Who is the ally?

This word is often used in everyday life and in the discussion of political events. Phrases about allies are constantly heard from the TV screen. This word has one meaning, but it can be used in different situations. Let's see who these allies are and why they are needed.


An ally is a like-minded partner in any relationship with a similar interest. Usually implies a contract between several parties to achieve a common goal.

ally is

A good example is the period of hostilities. Countries enter into an alliance to repulse the onslaught of a common enemy or, conversely, to launch an offensive. During the First World War, alliances between states played a decisive role. Austria-Hungary did not forgive the Serbs for the murder of their heir and unleashed a long and bloody war. The main associates were Italy and Germany - the Triple Alliance. This agreement allowed the Germans to declare war on Russia, pursuing their own goals. In contrast to them, the Entente was created - the military-political bloc of Russia, Great Britain and France. The unfolded theater of operations showed the true meaning of the word "ally." The Second World War once again proved how a treaty between countries can affect the final result. In addition, countries that have concluded trade agreements or other lucrative contracts can be called allies.

meaning of the word ally

Other aspects

You can often hear the expression: "Time is our ally." But you can’t conclude an agreement with minutes or days. In this case, it means that time will play on your side. It will help you in this situation. Another example: "The forest will become our ally." This means that nature will become your assistant and protect against the enemy. Such an interpretation implies the optional consent of the other party to help in any case or situation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9106/

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