What should a two-month-old baby be able to do? 2 months: development and psychology of the baby

Surely every parent is worried about whether his baby is developing correctly. In the first year of life, maximum growth and spasmodic development of crumbs occurs. What is he baby (2 months)? The development and psychology of the baby will be presented to your attention in the article.

Most mothers independently understand how to communicate with a child and what to do in a given situation. Often, grandmothers and experienced friends come to the rescue. If you do not know what a child should do (2 months), the development and psychology of the crumbs will be described by a pediatrician. It is the doctor who should give you advice on caring, feeding and training the baby. Whether or not to listen to them is a personal matter.

baby 2 months development and psychology

Baby (2 months)

The development and psychology of the baby at this age is always individual. All the kids are different. Some learn new skills earlier, others later. By about two years old, all the children will be equal. It should be noted that we are talking about healthy children, without congenital abnormalities.

The development and psychology of the child is greatly influenced by the process of his birth and the time spent in the womb. If pregnancy proceeded without problems, and childbirth took place naturally, then most likely, your baby will be able in 2 months to do everything that is due by this time. At birth, through cesarean section, it is more difficult for children to adapt to the outside world. They can learn some things by only three months. However, this is not such a big problem. As already mentioned, closer to two years, all differences will be erased. Even premature and lagging babies sooner or later catch up with their peers.

Height and weight

A little later, you will find out what a baby (2 months) has development. Height, weight, crumbs are individual indicators. These data depend on with what parameters the baby was born. In most cases, the appearance of the baby occurs from the 37th to the 42nd week of pregnancy. At the same time, weight and height are in the range of 2.5-4.5 kilograms and 48-60 centimeters. However, there are situations when the baby is born prematurely. In this case, its weight can be from 500 grams, and the growth will be at least 30 centimeters.

baby at 2 months development and nutrition

Upon reaching two months of age, the weight of the child should increase by an average of 1.6-2.5 kilograms. In the growth of the crumb, it is required to add up to 8 centimeters. The average body weight of a baby at 2 months is 5 kilograms. At the same time, boys can weigh a little more, and girls - less. The growth of such crumbs will be about 60 centimeters. It is worth noting that each pediatrician has norms by which he puts a child on a five-point scale. All data are entered in an individual card.

Nervous system

What is the development of a baby in 2 months? What should he be able to do at this point, how does his body function? Surely all parents know that every child is born with an immature nervous system. That is why most children are diagnosed with tone, tremor and other temporary defects. By two months, most of them are eliminated. Only in exceptional cases can such symptoms last up to three months. That is why a neurologist is examined at 1 and 3 months, respectively. If necessary, the doctor prescribes drugs that will help the body crumbs to establish the work of the nervous system.

An invaluable contribution to the development of the correct tone, posture and many skills occurs during massage. That is why such manipulations are prescribed even to healthy children. If you trust your doctor, be sure to follow all appointments and recommendations.

baby 2 months development and psychology photo

Physical development

What is the development of a small child (2 months)? What can he do? At this age, approximately half of all children already hold their heads. Normally, doctors give the baby up to three months to acquire this skill. Promotes learning laying on the stomach. Regularly between feedings, lay the baby on a hard surface with the tummy down. Also favorably affect the development of this skill classes on the ball.

In the learning process, you will see that at first the baby only slightly tears the head off the surface. After a while, the baby will begin to rise on his chest. By the end of the third month, the baby will already be on its elbows, lifting the torso. It is worth recalling that massage helps all of this.

The immune system

How is a small child (2.5 months)? The development and psychology of the baby is completely dependent on his mother, as well as his protection. The crumbs as such do not yet have immunity. Most children do not get sick in the first months of life, as their parents carefully protect them. It is worth saying that during this period the child receives the antibodies he needs from food. That is why doctors are so strongly advised to feed him breast milk.

This diet contains all vitamins, elements and immunoglobulins. If you are forced to switch to artificial feeding, then you need to choose the right, suitable mixture. This will allow the baby to avoid a lack of nutrients.

child 2 5 months development and psychology

Baby at 2 months: development and nutrition

At this age, all children receive breast milk or an adapted mixture. Feeding to such crumbs has not yet been introduced. It is worth noting that the children at 2 months still have a reflex: the child pushes out with his tongue everything that enters his mouth. The only exceptions are nipples and bottles, as well as the mother's breast.

Many grandmothers advise to introduce complementary foods to the child at 2 months. After all, a few decades ago at this age, children were already given egg yolk, apple and juice. The need for such an early feeding was due to the fact that the new mother had to go to work. Now, pediatricians are not advised to introduce adult food into the baby’s diet for at least 4-5 months. At the age of two months, the child is able to eat up to 60 milliliters of milk at a time. The break between meals is 2-4 hours.

Emotional development of crumbs

What can a two-month-old baby do? His psychology is formed throughout the first year of life. So, a two-month-old baby should already be able to smile. Positive emotions are usually addressed to relatives, whom the baby already knows well. The kid looks at strangers with distrust. Only after studying them can he smile.

At two months, the baby begins to walk. He makes vowels. Some of them may seem very loud and emotional. So the baby learns to express their desires and requirements. After cries, children often fall silent, listen to themselves. For them, now everything is new and interesting. The need for food, nutrition and changing the baby diaper still expresses crying. However, dissatisfaction can already be very different. At this age, the baby cries, not only because it is hungry, but also because of boredom.

2 months baby what can

Individual features of two-month-old children

If the child is 2 months old, the development (what should be able to) of him can be individual. Some kids at this age already know how to roll on their tummy and vice versa. However, this is the exception rather than the rule. Usually this skill is acquired only by 3-4 months. If you regularly engage with your baby, then he will quickly master these skills.

Some mothers say that at this age their baby is already asking for a pot. However, this is rather a suggestion than a true statement. A two-month-old baby thinks and strains before wetting his pants. Sometimes this process is preceded by a short cry. It is on these grounds that attentive mothers understand the baby and are planted on the pot. It is worth noting that this happens, rather, in order to save diapers. The kid at this age is not yet able to remember these rules for the future.

2 month baby development that should be able to

Some children at this age begin to climb teeth. Doctors set the boundaries for the first teething of 4-8 months. See your doctor for an examination and confirmation that your baby’s teeth are growing properly.

Psychology of a child at two months of age

The psychological development of the baby is very closely associated with neurological status. That is why you need to take care of the proper formation of your child’s skills. It is worth noting that babies who have a daily regimen are less sick. They are more calm and balanced. Therefore, it is so important to properly organize the life of your baby. Try to feed him at the same time, the ritual of going to bed should always be performed. Remember that during the first year of life, the crumb schedule can change several times. Adjust to it, but do not forget that everything depends on you.

When your child is awake, talk to him constantly. Do not forget that he hears you and understands intonation. Talk about your actions. During the walk, if the baby does not sleep, show him different objects. This will help the baby grow faster.

Many mothers complain that they do not have time to do household chores. Ask your husband or new grandmothers for help. Believe me, now you are very important for a child. Only a few months will pass, and the baby will become more independent. Do not miss this moment of development. Correctly form the psychology of your child.


You learned about how a small child develops (2 months). Development and psychology, photos of a baby of this age are presented to your attention. Always remember that all children are individual. Perhaps your baby’s absolute age is developing somewhat faster or slower. Do not focus on this particular attention.

development of a child in 2 months what should

A two-month-old baby strives to develop. Work with him. Give him different toys. Now the child is learning to hold the subject. In just two months, he will be able to confidently take different toys and study them independently. I wish you success!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9101/

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