The house of fairy tales "Once upon a time" in Moscow at the All-Russian Exhibition Center: description, excursions, reviews

For more than 20 years of fruitful work, the House of Tales "Once Upon a Time" in Moscow was appreciated not only by Muscovites, but also by young spectators from different regions of Russia. Today, its popularity has gone far beyond the borders of our country.

What attracts visitors to the children's museum

In 1995, the House of Fairy Tales “Once upon a Time” appeared in Moscow. The main activity is theatrical tours. During their conduct, children, along with guides, talk about the culture of different peoples, their traditions, the work of artists and writers. Many excursions devoted to folk and author's tales, Slavic mythology and epics have been developed.

the house of fairy tales lived in Moscow

About twenty presentations on various topics have been developed. Among them, a special place is occupied by the works of A. S. Pushkin, S. Ya. Marshak and K. I. Chukovsky, tales of Western European writers. Visitors get a lot of positive emotions while watching performances and are saturated with the atmosphere of warmth that filled the House of Fairy Tales "Once Upon a Time". In Moscow, it is popular not only with children, but also with the adult population of the country.

What museums does VDNH have to visit

Children's museums in Moscow

Children's museums in Moscow do not remain without visitors for a single day. Earlier, the main visitors were students who were brought from different schools for excursions, but now a lot of parents regularly attend various thematic events on their own initiative and at the request of the children. This fairy-tale museum did not leave anyone indifferent at least once theatricalized.

In addition to the “House of Fairy Tales”, the VDNH metro has many interesting places to visit:

metro vdnh

  1. Museum-Theater "Ice Age".
  2. State Central Theater Museum named after A. Bakhrushin.
  3. Moscow Museum of Animation.

Work specifics

The "House of Fairy Tales" at the VDNH metro is much different from similar children's institutions. Perhaps that is why it is so popular not only among children, but also adults. Each of the forms of work organization delights with the high level of preparedness and skill of the actors. It can be seen that the artists are responsible for each performance. Viewers feel the warmth and kindness that comes from young and already experienced craftsmen.

Forms of work:

  1. Regular theatricalities are organized for orphans and the disabled.
  2. Particular attention is paid to the organization of performances for children in socially dangerous situations.
  3. Special programs for children with disabilities have been developed.
  4. Together with psychologists, a number of art-therapeutic measures for children from psychiatric hospitals have been compiled.

Interesting facts from the creative life of "House of Tales"

You can talk a lot about this amazing institution for young viewers. Especially if you start with the history of its occurrence and end with the latest news. But below will be presented the most impressive information on the reviews of visitors who repeatedly return to the fabulous house to once again enjoy the cozy atmosphere and get an unforgettable experience from theatrical performances:

  • the museum has a collection that stores about 400 different costumes, books, household items and dolls that are used during performances;
  • almost all museum units are allowed to touch;
  • over the entire period of its existence, the children's museum has received a huge number of well-deserved awards and thanks: the Certificate of Merit of the Committee on Culture of Moscow, a grant from the Open Society Institute and many others.

What visitors say about this fabulous place

house of fairy tales lived in Moscow reviews

It is always interesting to know the opinions of people who have already been there. Many have managed to plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of a fairy tale, where good always conquers evil.

Visitors' feedback on the children's museum is mostly positive. The design of the museum impresses many. Some visitors do not have enough words to describe their impressions after watching the presentation. Moreover, the emotions of adults are often just as sincere as children.

Many people like that the cost of tickets is so acceptable that you can visit the museum several times a month, depending on the schedule of performances for children of a certain age. Some parents believe that absolutely any dramatization will become interesting for both very young viewers and older children. The fabulous atmosphere during the performance is of prime importance here.

The museum is visited by people of all ages. Here both grandparents and grandchildren like to spend time, and schoolchildren with parents. For many, it has become a tradition to organize birthdays in the museum. The artists are so caring and friendly to each child, without exception, that adults are delighted with such professionalism of the actors.

Adults say that children remember episodes from the performance for a long time and ask to visit the museum again. Of all the many entertainment venues for children, "Fairy Tale House" has become a real find for a pleasant pastime in your free time.

Only enthusiasm and positiveness leaves visitors to the House of Tales "Once Upon a Time" in Moscow. The reviews are extremely positive. Adults admit that their enthusiasm for what they saw is no less than that of children. Moreover, viewers note that the fabulous atmosphere begins long before the presentation.

the house of fairy tales lived at the exhibition center


No wonder it says: "The theater begins with a hanger." Having crossed the threshold of the museum, you feel yourself in another world, so unusual and fabulous, full of miracles and fun adventures.

Each museum is interesting in its own way, because each is filled with a special atmosphere. Depending on the age of the child and his individual preferences, you can choose a sufficient number of suitable options. Children's institutions are not alike, especially in the form of organization of activities.

Before visiting, you should definitely call the institution and clarify all the nuances. For example, to visit the House of Fairy Tales “Once upon a Time” at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, one must have replaceable shoes. Advance registration is required here. Children's museums in Moscow evoke positive emotions and delight in both children and adults. Visiting them is a must, and as often as possible.


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