Rules of the road for cyclists. Road rules for cyclists

A bicycle is a convenient and environmentally friendly vehicle with which you can get to your destination as quickly as possible or just have a great time with friends outside the city. In order to ride it, there are no age restrictions. Kids from an early age begin to pedal. But unfortunately, far from everyone knows the rules of the road for cyclists. But riding on the roadway can be very dangerous.

General Provisions

There is an official definition according to which a bicycle is a vehicle on two or three wheels, driven by muscle power. The official rules for cyclists describe all road users. Few people know that the person driving any vehicle is a driver. The term β€œcyclist” is not official. If a person rolls a vehicle along the road, but does not ride on it, then he is a pedestrian. In addition, to pedestrians can be attributed any road users who move on skis, skates, using any other sports equipment. People who carry out repairs on the road do not apply to pedestrians.

rules for cyclists
Traffic rules for cyclists also describe the zones into which the road is divided. The main element is a special track designed for riding a two-wheeled vehicle. This element of the road must be marked with the corresponding sign. Separate the pedestrian zone. Traffic rules for cyclists describe this element of the road as a territory intended for pedestrian traffic. Departure and entry into this area is indicated by special signs. In some cases, two-wheeled vehicles are allowed here. The road element that adjoins the carriageway is also called the sidewalk.

While riding the roadway on a bicycle, any unforeseen situation can happen. Before traveling for a long distance, the condition of the vehicle should be checked. The bicycle must have a high-quality brake, a good handlebar and a loud sound signal. If you plan to move in the dark, you must equip the vehicle with a reflector or a lamp. The rules for scooters and cyclists indicate that in the event of a malfunction, a pedestrian has the right to roll a vehicle only in the direction of the movement of another vehicle. Entering a dark roadway without reflectors is prohibited.

Basic Road Rules for Cyclists

Sometimes there is a special zone on the road for the movement of two-wheeled vehicles. In this case, cyclists should give preference to her. Cars move at an impressive speed, and even the most experienced owner of two-wheeled vehicles cannot safely maneuver between them. Those who still decided to go along the roadway should stick to the far right lane. You can also drive along the side of the road if this does not inconvenience pedestrians and other road users.

Traffic rules for cyclists do not include the ability to travel on the motorway. It is forbidden to move pedestrians, riders, as well as any vehicles that are not able to develop a speed of more than 40 kilometers per hour. Traveling on the expressway can be dangerous to health and life.

When leaving the pedestrian or residential area for the carriageway, the cyclist must carefully study the situation on the road. It is necessary to give way to those vehicles that are located at a distance of no more than 100 meters. Do not cross the road with pedestrians, cyclists, or other road users.

traffic rules for cyclists
There are special rules for cyclists who travel in groups. Such travelers need to be divided into several columns of 10 people. The distance between individual groups of cyclists must be at least 100 meters. Thus, the unhindered movement of other participants in the movement will be ensured. If there is a marking line on the road indicating the edge, it should be located to the left of the group of cyclists. At the same time, the distance between moving cars and two-wheeled vehicles should not be less than a meter. If a group of cyclists moves along the roadway in the dark, each vehicle must be equipped with flashlights. The front light must be white and the rear light red. This will help other participants in the movement to understand the trajectory of the group of cyclists.

Traveling on a busy roadway

An adult cyclist has the full right to travel on the roadway within the city. However, he must adhere to the right edge of the road. It is not recommended to travel further than 1 meter from the right edge. This can only be done to avoid any obstacles on the road. Traffic regulations for cyclists prohibit the use of defective vehicles on the roadway. You can not move without holding your hands on the steering wheel, and feet on the pedals. It is not recommended to go on a busy road in conditions of snowfall, reduced visibility (fog) or icy conditions.

Particular attention should be paid to the movement with passengers. Carrying someone on a frame is not recommended. For children under the age of seven, a special seat with safety belts should be equipped. Drivers of this age are not allowed to drive onto the carriageway unaccompanied by adults.

traffic rules for cyclists
The rules for cyclists also describe the possibility of transporting goods. When driving on the carriageway, baggage is allowed, which extends beyond the vehicle by no more than 0.5 meters. In addition, you must not move along a busy road if the load interferes with driving the bike. This can cause inconvenience to other drivers of vehicles.

Correct intersection

Each intersection has a classic priority rule. This means that a vehicle that moves on a secondary road is obliged to give way to a car or bicycle moving along the main road. When turning right, the driver should skip those who drive straight.

Much more difficulties can arise when driving along an unregulated intersection. In most cases, the cyclist must give way to a four-wheeled vehicle. The only exception is the carriageway with a specially equipped track. In addition, there are bicycle traffic lights on many roads. The rules for cyclists state that it is also necessary to obey the standard traffic lights that regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

What signals should a cyclist give?

Road users will be able to move safely if they use a special signal language. Motorists give various signs through the headlights. Cyclists communicate their intentions with hand movements. If the driver of the bicycle, moving along the roadway, intends to turn, he must extend his straight arm in the direction of rotation. When moving to the right, we extend the right hand, to the left - the left. What if, by coincidence, there is no way to signal a turn with the right hand? There is an exit! You can bend the elbow opposite the turn of the arm and extend it up.

road rules for cyclists
Each cyclist on a busy road must inform the rest of the road about his intention to stop. To do this, just extend your arm up. Traffic rules for cyclists stipulate that any signals should be given no later than a minute before a certain action on the road.

What should cyclists not do?

