Pelargonium tulip: care, description, photo

Until recently, only a few lovers of indoor plants grew pelargonium. This flower was one of the signs of "philistinism" and was not particularly popular. You could see him only in schools or kindergartens. Today, pelargonium is once again becoming popular and fashionable. There are many different, often very beautiful and requiring special care varieties. Tulip-like (Tulipa Pelargonium) are among the latter.

Bit of theory

Sometimes not too experienced lovers of indoor plants call pelargonium geraniums, which is completely wrong. The birthplace of this flower is the southernmost point of Africa - Cape of Good Hope. It was here that a couple of centuries ago, sailors bought the first pelargonium for European botanists. Indeed, initially this plant was assigned specifically to geraniums. The thing is its beak-shaped fruit, which is the main distinguishing feature of this family. However, later scientists divided the genus of geraniums into two parts. Winter-hardy plants are called proper geraniums, and heat-loving plants - pelargoniums. Outwardly, the latter can be distinguished from the former by the structural features of the flower. The proportionality of the buds is what distinguishes geraniums. Tulargic pelargonium, like ordinary, has flowers with large upper and small lower petals. In open ground, this species cannot winter in Russia.

pelargonium tulip-shaped photo

Actually, these pelargoniums are called tulip-like primarily for the unusual, very beautiful shape of the flowers. In principle, their structure is the same as that of other varieties. However, tulip-shaped pelargonium flowers never fully reveal. Thanks to this, they resemble tulips that are effectively gathered in a bouquet.

What varieties exist and where to buy tulip-shaped pelargonium

Varieties of this plant lovers of indoor flowers grown a huge amount. Pelargonium buds can be collected in very lush or modest brushes, have different sizes and colors. There are both ordinary tulip-shaped varieties and terry varieties. The shape of the buds can be almost round or elongated.

All pelargonium grown in indoor conditions are divided into two large groups: royal and zonal. The former are very finicky, the latter are relatively unpretentious. Accordingly, when growing these flowers, two care technologies can be used. Pelargonium zonal tulip-shaped requires less attention than royal varieties of geraniums. However, in this case, the cultivation has some of its nuances. Further in the article we will deal with all the details of how to properly water, fertilize, trim and transplant plants of this group.

Where to buy tulip-shaped pelargonium - the question is not too complicated. Very often, these plants are sold in specialized flower shops. Seeds of some unusual variety can also be written over the Internet. We will talk about how to grow tulip-like pelargonium from such planting material below.

Variety selection

Varieties of tulip-shaped pelargonium, as already mentioned, there are several. The most popular among indoor plant lovers are:

  • Emma fran Bengtsbo.

  • Lilian Andrea.

  • Marbacka Tulpan.

  • Red Pandora

  • Patricia Andrea.

Very often, growers also grow an attractive Herma variety. When choosing a specific variety, indoor plant lovers look primarily at the appearance of the flower. Some people like pink terry "tulips", some red, some small, and some large. Actually, the very care of all these varieties is almost the same. But some varieties can still be a little more capricious than others.

where to buy tulip-shaped pelargonium

Pelargonium Herma

This is a very compact unpretentious variety. Herma tulip-shaped gained its popularity for its very lush large inflorescences, consisting of spectacular red-orange buds. The value of this variety lies not only in its luxurious appearance, but also in long flowering. Plant buds are held from April to September.

Variety Emma fran Bengtsbo

This is a very tall plant, requiring constant formation of the crown. With proper pruning, the tulip-shaped pelargonium (photo of it can be seen below) Emma fran Bengtsbo becomes simply fabulously beautiful. Her leaves are green, plain, shiny, and tulip flowers have a very light pink shade and a neat, oblong shape. This variety is slightly worse than other varieties tolerates the scarcity of watering. With a lack of water, its leaves twist up, and the plant loses in effect.

pelargonium tulip

Pelargonium Lilian Andrea

It is also a very spectacular variety. Its advantages include the compactness of the crown, the ability to scrub well, and the absence of large internodes. The Lilian Andrea variety blooms for a very long time and is plentiful. His buds have just a luxurious rich raspberry hue. At the same time, the very shape of the flowers is very beautiful, since each petal is slightly pointed from above. The leaves of this geranium are green, slightly velvety.

