Save water. DIY drip irrigation

Summer residents and gardeners living in the vastness of our vast homeland rarely use such a miracle of modern technology as drip irrigation. With their own hands, this unit made even fewer land owners. This is not surprising, because in our country there are a large enough number of rivers and lakes to worry about a possible drought. But in vain. Drip irrigation saves not only water, but also time. This method of watering plants has already become the main one in countries where there is a shortage of fresh water. Making drip irrigation with your own hands is not such a difficult task, because the well-known medical dropper has become the prototype of this system.

do-it-yourself drip irrigation

The essence of the method

Agronomists have long studied how much water is needed for a particular type of plant. Drop irrigation will help reduce water consumption and provide crops with the necessary amount of moisture. The scheme is quite simple: pipes are laid along each row of the plant, each of them has a number of holes, droppers are inserted into the holes, supplying life-giving moisture directly to the roots of each plant. Thus, watering is carried out. This irrigation system has another important plus: since moisture directed only to the roots of your chosen plant, weeds do not receive the proper amount of water and, as a result, grow worse. Our inventive fellow citizens have come up with quite a few ways to make drip irrigation with their own hands. What to choose, decide for yourself!

How to make drip irrigation with your own hands?

buy drip irrigation

Method No. 1

This method is excellent for irrigating randomly planted trees. In order to provide irrigation of the tree, you will need:

  • pipe section;
  • a tube from a dropper;
  • capacity - a can with water.

First you need to dig small holes (pits) with a depth of not more than half a meter and a diameter of not more than 20 centimeters. Pits are best located under the peripheral part of the tree crown. We fill the pit to the middle with small stones, into this layer we slightly deepen the pipe segment. Next, close the layer with a film, leaving a cutout under the pipe. After this, the hole must be buried with soil so that a section of pipe sticks out above the surface. A container of water is installed near the pit, into which one end of the tube from the dropper drops. The other end descends into a pipe sticking out of the ground. All. You have done drip irrigation with your own hands!

drip irrigation scheme

Method No. 2

For irrigation using this method, you only need flexible tubes from droppers and a barrel of water. A barrel is installed half a meter above the ground. A piece of polystyrene with holes through which tubes are passed is lowered into it. Next, each tube is brought to the plant. Everything is quite simple. For watering plants, warm water from the upper layer is used. By the way, in this way you can organize and fertilize plants. Hang in a tree crown a bucket (or a five-liter bottle) with fertilizer dissolved in water, install a tube from the dropper and direct it to the roots of the tree. That's all. You just have to make sure that the water in the tanks you have installed does not run out.

If such methods seem clumsy to you or you don’t have the opportunity to make drip irrigation yourself, you can buy it in specialized stores.


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