"Anabiosis: A Dream of Reason": walkthrough and short guide

The project of the studio "Action Forms" was developed exactly 3 years, after which in 2008 it was published. Almost no one expected that the game would make a splash and raise a storm in the domestic gaming industry market. But no matter how. Everything happens exactly the opposite. Thus, the world received another worthwhile horror shooter, moreover, from our domestic developers. For the most complete presentation, you need to study the main idea of โ€‹โ€‹the game "Anabiosis: Sleep of Reason", the passage and guide to which you can find below.

suspended animation of the mind

Cold and scary

All the action takes place in 1968 in the Arctic. The protagonist and concurrently polar explorer Alexander Nesterov is given the task of boarding the North Wind nuclear-powered icebreaker at the indicated location. On the way to the meeting point, Alexander notes that no one from the ship meets him. Having decided to deal with such strangeness, he still decides to travel through a huge icebreaker. Subsequently, the main character will reveal the gloomy secret of everything that happened on this ship, deprived of its former life and warmth. Empty metal structures, deserted corridors and strange eerie sounds emanating from the walls are the main highlight of the game "Anabiosis: Sleep of Reason", the passage of which will make the heart beat several times more often.

passing game suspended animation of the mind

Keep warm or die

An interesting gaming component is the constant search for a heat source, without which the protagonist will give ends at maximum speed. Of course, there will also be such areas on the ship where this need disappears, but their number is insignificant. The accumulated heat gives time to get through difficult and icy terrain. Also, "Anabiosis: A Dream of Reason", the passage of which is rather difficult, and the plot will compete with any parapsychological thriller, tell the story of the crew of the ship, and show the main events that took place a few days before the death. The whole game is dominated by many global natural phenomena: death, life, struggle, heat and cold.

Kill the carrion!

Naturally, the passage of the game "Anabiosis: Sleep of Reason" implies the presence of enemies, represented in this case in the form of zombies and other evil spirits. Honestly, not very pleasant interlocutors. But not only hands are used, but also all kinds of crowbars and mounts, pistols, shotguns and rifles. So be sure, repulse to enemies is provided.

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Classic wrap

It is quite logical that when a person wants to play something ugly and feel hundreds of thousands of goosebumps running through his body, he will be afraid and worried by going through similar games. "Anabiosis: A Dream of Reason", the passage of which is very exciting, creates such an eerie and freezing closed atmosphere that playing in some moments becomes simply unbearable. Here are the main classical elements of any good horror action: high-quality and timely sound (noises, rattle, whispering), sharp and unexpected turns and events, and, of course, the corresponding graphic design. Many gamers who have passed the game, are looking forward to the continuation - "Anabiosis: Sleep of Reason 2". But at all the will of the developers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9062/

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