Variety Marbacka Tulpan

This variety is called by many lovers of indoor plants indomitable blonde. โ€œTulipsโ€ are white, with a slightly pinkish tinge. In shape, they resemble a magnificent little egg. Round bright green leaves of this variety look very neat. Like Emma, โ€‹โ€‹tulip-like pelargonium Marbacka Tulpan is a tall plant and requires regular crown formation.

Red pandora

This variety is one of the most unpretentious, and therefore popular among lovers of indoor plants, tulip-like varieties. The leaves of Red Pandora, tulip-shaped pelargonium, have classic dark green, and the flowers are red with light veins. The shape of the buds is quite beautiful - slightly rounded. Variety Red Pandora is usually grown simultaneously with pink varieties. Together they look unusually impressive.

Patricia Andrea

The shape of the flowers in this variety is simple, neat, classically tulip-shaped. Leaves are glossy with carved edges. Pelargonium tulip-like Patricia Andrea is appreciated by lovers of indoor plants, primarily for its very spectacular, carmine-red, buds alternating with soft pink bursts.

What is the care of tulip-shaped pelargoniums

As already mentioned, in most cases, this group of indoor flowers is unpretentious. But in any case, you still have to pay attention to your tulip-shaped pelargonium. Caring for these plants includes the following procedures:

  • watering;

  • top dressing;

  • bush formation;

  • transplant.

Among other things, for pelargonium it will be necessary to choose the right place and soil.

What should be the soil mixture

The land for a plant such as tulip-shaped pelargonium (the photos on the page clearly show how beautiful the properly grown specimens can be) will only fit fertile, sod or compost. Potted drainage is required. The easiest way is to pour in a container a mixture consisting of sand, peat, humus and compost soil in equal quantities. Such a soil will be ideal, especially for young plants. Old pelargoniums feel good on a mixture composed of compost, peat substrate, coniferous land and humus. In summer, tulip-shaped pelargoniums can be planted next to the house in ordinary turf land.

pelargonium herma tulip-shaped

It is important to ensure that the soil under these flowers is not particularly dense. In any case, adding too much peat to the soil is not worth it. If water stagnates in a flower bed or in pots, the roots of the plants will begin to rot.

How to choose a capacity for indoor pelargonium

When growing these indoor plants, it is important to choose not only the soil mixture, but also the pots themselves. Clay or wooden containers are best suited for these colors. A tulip-shaped pot or box too large for pelargonium should not be taken. Otherwise, the plant simply will not bloom. Plastic, and especially transparent containers for pelargonium are also not recommended. No exact explanation for this was found, but flower growers noticed that in such pots these plants begin to get very sick.

Of course, the capacity should not be too small, otherwise the flower will develop poorly. The optimal diameter of the pot for one plant is 12-14 cm. At the same time, its height should be 10-15 cm. Very often lovers of indoor plants plant 2-3 pelargoniums in one container. In this case, it is better to take a pot with a diameter of 22-25 cm.

How to water

The ability to accumulate water in the stems is what distinguishes tulip-shaped pelargonium. Care at home for this plant, therefore, requires the observance of accuracy regarding irrigation. Tulip species like water more than other pelargoniums. However, it is still impossible to reload them. It is advisable to moisten the ground beneath them when its top layer (1.5 cm) dries. Watering itself should not be carried out under the root, but through the pan. The last should be filled with water. Then put the pot in the pan for about half an hour. Water for irrigation should be taken at room temperature, previously boiled or left to stand for a day.

