Clinker tile laying - technology secrets

Clinker tiles are a modern decoration material - an ideal solution for arranging the adjacent territory and decorating facades. Its main advantages can be safely attributed high technical characteristics (resistance to thermal and atmospheric effects), a variety of design solutions, ease of installation and subsequent care.

Laying clinker tiles has a number of features that any master needs to know. The work does not require the use of special equipment, so it can be done without the help of professionals. However, accurate adherence to the technology is the key to the durability of the coating.

Installation of clinker tiles begins with the preparation of the base, which should be perfectly smooth and clean. First of all, surfaces are cleaned of dust, dirt, traces of oil paint, grease, rust, lime. The presence of voids, cracks or loose elements will eventually lead to destruction or expansion of the coating. Therefore, in advance it is necessary to take care of their sealing with special solutions for leveling or putty mixture. On top of this, the base is coated with an additional primer layer, which increases the adhesion of the materials.

Then proceed to sorting the material. As a rule, even tiles from the same batch have a slight discrepancy in color. Therefore, it is recommended to pre-mix the tiles from all the boxes and test masonry.

The next stage is the preparation and application of an adhesive or cement mixture.
If the laying of clinker tiles is not done by a specialist, it is better to prefer the first option. On the packaging of tile adhesive there is an instruction for use, which must be observed with accuracy. To get a homogeneous mixture without lumps, it is most convenient to use a drill with a special nozzle. The finished solution is left for 15 minutes to completely dissolve all components, then mix again.

The mortar is applied with a layer of at least 4 cm, then it is leveled with a spatula, cement powder is applied over the layer. Then the clinker tiles are laid, followed by their moistening. The finished masonry is covered with plastic wrap.

When facing the walls, the finished adhesive is applied to a small area - up to one square meter, since it retains its properties for about 10-30 minutes. This indicator depends on temperature and humidity, as well as on the type of substrate. If the solution has dried up, it must be removed and a new coat applied.

The next stage is the formation of seams. It is not recommended to start it immediately after the masonry is finished. A firm grip on the surface requires at least 24 hours. Grouts of the appropriate color are used to fill the joints. The necessary tools are a rubber spatula or a special grater.

The dry mixture is diluted with water and allowed to stand, after which it is thoroughly mixed. The resulting solution with the help of tools is injected deep into the seams, the excess is removed with a hard moistened sponge.

In the event that the clinker tile is laid in places where there are windows, doors, utilities pipes, door frames, silicone or polyurethane sealants are used to fill the temperature joints .

The final stage of work is the cleaning of the finished coating. Cement deposits, traces of glue and other contaminants can be removed using a special fluid. Well-proven products are "Powerfix" and "Helotil". You need to work with them in protective gloves.

To protect unglazed tiles from adverse effects, its surface is also coated with water-repellent compounds such as Lotus Effekt.


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