We make soap to your taste- master class from Julia Milstein

Hello. My name is Julia Milshtein, I am from Antipino (Tyumen) and I want to tell you about what an interesting and at the same time useful activity I found for myself.

Summer is gradually ending, autumn is approaching, which will bring longing for hands, sadness and even despondency on the shoulders. I think these are not the best feelings, and it is better to stay away from them. And in order to surely drive away bad thoughts from yourself, you need to do something interesting and original. Someone writes music, someone knits, but here I am making soap. Imagine how nice it is to wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom and feel your favorite soap scent. The fantasy is endless, I want vanilla-strawberry soap - I’ll make it, there isn’t enough chocolate in my life - but without any problems, I’ll do it too.

Making soap is easier than it might seem at first glance, just get the right ingredients and mix in the right proportion. I began to notice that soap making has been gaining quite a lot of popularity lately. It is not surprising, because homemade soap is cheaper than the store and, again, you choose the shape, color, smell. By the way, such a home-made product will be a good gift to friends, or loved ones. Therefore, I will try to teach you how to make a simple soap. So, a master class from Julia Millstien with a photo.

What I use to make soap:

  • Knife, spoons.
  • Microwave.
  • Board for cutting.
  • Forms for filling.
  • High Temperature Glass Flasks

Soap preparation

And I take the following ingredients:

  • Transparent and matte base.
  • Dye.
  • Flavoring.
  • Oils (olive, or jojoba).
  • Jewelry.
  • Alcohol atomizer.
  • Loofah

Soap Making Ingredients

I want to talk a little about the soap base - the most important component in soap making. Quality soap without this thing can not be done. You can make a soap base yourself, but this can cause difficulties and require additional ingredients. Therefore, I advise you to buy the foundation. The quality standard is the English basis. Not bad proved itself and German. The basics are transparent, white. Thanks to them, soap can be made in different colors, add any patterns to it. Examples can be found in the Milstein group vk.

The process of creating soap from Milstein

I take the appropriate molds, at the bottom of each put a piece of loofah. I put some form of pieces of a matte base. To do this, I cut off thin strips with a knife and turn it into a tube. In empty forms you can put coffee beans, some twigs, flowers. In general, there’s enough fantasy. After that I take the now transparent base, cut it into cubes and put it in a glass flask. Then I put in the microwave and heat. The main thing is to prevent the mixture from boiling!

The process of creating soap from Julie Milstein

I add dyes and aromatic oils to the preheated base for about 10-20 drops and oil. Which dyes are again a matter of taste. Now I mix everything carefully and fill it with a mixture of forms. You can fill the forms to the brim, you can leave a place to make soap from several layers. To do this, I melt the white base, and pour on top of the previous one. 30-40 minutes and the soap is ready. As you can see, the creation of soap is not at all difficult. I like that you can improvise with colors, layers, aromas and more. Want to see what beautiful patterns can be made on soap - look photos of my work in a group in vk . Thank you for your attention, I hope that my story was interesting. Do not be afraid and be sure to try to cook your own soap with a personal aroma.

Soap from Julia Milstein

Always yours, Julia Millstien

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9068/

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