Singapore: interesting facts, attractions, photos

This country in many ways may seem wild to a Russian person. After all, her mores, customs and habits often contradict our idea of ​​many things. If you are going to Singapore, you should get to know him better. This article contains interesting facts that you certainly need to know in advance to avoid possible problems.

About the title

Merlion - a symbol of the country

What is Singapore? State or city? The correct answer is both. The name in Malay Sanskrit sounds like “lion” (singa) and “city” (pur). An interesting fact about Singapore is that the official language is nevertheless Malay, and not Chinese. The main symbol of the country is Merlion - a mythical creature that is a fish with the head of a lion, in honor of which a magnificent celebration is held annually in September. And the orchid (Vanda Miss Joaquim), which blooms throughout the year, as a sign of eternal life and constant progress, is the hallmark of the country.

An interesting fact about the country of Singapore is also the fact that it includes a large number of islands, and many of them are still empty. This is one of the smallest countries in the world - for example, St. Petersburg is twice as large. Of course, the main administrative center is located on the largest of the islands of the archipelago.


Despite the relatively small area of ​​this state, about 500,000 people live on its territory! Mostly these are Chinese, but there are Malays, Indians, Europeans, and even some representatives of the Slavic ethnic group. Local beauties strive not to sunbathe in the sun, moreover, they deliberately bleach their skin, so tanning cream on the counter is quite difficult to see. Among other city-states, Singapore took an honorable second place in population density.

Climatic conditions

Orchid - symbolizes the prosperity of Singapore

An important fact about the country of Singapore is that it lies very close to the equator. And this means that you can’t categorically sunbathe in the sun, because ultraviolet radiation is so strong that it even passes through the clouds. Local residents always have umbrellas with them that protect both from tropical rain and from the scorching sun. The equatorial climate imposes constant heat and humidity on Singapore, therefore, throughout the year the temperature remains around +25 ... + 30˚.

Major Attractions

Botanical Garden

In this amazing country there are many places worth visiting, but among them are:

  1. Botanical Garden. It is a conservation area with unique representatives of the local flora. It was created more than 150 years ago, so it managed to become a favorite place for secluded walks.
  2. Clark Key Quay will delight you with its enchanting views and an abundance of souvenir shops.
  3. The shopping district with the saying “Little India” is built up with shops where you can buy everything from gold jewelry to traditional spices. There is also a national sari and merchants who, for each buyer, wage a real war with each other.
  4. The Marina Bay Sands Hotel is reminiscent of building from some sort of science fiction novel about the future. The entire hotel complex is a huge ship, on the roof of which there is a huge pool. Ordinary tourists are allowed to admire this miracle once a day at two in the afternoon.

The fact of Singapore for the Russians

It is interesting, but it was for our compatriots that the exact time of stay in Singapore without a visa was established. In the country, Russians are allowed to stay only 96 hours, however, upon presentation of a return ticket, you can stay longer. The main thing is to convince the competent authorities that you are not going to stay here forever.

Changi Airport

Changi International Airport

It is an airline giant throughout Asia Minor, with approximately 36,000,000 passengers checking in annually. In 2012, he took an honorable second place among the best airports in the world. On its vast territory flower gardens with orchids are broken, next to which there is a sparkling expanse of ponds with goldfish, and in one of the terminals there is a wonderful swimming pool. Changi also has playrooms for babies, and computers with free internet are installed in the departure waiting area. In general, one can immediately see that people are taken care of here.

Seaport of singapore

Its size is very large and is able to take in its arms more than a thousand floating ships. Many times he was recognized as the best not only for size, but also for high environmental friendliness.

Fine City

Singapore is the city of the future

Interesting facts about Singapore include the fact that very strict laws are established on the territory of the state and fines for prescribed violations are inflated. In English, it is ambiguously called Fine (fine, fine) City (city). In no case do not smoke in public places, do not throw garbage past the ballot box, do not spit in crowded places, do not chew in vehicles and cross the road only where the "zebra" is painted. For non-compliance with the latter, you can lay out about four hundred "green". The funniest penalty is for the water left on a saucer under a flower pot after watering. Why? Because it will attract mosquitoes that are fought on a national scale.


For committing crimes in local prisons, beating with bamboo sticks is used. However, in Singapore in the same way (but in a lightweight form) it is customary to punish naughty children. To do this, in specialized stores you can buy a light cane stick. Needless to say, overly tolerant Americans, who can sue their own kids, are simply shocked by such education!

Tough legislation

In Singapore, the death penalty is allowed by hanging - as the death penalty for especially serious crimes. The reasons for choosing this type of justice can be: drug dealership, corruption, betrayal of the homeland, brutal murder and, finally, an attempt on the life of the head of state himself. Singapore is a world leader in the amount of capital punishment. From 1991 to 2004, the death penalty was applied more than 400 times!

Buy a girl? Easy!

Perhaps the most unusual fact about Singapore is legalized prostitution. Girls undergo a physical examination, have a full social package and are under vigilant state control. There is information that about 10,000 "night butterflies" "work" on Jailing Street.

High security

Strict laws and a ruthless judicial system have made Singaporeans one of the most law-abiding citizens in the world. The crime rate is very low, so you can safely walk around the city and not be afraid of an unexpected attack. It is almost impossible to meet law enforcement officers here on the street, but this does not mean that they are not “watching” you. Hundreds of CCTV cameras watch over residents and guests of Singapore around the clock. People trust their neighbors so much that they lock houses with combination locks with a thin chain. And this is done more likely from formal considerations.


The sunset is striking in its beauty

Singapore (like Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong) belongs to the “East Asian tigers”, because in a relatively short time it has turned into a state with developed infrastructure. And about 30 years ago he was a poor third world country. By the way, interesting facts about Singapore include the fact that they do not extract natural resources here, but they sell sand and Malaysian drinking water.

Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew during his reign (1959-1990) became an example of the implacable fierce struggle against corruption. Moreover, his actions led to success, which allowed to significantly increase the economy. They say that for this the former prime minister had to put several of his comrades behind bars.

The secret of longevity

According to the official data of the American The World's Healthiest Countries 2012, Singaporeans have excellent health. And to be more precise - the best in the world, and this despite the fact that the country is only 11th in terms of quality of life. Perhaps the reason lies in the features of the national cuisine of Singapore? An interesting fact about local food is that, according to Forbes, the country ranks second in the world in terms of the quality and benefits of food. Moreover, traditional Singaporean dishes not only have a beneficial effect on health, but also allow you to bring the body into excellent shape and significantly increase life expectancy.

Singapore cuisine

This country is a paradise for true gourmets, as it combines elements of Malaysian, Chinese and Indian cuisines. The Western influences also affected the culinary preferences of Singaporeans, so the most fastidious eater will be able to find dishes that match his eating habits. Moreover, food is always of excellent quality, and this does not depend on the level of the institution and prices. You can eat with Chinese chopsticks or a spoon. An interesting fact about Singapore can also be called the fact that the left hand is considered unclean, therefore it is customary to eat only with the right.

It has become popular in local restaurants to offer visitors self-catering. Small gas stoves are installed on the tables, and the person himself lowers the ingredients brought to him into the saucepan (or pan). This reception in Singapore is in great demand, because customers are pleased to participate in the preparation of dishes and to know that the food is really high-quality and fresh.


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