Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

SSC RF “Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences” is a scientific institution specializing in studies of the influence of extreme conditions on people and other living organisms. Particular emphasis is placed on the study of space biology and medicine. The institution is integrated into the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences


The main activities of the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences are related to:

  • Space Flight Health Safety.
  • Training and training of astronauts not related to the military department.
  • Monitoring physical condition during the flight.

The institution is also responsible for:

  • Development of technical safety equipment designed to protect astronauts from the negative effects of the space environment (such as weightlessness and radiation).
  • Ensuring the necessary living conditions in orbit.
  • Rehabilitation of crews returning to the earth's surface.

In addition, IBMP employees are studying the problems of human survival in extreme conditions on Earth in severe climatic conditions and in the underwater environment. They are engaged in sports medicine.

Institute of Biomedical Problems, RAS

Historical reference

The Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded in October 1963 at the initiative of Mstislav Keldysh and Sergey Korolev and was initially subordinated to the Ministry of Health. The task of the new institute was to develop spacecraft life support systems to the level necessary to ensure manned flights.

Since 1965, the Institute has been organizing the selection of astronauts for civilian domestic and international projects. The IBMP made a special contribution to the medical support of manned space flights under the Soyuz, Salut, Almaz, Mir and ISS programs.

In the period from 1994 to 1995, in cooperation with the European Space Agency , the HUBES-1994 program was simulated space flight. At the turn of the millennium, the SFINCSS-99 experiment was conducted, during which from June 1999 to April 2000, seven conventional international crews were successively replaced in the research module of the institute.

Underwater research

In addition to the risks of people staying in orbit, employees of the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences are studying the effect of extreme conditions of the underwater environment on humans. In particular, the features of a long stay of submarine crews in autonomous navigation are investigated.

In recent years, several long-term experiments have been conducted. Institute employees studied not only the psychology of an isolated group, but also tested life support systems on submarines. The first was a secret program called TMK-1, in which three volunteers lived in a closed module for one year. It was held from November 1967 to November 1968. The purpose of the experiment was to investigate interpersonal relationships in the group and, in particular, to test the system of closed air and water security.

SSC RF Institute of Biomedical Problems, RAS

Mars 500

One of the most ambitious projects carried out by the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences is called Mars-500. For 519 days, six volunteers in a special module simulated a flight to Mars in cramped conditions and in isolation from the outside world. Every day, experts monitored the psychological and physical health of the “experimental”, and the invaluable data obtained allow us to prepare in more detail for the future flight to the “red planet”, avoiding many mistakes.

The project was divided into three phases and took place from November 2007 to November 2011. For its implementation, a model of an interplanetary ship of a heavy class and an simulator of the Martian surface were designed. At first, a group of researchers spent only 14 days in isolation. Then the interval was increased to 105 days. On June 3, 2010, the 519-day virtual flight began, during which the landing on Mars was simulated three times.

The experiment in particular demonstrated that a group of astronauts is able to withstand the psychological pressure caused by a long stay in a confined space away from civilization. However, it became apparent that even strong personalities are prone to nervous breakdowns. To prevent them, it is necessary to work out a set of programs designed to brighten up leisure time, establish a channel for communication with relatives (friends, colleagues), as well as more carefully select the crew, taking into account individual psychological characteristics.

Next in turn is a project to simulate the landing of man on the lunar surface. The SIRIUS research program was launched in 2017 and will last until 2021.

Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Space flights

In 1972, after several years of preparation, the institute established its own space division. By the end of the 80s, it consisted of 10 people, two of whom visited Earth orbit.

Valery Polyakov flew twice to the Mir station in 1988-1989 and 1994-1995. By the way, the second flight of Polyakov lasted 438 days and is one of the longest in the history of astronautics. Boris Morukov arrived on the ISS in 2000 aboard the US shuttle, where he was engaged in medical research. Unfortunately, in 2010 the unit was liquidated.

Satellite research

The Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences implemented a series of biomedical and technological programs using experimental orbital vehicles. The study of biology in space was carried out using 11 satellites of the Bion series, launched in 1973-1996. IBMP is also one of the institutions that has been conducting technological experiments on the Photon-M series satellites since 2002.

Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS address

Structure and leadership

Since 1994, the IBMP has been a Russian state scientific center, and in 2000 it was subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Academy of Sciences. The institution has over 400 employees, including 46 professors and about 200 candidates of science.


  • Lebedinsky Andrey Vladimirovich (1963-1965).
  • Parin Vasily Vasilievich (1965-1968).
  • Gazenko Oleg Georgievich (1969-1988).
  • Grigoryev Anatoly Ivanovich (1988-2008), since October 2008 - scientific director of the institute.
  • Ushakov Igor Borisovich (since October 2008).

Where is the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The head office of IBMP is located in a quiet location in the north-west of the capital in the Khoroshevsky district. The organization occupies a complex of buildings, laboratories and sports facilities at the intersection of General Ivashutin, Grizodubova, General Kolesnik and Khoroshevsky Highways. The nearest metro stations are CSKA, Polezhaevskaya, Sorge and Begovaya.

Address of the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Russian Federation, 123007, Moscow, sh. Khoroshevskoye, cor. 76A.


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