It would be nice to create a motley section of different types of herbs and salad. In this case, it is better to combine varieties with different ripening dates. In order to make the ornament from the plants clear, you should make a markup and put temporary landmarks in the form of battens or wooden planks. Plants are planted strictly according to the pattern in sequential order.

Due to the fact that there are many types of lettuce, of different colors, they create peculiar combinations from it, for example, in combination with cabbage. It can be made the main plant in the garden. To make the section look interesting, cabbage is planted in the form of triangular islands, between which a zigzag line of lettuce is formed. This should be done in such a way that from all sides there is free space for other plantings. A fringing of two rows of lettuce is created along the edge, preferably with a strongly pronounced contrast.

In order not to think for a long time how beautiful it is to make beds from vegetables, take the photos presented in our article as a guide to action. And remember: any crop can be planted with salad. It can be alternated with mint, chamomile, and flowers.

Bed for strawberries

Strawberries have always belonged to the category of berries, which are well adjacent to vegetable crops. Therefore, she can rightly be called the queen of the garden. How to make a beautiful bed for strawberries?

The most popular way is to plant strawberries on well-fertilized soil, alternating it with garlic. In this case, some nuances must be taken into account. Strawberries do not tolerate the proximity of groundwater. For this reason, you need to choose a higher box for her. Berries should not be planted after cucumbers, eggplant and tomatoes. Since we are talking about plant design, a border of irises is suitable for strawberries. Next to them, she will be less sick, bear fruit well and delight the eye with a delightful combination of flowers in the spring.

How to make beautiful beds with your own hands

Coniferous trees have a beneficial effect on the garden berry. Against the background of pines and firs, the section with strawberries will look great. By the way, you can create a layer of mulch from the needles, thanks to which the berries remain intact and will not rot. If you install supports on both sides of the bed and put whips with clematis on them, then over time it will grow, and the overall picture will be vibrant and vibrant. Along the perimeter of the box, you can plant low perennial flowers, and in several places bushes with fern and compositions of rhododendrons.

Layered structures for strawberries can be the pride of your estate. For adherents of rural style, the wicker basket section is an ideal option. The lower one should be voluminous enough so that 3-4 more elements can be installed on it and plant a number of strawberry bushes around the entire circumference. Since there is little space left in the baskets for planting other plants, such structures need to be installed where bright flowers grow more.

Insulated sections for gardening

The traditional method of cultivating plants is not particularly cost-effective in suburban areas. In addition to the fact that people with country estates are trying to get a good crop of vegetables, they also want to relax. To save themselves from the laborious process, many gardeners became interested in the ecological method of growing plants. How you can create an organic trench, we have already described. Now we’ll talk about how to make a beautiful garden bed at the cottage with your own hands, or rather, how to give the finished box an aesthetic look.

Decorating sections with vegetables is best done with flowers that repel pests. For example, calendula is well planted with eggplant. Marigolds contribute to the healing of tomato bushes, and basil perfectly adjacent to pepper.

You can arrange a vertical bed near the wall. This is a very compact and decorative option for the design of suburban areas. But it will be practical only if the open side is fully accessible to direct sunlight. In the center are established supports for climbing plants, for example, small varieties of watermelons, cucumbers or tall tomatoes. Closer to the side sown aromatic herbs.

For beans and peas, you can make a vertical fixture from a wide sewer plastic pipe. Using a drill, you need to drill round holes in a checkerboard pattern. Then the pipe is filled with soil and digged into the ground a little. Seedlings or legumes are planted in the gaps with the soil. From these elements, you can create entire columns and paint them in different colors. If you make the pipes white and spread them, you get a unique imitation of a birch grove.

Perhaps you have already decided for yourself how to make beautiful beds in the country. Photos with ready-made unusual solutions can give impetus to new ideas. Combining your own ideas with well-thought-out elements of experienced designers, you will create a site of extraordinary beauty.


We hope that our article will help you in the embodiment of a bold and unique own project. But remember: when thinking about your venture on how to make a beautiful garden, do not forget about the rules of agricultural technology.


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