The largest families in the world: top 10. Is large families relevant?

The family is the unit of society, its foundation. Everything that happens inside of it is reflected in society, since the latter is formed by hundreds of thousands, millions of such cells. In this article, we will compose an unusual list of the most prolific marriage unions and learn about the most large families in the world (and in history). I wonder who was not afraid of a large number of descendants and large-scale continuation of a kind? Let's start our top ten largest families in the world.

the largest families in the world

Vasiliev from Russia

In the XVIII century, this family set a world record. Nobody has beaten him yet. The huge Vasiliev family from Shuysky district opens our top list “The largest families in the world”. The wife of a peasant Vasiliev gave birth to 69 children! And such a number of descendants was born just 40 years of life together. How is this possible ?! This is explained by several multiple pregnancies of the peasant woman: 4 children were born 4 times, triplets appeared 7 times, 16 cases when twins came to this family. After the death of his first wife, the peasant Vasiliev married a second time - another 18 children were born from this marriage. As a result, Fedor Vasiliev was the father of 87 children.

the largest families in the world

Leontins from Chile

Our list of “Biggest Families in the World” is presented by the next Chilean couple of prolific Leontins parents. At the beginning of the 20th century, a 64th child was born in a friendly and large family. However, only 55 children were officially registered. This is not surprising or suspicious, since a similar situation with "unofficial" offspring is quite common in Chile.

Gravata from Italy

Around the same time, in the twenties of the XX century, the 62nd baby was born in the Gravate family in Palermo. Throughout her life, mother Rosa gave birth to one gear, five, four and four triplets, the rest of the birth brought one child at a time.

Kirillovs from Russia

And again a large couple from Russia! In the XVIII century on the territory of our country in the village of Vvedensky lived and was famous for the peasant family of Jacob Kirillov. He continues our list of "The Most Large Families in the World." In total, the peasant had 72 children in his 60 years. The first wife gave birth to 57 children, and 15 - the second. It was for these successes that Yakov Kirillov was noted at the court of Catherine II.

Pomegranate from Italy

Italy is not far behind! Another large foreign family by the name of Pomegranate continues our top list. In 1832, they were born the 52nd child in a row.

Mott from the UK

The British Elizabeth and John Mott entered into a marriage in 1676. They had no regrets about this decision. As a result of their family life, 42 healthy children were born.

the largest large family in the world

Greenhill from the UK

Another English pair of parents with many children. Spouses Greenhill, who lived in Britain in the XVII century, gave birth to 39 children. And so we got into our unusual prolific list.

Daad Mohamed al-Balushi from the UAE

In the United Arab Emirates in 2012, the 94th child was born in the huge family of Daad Mohamed al-Balushi. Despite such a number of children, this prolific father is not in the first place due to the fact that he was provided with such 18 children by 18 wives, successively replacing each other after a divorce. According to Sharia law, a man could have 4 official wives at the same time. However, due to the large offspring, he continues our top list “The Largest Families in the World”.

the largest families in the world

Zion Khan from Indonesia

Today, in the Indian village, Zion Khan, the founder of a sect who, according to the laws of his religious cell, can have an unlimited number of wives, shares similar views of Daad Mohamed al-Balushi. His large family lives in a modest one-room house: 38 Zion women live there, who gave birth to a total of 94 children for their husband. On this, the father of many children does not want to stop and intends to continue to continue his family.

Moulay from Morocco

In the 18th century, the brutal Sultan Moulay Ismail, the owner of hundreds of wives and concubines, was in power in Morocco. The Guinness Book of Records reflected the following figures on its pages: the Sultan gave birth to 700 boys and 342 girls. However, according to historical notes, half of the children born from concubines were not officially registered. The information reflects that every 4 days in the life of Moulay Ismail his child was born. Be that as it may, he is the largest father in the world, and his many thousands of kinship with wives and children is the largest large family in the world in all history, albeit in an unusual meaning for us (for us, marriage is a mono-union )

Large families in the past

Once upon a time, it was believed that a family should be large and large - together it is easier to live in a big world. When everyone fulfills his duties, things go faster and more conveniently. Craft (and this is training) and doing business in the world (society) was passed from grandfathers and father to sons and grandchildren, and housekeeping and all women's everyday wisdom wandered from grandmothers and mothers to daughters and granddaughters. So there was a transfer of knowledge, skills, culture was absorbed. The education and training of the younger ones (through work, by example, mutual assistance, through communication with each other) took place interactively, right before our eyes. It did not depend on the population. Those who had the opportunity to receive education from other teachers and professionals, they undoubtedly received it, but it was additional, developing, expanding the boundaries of the knowledge that already was. The development of generations went about this way.

subsidies to large families

Large today

Over time, everything has changed: social conditions, social attitudes and a demographic worldview. Now in Russia a large family is considered to be a family in which they grow up from three children and more. Far from all are solved for such a number of children. It will be more correct to say, few are being decided. Large families in Russia are only 7-9 percent of all existing. A similar situation is a reflection of many social factors: this is an insufficient amount of earned finances, and environmental degradation, which affects the health status of women and men in their reproductive age, and the emancipation of women who work alongside men, instead of doing housework and raising children , as well as the emergence of a negative attitude towards large families.

Regarding our topic, you can probably dwell a little more on the last factor. For what reason has a negative attitude towards large families formed in society? The fact is that in recent decades such “cells of society” are erroneously associated with dysfunctional ones. This happened because some representatives lost their moral and moral character and because of a lack of education. Such couples, giving birth to children, do not engage in their upbringing and development (often find themselves later without the participation and help of a second parent). Sometimes a large number of children can even be explained by existing benefits (the state allocates special subsidies to large families for support purposes). Such a child, of course, having an unfavorable example before his eyes, as a rule, repeats it in his life.

However, it is a mistake to judge a whole category of large families by individual dysfunctional representatives. But in order for a shift in the perception of society to take place, successful examples are again needed in bringing up and overcoming common everyday difficulties with large families, and this is not a quick matter, a matter of a whole era.


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