Road rules for cyclists are not created to violate them. They allow drivers of two-wheeled vehicles to safely reach their destination and not create additional obstacles to other road users. Cyclists are not allowed to ride on the roadway if there is a specially equipped bike path nearby. Driving in a faulty vehicle is not recommended. Cyclists on roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths are allowed only in extreme cases. In this case, the driver must maintain a minimum speed so as not to endanger other participants in the movement.

Moving along a busy highway is prohibited without special protection elements. These are the helmet, elbow pads and knee pads. People who have not yet reached the age of 14 can go on the road only if accompanied by adults. Everyone must ride a bicycle, holding on to the wheel firmly with at least one hand. It is forbidden to transport passengers or bulk cargo on a frame. Children under seven years old travel in a specially equipped seat with safety belts. You cannot tow a bicycle on the roadway. The defective product can only be transported manually.

what are the rules for cyclists
If there are several lanes in the direction of movement of the cyclist or a tram line passes nearby, it is forbidden to turn around. The road rules for cyclists are the same as for cars. You can only turn on a special section of the route. A road that has several lanes in one direction at once can be fast. Cars here move at a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour. Failure to comply can lead to disastrous consequences. The rules for cyclists on the road are completely uncomplicated. Following them is a guarantee of the safety of road users.

Massive bike promotions

More and more representatives of the younger generation prefer environmentally friendly two-wheeled transport. Lovers of bicycles spend a lot of actions. People with the same views gather at them. All bicycle events are a beautiful and spectacular event. However, achieving order in a large group of people with their own vehicles is not so simple. In addition, many participants in such events do not know at all what rules exist for cyclists. It is wrong to consider that security and order at any event is a matter of qualification of the organizer. The organizer of an event only creates the conditions for its participants to have fun and good time. Those who do not know the basic rules should not attend such events.

rules for scooters and cyclists
The main thing for cyclists at such events is knowledge of the elementary aspects of movement within a large group of people. It is worth noting that there are no age restrictions for participation in promotions of this kind. Even a child can arrive on his vehicle. But the rules of the cyclist for schoolchildren have not been canceled. It is better if a child who is not yet 14 years old will be accompanied by an adult. Children under 10 years old are not recommended to take a bike share. The kid can get lost in the crowd and will create obstacles for other participants in the movement.

Basic rules of conduct for mass bike promotions

Safety rules for cyclists are not a guarantee that the event will be held without incident. In addition to the requirements regarding movement, you must follow the unwritten laws of interaction with other participants in the action. First of all, you must always maintain a distance and move along the highway in a straight line. If the movement is carried out in a column, it is impossible to overtake its participants. Those who want to go with a friend, neighbor, mother, need to get close at the very start. Moving between the participants of the column, the cyclist creates serious obstacles for the rest.

The organizers of the action can create new rules for cyclists who wish to become participants in the event. They are definitely worth sticking to. You need to move without deviating from the trajectory of the bulk. If the column follows the roadway, do not go onto the sidewalk. An exception can only be cyclists under 14 years of age. Driving in the pedestrian zone is allowed only at low speed.

When traveling in a group of cyclists, their interests must be taken into account. When driving a vehicle, do not smoke. It should be remembered that not all participants in the action have bad habits. Cigarette smoke can be unpleasant to someone. In addition, there are many exhausts on the road without it. It is undesirable, moving in a column, also to talk on the phone. This distracts the attention of the driver of the vehicle, as well as other road users. A cyclist may accidentally apply a hand brake. This will lead to a fall and also interfere with the rest.

Any maneuvers on the road while driving in a group should be coordinated with other participants in the movement. This applies to turns and stops. The DD rules for cyclists describe special gestures with which a traffic participant can inform others about their intentions. Before turning, you should take your hand horizontally in the appropriate direction. A raised hand indicates that the cyclist plans to stop.

It is inappropriate to show your acrobatic abilities when moving in a group. Riding on the rear wheel and jumping over obstacles look, of course, spectacular. But such maneuvers can be dangerous for other participants in the event.

Organization of mass bicycle columns

The popularity of cycling stocks is growing every year. More and more people want to take part in these kinds of events. But a huge number of cyclists must be properly organized. Today, there are entire companies that offer everything you need to carry out such actions. These are various reflective tapes and vests. It is possible to rent one or several vehicles at once. Volunteers also provide their assistance. These are experienced cyclists who are always ready to help beginners.

safety rules for cyclists
The proper organization of the event depends on the guides, attendants and trailers. These are people who know and adhere to the rules for pedestrians and cyclists. Guide drivers of vehicles set the pace of movement of the entire column. A person who is assigned this role should not move too fast. It should be remembered that participants in the event can be people with different physical fitness. It should be comfortable for absolutely everyone - both beginners and experienced cyclists. The guides make sure that other participants do not overtake, and also warn that any obstacles are approaching. An escort car always moves next to the guide cyclists.

On-duty drivers of two-wheeled vehicles move inside the convoy. They follow the general order. Most often, attendants adhere to the right edge. This makes it possible to control cyclists who move outside the right lane. Duty participants in the movement often have a contrasting shape. Therefore, to recognize them among the rest is easy.

Closing cyclists must ensure that the column does not stretch or burst. Most often, a radio link is established with the guide cyclist. This allows you to control the speed of the entire column.


The movement of cyclists on the roadway is controlled by federal law. Violation of traffic rules by an adult is initially punishable by a simple warning. If the driver continues to evade the rules, he faces a fine of 100 rubles. It is forbidden to ride a bicycle on the roadway while intoxicated. This behavior entails a fine of 300 to 500 rubles without prior warning.

If the rules for cyclists for children have been violated, parents take responsibility. , . , 300 . , 1500 .

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