Why do birds migrate. Which birds are migratory, and which are settled

If we talk about which birds are migratory and which are not, we can devote an entire article to this, which we would not want to do, since it seems to us that the very process of animal migration, as well as its different versions, are much more interesting to describe than to list migratory birds , which include swallows, cranes, storks, ducks and other feathered creatures. Their arrival marks the onset of spring, and therefore, in the near future and summer!

which birds are migratory
Previously, people had fun in honor of this, spent holidays, because the new season is a fresh and rich harvest!

Everyone knows ... the Bible!

The Bible mentions the time of arrival of birds, which birds are migratory. It also speaks of simply gigantic invasions of locusts, which was named as the eighth execution of Egypt. After all, the locusts completely for several days (to be exact, then three) enveloped the Egyptian lands. They couldn’t escape from it anywhere: neither in houses, nor in the mountains! All this speaks only about one thing: the texts of the Bible are one of the first written documents that describe the migration of animals and birds!

Which migratory birds saved the Israelites, and where did the fish disappear?

Hungry, exhausted, feeble Israelites were dying in the desert ... According to the Book of Numbers, they saved them from starvation by a flock of migratory quails, which were nailed to the ground by a strong wind.

what migratory birds
It is important that when the Old Testament speaks of animal migrations, the regularity of this phenomenon, which is an important part of the life of animals and birds, is constantly emphasized. By the way, these seasonal phenomena appeared not only in the air and on land, but also in the seas, lakes and rivers. At that time, people could not understand where, at a certain time of the year, fish disappear, and why they appear again after a few months. Eternal questions about what it is, why and how it happens, which birds are migratory, and which are sedentary, have seriously excited the brain and imagination of ancient people. They just had to finally get all the clues!

Versions, conjectures, facts ...

The great scientist and philosopher Aristotle in one of his books tried to explain such behavior of animals and birds. For several thousand years this version has been undeniable. In principle, his views contained both true facts and personal guesses and considerations that were not true.

migratory birds in spring
He precisely divided all animals and birds into those migrating at a certain time of the year and settled (those who do not go anywhere for the winter). For example, he accurately explained not only which birds were migratory, and which did not fly away, remaining to winter in place, but also gave examples of them, which indicates his attentiveness when observing the behavior of living creatures. For example, pelicans, swallows, cranes migrate. At the same time, Aristotle emphasized that birds flying from the cold to the heat are much fatter than those flying from the south to the north! Subsequently, his observations were fully confirmed.

Other versions, opinions, conjectures appeared ... There were absolutely fantastic theories. For example, that birds fly away to winter on ... the moon! But how then to be little birds, because the path to the moon, to put it mildly, is not close. They explained it this way: small species of birds exploit large ones as "public transport". In general, be that as it may, and migratory birds returning to their native lands in spring are an indisputable sign of the onset of warm days, a new harvest and, in general, a great summer mood!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9051/

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