Bran Castle (Dracula) in Romania

Bran Castle is the most interesting place for travelers and lovers of mystical buildings. Indeed, according to legend, this is the ancient monastery of Count Dracula himself. It was here that the shooting of the famous film of the same name took place about the terrifying vampire.

Atmosphere of darkness

bran castle

Tourists wishing to visit the world of the mystical negative hero and feel the atmosphere of despair reigning in his chambers should visit Romania. It is there, in the mountain liner of the Carpathians, that a bewitching building is located - Bran Castle. The famous residence of Dracula is made in the Gothic style. Inside, it is divided into many corridors, labyrinths, small rooms and large halls, which surprisingly harmoniously border each other. The atmosphere in the castle is really gloomy. It seems that the doors are about to open - and in the next room appears the silhouette of His Majesty Count Dracula. The spirit of mysticism reigns everywhere. What is the old well, located in the courtyard of a unique fortress. After all, it is he who is the only entrance to the underground premises, which are considered secret. Near the castle is the Dracula market, where tourists are actively offered to buy vampire-themed souvenirs.

"Gloomy" castle: myths and reality

The old building is shrouded in secrets and legends. For many years now, local residents believe that Earl Dracula himself once lived here. But historical data refute this legend. Some sources claim that Bran Castle (Romania) is the residence of Vlad Sagatel.

vampire castle bran
In fact, in 1377, King Louis I the Great issued a document confirming that the residents of Brasov (Saxons) have the right to build a stone fortress called β€œBran”. Before the construction of the legendary castle, the citadel was located here. In its place, construction work began. And very soon, local residents saw the majestic stone fortress of Bran. Dracula's castle has become a real "salvation" for the urban population. In honor of the construction of a new fortress, the king freed the people from mandatory state taxes for several centuries. In the 13th century, the castle was ruled by the royal principality of Alba. The legendary building was also owned by Mr. Mircea the Old, and later became the property of the residents of Brasov and the Habsburg Empire.

Modern history

In 1920, the Brasovites decided to thank Queen Mary for her services: in 1918 she united all the Romanian lands. As a gift, the Queen received Bran Castle in her possession. Gradually, Mary turned it into a summer residence. From 1920 to 1927, the fortress was restored, which was led by the Czech architect Karel Liman. The result was a beautiful residence with parks, alleys, small paths leading to a small picturesque lake. Later, the Romanian castle Bran underwent another restoration. In 1992, Francis Ford Coppola asked to "finalize" the old building for the subsequent filming of the film "Dracula".

romanian bran castle

The appearance of the castle

The Irish writer Brem Stoker very beautifully described the residence of the Transylvanian vampire: β€œBran Castle rises on the edge of a mighty rock. From its western side you can see a huge valley, ending with the notches of a mountain range. The steep cliffs on which the stone fortress towers are overgrown with mountain ash and thorny bushes clinging to the recesses, cracks and crevices in the stone. The castle windows are located in such a way that arrows and stones could not get in, but the rooms were light and comfortable. ”

castle bran romania
As you can see, Bran Castle (Romania) was built for defensive purposes. Now he looks exactly the same as in the descriptions of Bram Stoker. The magnificent stone structure could really appeal to vampires. Its serpentine stairs, long corridors, underground passages, secret rooms create a mystical atmosphere. In fact, the ancient fortress occupies a small area of ​​8 hectares. It includes only 4 levels, interconnected. Bran is now a museum. Tourists are given the opportunity to stroll through its many rooms, examine medieval weapons and admire the territory adjacent to the fortress.

Why is Bran the abode of Dracula?

The legendary castle was replaced by many rulers. Locals claim that he once belonged to a prince named Vlad Dracula.

bran castle of dracula
Bram wrote that this ruler was brutal. He went to extremes: he drank the blood of his enemies. That is why he was nicknamed the vampire. And although these historical data did not find proper confirmation, they served as a source of inspiration for the directors. Many feature films and documentaries about Bran have been shot. Dracula's castle has become a true legend. Rumor has it that screams and satanic laughter are still heard from the fortress at night. But the locals are not afraid of this fact. On the contrary, they believe that Dracula is a friendly host and likes to receive "guests."

The current status of Bran

The architectural monument is considered the main attraction of Romania. It is also included in the list of the most terrible places on Earth. To increase interest in a strange castle and attract tourists from all over the world, guides do not forget to mention that the fortress is a real residence of the famous vampire. And, although historical records do not confirm the fact of residence in the castle of Count Dracula, it is still unknown whether his personality is fictitious or is it real. For a long time, Bran was desolate. The castle was transformed when the American filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola began its restoration at his own expense for the subsequent filming of the film.

Dracula's castle in winter

The ancient stone fortress was estimated at $ 140 million. The tourist symbol of Romania attracts many travelers from all over the world both in summer and winter. With the advent of autumn, Vampire Castle (Bran) looks even more mysterious and mysterious. In the evenings a foggy haze envelops him, and the fortress seems ghostly. And in winter, the snow cover on the roofs gives the architectural structure coldness and gloom. When you look at the castle from afar, the thought involuntarily creeps in that now Count Dracula himself is examining his possessions there. In winter, a magnificent view opens from the fortress - a picturesque winter panorama. Here you feel like a guest of a mysterious country: a mystical fortress is surrounded by snow-covered mountains; below you can see the snow-white valley.

bran castle photo

How to get to Dracula's Castle

There are two ways to get to the ancient fortress from Bucharest.

  1. By car on the DN3 highway.
  2. By train along Brasov, and from there by bus or taxi to the village of Bran.

Entrance to the castle is paid. After acquiring a ticket, tourists are allowed on a narrow, stone-lined path leading to the fortress. The architectural building is located on a mountain peak. To reach it, you need to complete about 1,400 steps. At the foot of the mountain is a concrete staircase that leads up to the ruins. Here a picturesque landscape opens to the eye: glimpses of the sun are reflected in Lake Vidraru, the peaks of the Fagaras mountains are visible in foggy haze, and even further - the lands of the Papusa mountains. Romanian citizens come to the weekend to see the Bran Castle, whose photo is simply mesmerizing. Near the ancient fortress there are many small cozy hotels. Romanians and visiting tourists especially like to stay there. In Brasov, where the Bran Castle is located, there are many religious attractions that visiting guests are happy to visit.


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