What is the minimum cost of living for children in Moscow?

If a person lives in Moscow, then before you apply for the allowance, you should give yourself a full account that there is such a thing as a living wage for children in Moscow, because the amount in the Moscow region will differ. Of course, any adult wants to receive decent payments, since the amount can be set different. Knowing the cost of living is necessary not only if there is a desire to issue child support, but also when applying for disability.

Who can claim benefits?

cost of living for children in Moscow

It is worth noting that the cost of living in Moscow per child may depend on a variety of factors:

  1. These are additional payments for the birth of a child in a young family.
  2. Certain payments as compensation if the child was adopted.
  3. Payments calculated per child, which are made monthly.
  4. Cash assistance to mothers who raise children alone.
  5. Material assistance to certain categories of citizens who find themselves in a difficult situation with a child in their arms.
  6. Social scholarships can also be received by low-income students.

These are not all the reasons why you may need knowledge about the cost of living in Moscow.

What are the social benefits of such a plan in Moscow?

The cost of living throughout Russia has different sizes and is calculated quarterly. Municipal authorities make calculations based on who these payments are for. As soon as the cost of living is established, it is printed in official documents. All citizens can familiarize themselves with this document. To date, the cost of living of a child in Moscow in 2017 has grown by 6%.

What is the minimum for living in the capital?

Moscow can not be compared with other regions of Russia, here the amount of the subsistence minimum will be slightly higher. Today, the figures reach 14,000 rubles, but we can say that these figures are slightly lower than in Magadan and Chukotka. In the near future, these same indicators are going to increase by 10%, which means that the cost of living will be 15,000 rubles.

cost of living per child in Moscow in 2017
In every possible way, in 2017, the government tried to raise these payments by making various allowances. The indicator is calculated taking into account all the needs of the child, for example, includes the average cost of products, school supplies that the child may need if he is a student, the cost of clothes and shoes, as well as necessary medicines. In this regard, the cost of living per child in the city of Moscow is not so small.

How is the minimum figure calculated?

The amount that will be paid monthly is formed on the basis of the price of products, travel and other necessary services and things for the child. If a pension is calculated for a disabled child, the rate may vary depending on the group that was established during the special medical commission. It is worth noting that toys that can be attributed even to non-essential items are not taken into account, therefore, such things are not taken into account when calculating the minimum for life. The cost of living for children in Moscow is calculated by local authorities, but the law is the same throughout Russia.

cost of living per child in Moscow
The legislation contains Federal Law No. 134; according to it, the following moments are taken into account in the calculations:

  1. The standard of living in a region or city is taken into account.
  2. The amount of the benefit depends on who it is paid to, it can be a disabled child, unprotected citizens, and children who are low-income and have not reached the age of eighteen.

Each year a budget is drawn up. At the same time, they try as much as possible to take into account all citizens who should receive payments. The living wage per child in Moscow cannot be less than it was established by law.

What affects the increase in payments?

To accurately form the cost of living for any small citizen of the country, the government may take into account additional factors:

  1. Economic.
  2. Ecological.
  3. Social.

Given all these indicators, it is possible to calculate the cost of living, and it should be such as to fully provide the child with everything necessary.

minimum living wage per child in Moscow
The indicator for a child should be increased, because for its growth and development special fortified foods are required, and the fact that a child needs more clothes than an adult is also taken into account.

Who calculates the cost of living?

The living wage of a minor child in Moscow is calculated based on the results of the past year. Such an indicator is established not only throughout Russia, but can also be regulated separately for some regions. All documents are developed in accordance with the law, and only the competent authorities are involved in all calculations; for this, special commissions can be created, just in Moscow such a commission exists.

What are the deadlines?

The fact is that it is practically impossible to establish a living wage for children in Moscow for a permanent period, since the prices of food and basic necessities tend to increase, so it is very difficult to survive for payments made by the state.

cost of living in Moscow child support
If suddenly the fluctuations turn out to be strong, then the living wage is adjusted, but taking into account the price increase. The government calculates a living wage not from the minimum prices, but average. Every five years, the commission reviews the basic necessities that the child may need; accordingly, changes may be made to the consumer basket per person. And the cost of the set itself is directly indexed once every twelve months.

The Commission is obliged to quarterly analyze market prices and compare them with the cost of products. Depending on what the results will be, the cost of living per child can increase or decrease, which is extremely rare.

Living wage and alimony

The minimum cost of living per child in Moscow is also taken into account when calculating child support. Most often this happens in such cases:

  1. If a person who acts as a payer is unemployed at the time of accrual.
  2. If the payer receives the salary not in rubles, but in any other currency.
  3. If the common child was declared legally incompetent after he became an adult.
  4. When the spouse is pregnant with a second child, but at the same time is divorced from her husband and is raising a joint child from her first marriage.

the cost of living per child in Moscow

In cases where the spouse refuses to pay child support, the living wage in Moscow is more than the amount that he pays, the woman has every right to sue him. The court will take into account the wages of men, of which they can withhold 25%. Legislation indicates that even if parents are divorced, the child himself must be supported by both parties. In order not to bring the matter to court, parents can conclude a special agreement where it will be written that the father agrees to make payments to his child every month.

State assistance to the poor

It should be noted that the state is trying to cover almost all categories of children, therefore children who are left without a father, that is, have lost their breadwinner, can count on additional payments. In this case, social assistance in the amount of a living wage is also assigned. As for orphans, a separate law has been developed for them, according to which they will also be provided with additional support payments. It should be remembered that no payments can be lower than the subsistence level.

How did the cost of living in the capital change in 2017?

At the beginning of 2017, the following indicators were announced:

  1. The government has calculated for children with disabilities who live in a full family to increase the cost of living by almost 3%.
  2. The cost of living was measured on a quarterly basis, the basket of necessary things for the child was compared, according to this it was concluded that the amount paid for the children was enough to provide the child at an average level.
  3. The Prime Minister himself controlled the growth of prices for food and other consumer goods, which are necessary to provide for the child, which allowed to reduce the expenses of citizens, but the cost of living did not decrease.

the cost of living in Moscow per child

After analyzing last year, this year the government proposed to introduce new changes that should improve the lives of the smallest citizens in the country and in Moscow as well.

2018 Upgrade Plans

This year, the cost of living for children in Moscow may increase by no more than 4%, while taking into account all indicators that may be associated with inflation. It should be noted that the situation in Moscow is not as deplorable as in other regions of Russia, for example, in some places the cost of living is only 8,000 rubles. In fact, experts do not recommend relying heavily on payments, since there is no expectation of too much increase this year, but the government is working hard in this direction and, possibly, the situation could change for the next year. The cost of living in the state can only grow by such a percentage that inflation will grow, and no more. In 2018, the cost of living for a child in Moscow will not increase significantly, since this year the President of the Russian Federation paid special attention to the demographic situation in the state, so the bulk of the money will go specifically for implementing this idea.

Summing up, we can say that the cost of living in Russia, including in Moscow itself compared with other countries, remains very low. If we take America for comparison, the amount of payments is determined by the sum of $ 400, and the basket of essentials for a child has twice as many different positions. But you should not despair, as the current government seeks to increase this indicator, and also does everything possible for this. Of course, to increase the performance, you have to work hard. It will be possible to reach the level of America only if the cost of living is almost doubled. Perhaps in 2019, the state will have enough funds to increase payments by at least half, especially since there are already certain positive prerequisites for this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9067/

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