Proverbs of Honor. Why is it so important to protect honor from a young age?

Proverbs about honor are very diverse. All of them are unanimous that honor is a positive quality. Mind, conscience and truthfulness are attached to it. We will analyze the concept of honor given in proverbs and sayings. The aphorism of national production will be used as material: “Take care of honor from a young age” (proverb).

Habit is a great thing

proverbs of honor

It is believed that a person gets used to something in two weeks. For example, you do not like to take vitamins every day. Overpower yourself for two weeks, and you will not be able to live for one day, so as not to drink anything useful. So a habit is formed. Someone will ask, and proverbs about honor have to do with it? Dear reader, have patience, everything will be clear very soon.

The same goes for more energy-intensive enterprises: reading or the habit of physically training. Man is an animal, with certain reservations, of course. Compared to other animals, he is the stepson of nature. He has no claws, instincts are poorly developed. In short, he was abandoned by mother nature to his fate and forced to take care of himself. Instead of instincts, reason is given to man . He is our brother and arranges for himself not only a natural, but also, in some way, artificial, cultural life. Although scientists are now arguing about what is primary in man, his nature or his culture. It seems that this debate develops great thinking, but has no answer.

Honor as a positive quality

And then the human mind, which oversees all social life, once generated an idea that proverbs about honor broadcast to us (“you can’t get honor without labor”; “everyone is honest with his merits”; “keep your clothes on again and your honor from youth”). From this we can conclude that they speak exclusively of positive quality, and decency requires a certain moral tension and habit. Now, we think, it is clear why it is necessary to protect honor from a young age. Because you need to have a developed, trained propensity for this.

Honor is seen as a positive quality of a person, because it shows others that its bearer has some moral convictions. In addition, you can rely on him and hope for his help. In other words, a man of honor is a reliable comrade and ally. With him it is quite possible to go into reconnaissance. Proverbs of honor pursue a noble purpose. They are aimed at making an ideal out of each. However, stop singing glorifying hymns of honor. Let us consider better the case when integrity is to the detriment.

Love for honor as a vice

take care of the honor from childhood

We could have made a mental cruise during the time of chivalry and said that many brave men were killed because of their integrity, but we will not do this.

Instead, we turn to Hollywood, beloved by all of us, and recall the trilogy “Back to the Future” and its main character, Marty McFly. He is a vivid example of how a hypertrophied self-esteem can ruin a person’s life forever. Recall that Marty was very sensitive to the opinions of others about himself. More specifically, in a terrible dream he saw people laughing at him and calling him a coward.

Of course, while Marty and Doc were traveling, the young man matured and formed morally. Moreover, he was indelibly impressed by the meeting with his ancestors, who told him about the fate of his distant relative - Marty. Yes, the relative of the protagonist was called the same as himself. So, this Marty, who was born in the Wild West, was shot dead precisely because he was afraid of the same thing as the famous schoolboy, namely: what people would think and what they would say.

The proverb “Better death than shame” (also included in the body of texts with the general name “Proverbs of Honor”) would fit perfectly with him. He chose death, and a distant descendant from the future with the same name is life. Here is such an instructive story. If someone has not watched or watched this wonderful film for a long time, which turned 30 this year, we strongly recommend that you look at least with one eye.


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