The term for the return of goods under the law on consumer protection. All you need to know about returning goods of appropriate and inadequate quality

The deadline for the return of goods according to the law of the ZoZPP was edited in Federal Law No. 2 as amended from 2018. The legislative act regulates relations between the parties, obliges sellers to take back products or return money at the request of the buyer, if it does not correspond to the quality. Implementers also have their rights and may not agree with consumer complaints when failures are their fault. The time limit for returning a product is legally limited, depending on the type of product purchased.

Clothes and shoes

Reason for return

The law, which is intended to protect the rights of consumers, is actually designed to comply with the interests of all parties. In life, such situations occur that sellers simply need a legal tool to use it from dishonest buyers. In any case, your dissatisfaction with the purchased product must be justified. The deadline for the return of goods under the law in some situations regulates the relationship. Products can be purchased both appropriate and inappropriate for quality, but can be returned in both cases.

Shop in the city

How to exchange quality products

Shoes or a dress are returned if there are no flaws when the buyer only at home noticed:

  • size is smaller, shoes are tight;
  • the item does not match the style, does not fit the rest of the wardrobe in color;
  • I don’t like the form.

Even if the deadline for returning the goods according to the law is 14 days, after the acquisition it is necessary to provide the following conditions:

  • new, unworn items to be transferred;
  • keep a good presentation without scratches and breakages;
  • Do not change the packaging, packaging, labels.

If the buyer has managed within 2 weeks after the purchase, as stipulated by the deadline for returning the goods according to the law in Article 25, which protects the rights of consumers, to return to the store a good thing, but not suitable for personal reasons, the seller should accept it without problems.

In what order do they act

To ask for an exchange or return of quality products, the following conditions must be observed:

  • requirements are presented only at the point of sale at which the thing was acquired;
  • if shoes are purchased, then it should be changed to a similar look - it is impossible to wear a coat;
  • You can return a good thing if exchange is impossible for objective reasons.

The law on the consumer and the return of goods on time provides for the regulation of relations on both sides. When a client asks for a quality product, you can get money for it, but only if there is no similar product. You need to know: the store does not provide rental products for several days.

Boxes with goods

Flawed product return

It is the consumer’s right to demand a replacement or refund for a defective purchase. The law refers to the term on inadequate product quality, which means that the characteristic does not comply with the instructions in the instructions or sales agreements. A purchased household appliance is considered improper if its functions do not all work, are detected during home use, and the seller did not warn about shortcomings when making a purchase. The term for returning goods, according to the law on the protection of consumer rights, depends on the type of product. If this is a technical device, there must be a warranty period, and it must be observed during the transfer.

Features of defective products

The buyer must carefully treat the purchased equipment or things in which breakages are detected. If the item was damaged during the period of poor transportation or was dropped at home, the reason will not work, even if the terms for returning the goods to the store are legally consistent. Equipment with complex specifications must be returned within 15 days and no later. Consumers should be wary of purchases on sales and stocks. The seller is trying to sell defective products that are defective. It is the seller’s responsibility to warn customers of the reasons for the deduction, and when the acquirer obviously accepts such conditions, it is incorrect to file a claim.

Children's department

What are the options for compensation?

The deadline for the return of money for a product is 3 days if it is found to be of inadequate quality. The consumer can agree with the seller on one of the options:

  • to give an unusable thing, in return to receive its value;
  • exchange for another brand, in this case one of the parties compensates for the money, if the new item is more expensive, the consumer pays extra when the device is cheaper - the seller must return the funds;
  • repair the device at the expense of the store;
  • pay the buyer the cost of restoring the instrument;
  • reduce the price of the item with a breakdown, return the difference.

It is possible to return a thing with a breakdown if the seller agrees with the evidence provided.

Standards Overview

What is the legal deadline for the return of goods?