In summer, the soil under the tulip-shaped pelargoniums is moistened once a day or two, in winter - not more than once a week. A sign of excessive watering may be the appearance of water pads on the leaves of plants. With a lack of moisture, the lower leaves turn yellow.

pelargonium tulip-shaped patricia andrea

How to feed

Fertilize tulip-like pelargoniums usually only in the warm season. In this case, both mineral and organic compounds are used. It is best to feed these houseplants with Kemira, Zircon, Ideal, and Mikrassa means. If you donโ€™t want to spend money on them, you can also use homemade organic fertilizers. This can be, for example, eggshell, sleeping tea, infusion of nettle or rotted manure.

Where to place pots

Pelargonium tanks are always installed in the brightest rooms. Ultraviolet, these plants are very fond of. However, one should not allow direct sunlight to fall on the leaves. Otherwise, burns may appear on them. Tulip-shaped pelargoniums, moreover, with an excess of ultraviolet radiation can "sport". That is, they will wake up the parental genes, and their flowers will open completely. Of course, in this case, the tulip-shaped pelargonium will lose its originality. If this happens, the sporting hand should be trimmed. Otherwise, such branches can completely clog the tulip-like variety.

In the warmer months, pelargonium pots are usually taken out onto the balcony. This can be done immediately after the air temperature warms up above 15 degrees. In stems of high varieties, sticks should be installed. Otherwise, pelargonium can be broken by the wind. In winter, these plants should be kept whenever possible in a cool room (11-15 degrees.). If the room is too warm in the cold season, pelargoniums may not bloom in summer. With a short daylight above the plant, it is recommended to hang a fluorescent lamp.

In too humid rooms, these flowers do not feel too well. Pelargonium should be installed in dry rooms. For the same reason, the plant is never sprayed. Also do not like pelargonium drafts or stagnation of air.

Crown formation

There are two ways to make tulip-shaped pelargonium beautiful, lush and compact in two ways: pinching or pruning. In the first case, growth points are simply deleted. This provokes the development of young shoots. Pelargonium tulip becomes more branched and lush. A pinch is carried out in February or March over 6-8 sheets.

The circumcision technique is used mainly for adult plants. This method allows you to radically change the form of pelargonium. In this case, old and too large shoots are simply cut from the bush. At the same time, approximately 5 buds are left on each stem. Do this treatment in early spring.

Nipping must be done with clean hands, and pruning with a rubbed alcohol tool. All wounds are necessarily treated with brilliant green or charcoal. You can also use some kind of fungicide. After trimming, the plant needs to be fed.

red pandora tulip-shaped pelargonium

How pelargonium is propagated

Thus, we have figured out how to care for such a spectacular plant as tulip-like pelargonium. As you can see, this is relatively uncomplicated. Simplicity differs and the procedure for propagation of these plants. As planting material, cuttings or seeds taken from the mother plant are usually used. In the first case, vertical shoots with two or three leaves are cut from the plant. Separate them better by a node with a growing leaf. Inflorescences from cuttings are removed. Landing is performed a couple of hours after cutting. The cuttings are pre-dipped in crushed coal. Most often, young tulip-shaped pelargoniums are planted in plastic cups. The latter are placed on the south window, and the sprouts themselves are slightly shaded. After filling the cup with the root system, young plants are transferred to a constant container.

Tulip-shaped pelargonium seeds are planted in seedlings in January or February. They are placed on the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkled. Next, the box is covered with glass or film. Pick picking is carried out after the appearance on young plants of 2-4 leaves. Pelargonium is planted when carried to the same depth at which they grew in the box. After 6-8 weeks, the plants are placed in constant containers. In balcony boxes they are seated at a distance of 20-25 cm, depending on the variety.


Pelargonium is tulip-shaped - the plant is quite hardy and unpretentious. These indoor flowers rarely get sick. Most often, pelargonium is affected by gray rot or alternariosis. Treatment in both cases is carried out using systemic fungicides. You can use, for example, Fundazole.

pelargonium zonal tulip]

Of insects, these flowers can be affected by aphids or ticks. In the first case of tulip-shaped pelargonium, they are treated with such means as Akarin or Decis. Against ticks use "Zolon" or "Ditoks".


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