  • Article 18 reflects the provisions for identified technical defects where the period is limited to a guarantee, at this time you can get money, replace it with a similar device;
  • Article 19 indicates the time period for submitting a claim for a discovered defect, if there is no guarantee, the operating time should not exceed 2 years;
  • Article 22 recommends contacting within 10 days in order to warn the seller of non-compliance of the product with the conditions of purchase;
  • Article 25 confirms the possibility of exchanging quality products within 2 weeks;
  • Article 26.1 describes the procedure for returning items purchased in online stores, the law provides 7 days for this.

If it is not possible to verbally agree with the distributor, he is served with a statement written in arbitrary form indicating the reasons for his dissatisfaction with the products.

City supermarket

In what order do they act

In the regions and Moscow, the deadline for returning goods according to the law is no different; buyers have to proceed with actions in the following order:

  • make sure that there is a right to this, the item is not damaged through its own fault;
  • come to the same store where the purchase was made;
  • if the seller does not make concessions, it is necessary to draw up a written claim in 2 copies, one to transfer with an indication of the date to the seller;
  • Find out in what order the application will be considered.

The store may require inspection of the item prepared for return. The conclusion must be made in writing with the signature of the participants. In a controversial situation, expertise is needed.

Selection of things


The conflict between the parties arises in the event of disagreement about the sale of goods in poor condition. An independent examination will help to resolve the issue of justice, show when the damage was caused. If the seller refuses to confirm the quality with such a check, actions can be carried out unilaterally. By court order, if the claim is satisfied, all costs to the buyer will be reimbursed. The result of expert research will clarify the cause of the malfunctions, in what period they were committed. Typically, implementers do not bring the conflict to litigation. Nobody needs a loss of money, time, image.

What products do not change

The Law on the Right of Return of Goods confirms, together with Government Decree No. 55, special products that are prohibited from being returned or changed. The list is developed and approved by law, it consists of a wide range. It includes items:

  • medications;
  • cosmetics, perfumes;
  • textile;
  • cables and wire;
  • construction, decoration materials;
  • household chemical supplies;
  • hunting rifles;
  • books.

Elements that are included in the government list cannot be exchanged, but their non-compliance with the standards does not relieve the manufacturer and the seller.

Commodity production

Exchange Rules

The speed of exchanging or receiving money for returned products depends on the time of making such a request. It is not worth delaying the return, so that there are fewer disputes with the seller. Any complaint requires documentary evidence, so the consumer will have to prepare:

  • payment receipts, checks, warranty cards;
  • identification;
  • pack in the box in which the item was sold;
  • attach documents to the application.

The complaint should be written in a free style, detailing the reasons that influenced the return of the product purchased in the store. The content consists of the following items:

  • Buyer's full name and contacts;
  • passport details;
  • product name with a list of accompanying documentation;
  • indicate the grounds, describe the breakdown, indicate inconsistencies with the instructions;
  • the method of receiving compensation is in the form of money, replacement with an equivalent device.

The document is signed, put the number of its compilation, as an example.

Sample Claim

If the parties agree on an exchange without submitting written statements, then the dispute will be resolved peacefully, without additional costs, while preserving nerves and health.


Peace agreement is always better than any conflict. Citizens share their impressions and advise how best to carry out return activities:

  • large retail facilities have individual employees who deal with contentious issues with consumers, it is better to immediately contact this department and verbally express your desire to return products;
  • you need to talk in a polite manner so as not to aggravate the conflict;
  • threats will lead to nothing, as well as a message about a good knowledge of laws and rights;
  • you need to emphasize your respect, then proceed to describe the breakdowns of the device.

When it is impossible to come to a consensus, it is necessary to proceed with all the methods, starting with filling out a claim. The document should not contain phrases that the thing is not like, it is better to indicate clear, serious justification. The term for consideration of the application should not exceed 10 days. It must be remembered that legal legal methods always support the consumer side, if the facts are reliable. The legislative act indicates the terms of circulation and possible cases when buying and selling, but each situation is individual, which means that it requires a separate approach.


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