How to make a page costume for a carnival?

Sometimes a problem arises for parents. Urgently need to make a page costume. And it doesn’t matter why he was needed: for a theatrical performance or for a carnival. The only important thing is that the child should look like a page! A costume is needed today. And the manufacturing time is limited.

What needs to be prepared for a page costume?

Attentive masters will definitely notice one important detail. The page costume almost exactly matches the prince's outfit, if the crown is replaced with a beret. However, the heirs to the throne do not always wear a tiara on their heads. And princes in carnival costumes often crown their heads with berets.

page costume

What does a page costume consist of for a boy or girl? Indeed, small coquets often like to dress up in courtiers close to the royal person. So, for this outfit you will need:

  • beret;
  • mantle (cape);
  • collar;
  • magnificent breeches;
  • fitting tights.

If time is very limited, you can do only with a cape and beret.

Page Mantle

So, you need to make an elegant cloak-cloak to get a beautiful page costume. Do it yourself with your own hands is quite simple. It is enough to take a rectangular bedspread from a bed or sofa and on the long side skip the lace into the drawstring. Better if it is silk or velvety.

do-it-yourself page costume

You can, of course, specifically buy fabric for these purposes. Then there is an option to cut a semicircle, cut another one with a smaller diameter near the center of the semicircle. This will be the neck of the mantle. A drawstring is made in it for a cord or satin ribbon, which is tied with a magnificent bow.

A crown can be embroidered with beads on the back of the mantle. The ornament laid out with a golden cord looks beautiful.

Making a beret for a page

If the house has a large beret from the fabric - this is just wonderful. Then you only need to decorate it with embroidery or a feather, and put the lower edge on an elastic band to reduce its size.

Sometimes a beret is replaced with a wide-brimmed hat. This option is also valid in a carnival costume.

But if he takes it, he’ll specially sew a page for the costume with his own hands, of course, he will be more elegant. The outfit looks especially luxurious if the headpiece and mantle are made of the same fabric.

page costume pattern

A pattern for a beret can serve as an ordinary circle. Around the part, they are assembled on a thread with a “forward needle” seam. Separately, a rim is cut out, the length equal to the volume of the head of the “page”. The strip is folded across in half, ironed carefully.

Then the rim needs to be sewn, turning it into a ring. Having folded one edge of the rim and the circumference of the part assembled on the thread, face it, they sew it. The second, free from seam, edge of the rim tucks inward thanks to smoothing. Now they are securing it with a blind seam. This must be done in such a way that the edges of the seam are hidden inward.


Costumes of the nobles in the past were distinguished by an abundance of lace, sequins, embroideries. The collars of the outfits looked especially luxurious.

You can make this part beautiful in four ways: from fabric (standing), from lace, from nylon or from paper.

For a collar made of fabric, you need to make a pattern in the form of a trapezoid. They hide at once two details that make up. Between them, you will need to insert cardboard so that the collar holds its shape. It can also be decorated with embroidery, sequins, rhinestones or a fur trim on the edge.

page costume for boy

It is possible to sew a collar from lace or proshiva. To do this, a wide strip is suitable, which is collected on a thread with a seam “forward needle”. You can sew a button or beautiful ribbon ties on the front for connection. A page outfit would be great if you made ruffles on the sleeves from the same lace or proshiv.

This manufacturing algorithm is suitable for kapron collars. But if the tape is taken long enough, then pulling together one of its edges, assembled with a seam “forward needle”, you get something resembling a skirt-pack of ballerinas. This collar looks very rich.

The last option is a paper collar. For its manufacture, many peaked cones are made from album sheets of A4 format. The points of the cones are cut off by 5-6 cm. Then, the parts obtained are glued together between the sides. From afar, such a collar also resembles a tutu skirt.

Curvy leggings: a master class

This part of the outfit is optional. That is, a page without pants at all is definitely nonsense. But for the outfit, ordinary trousers are also quite suitable.

However, if the master has the skills of a tailor, then sewing leggings for him will not be difficult. Most importantly, there would be enough time to make amazing, eye-catching, luxurious, magnificent breeches for a page costume.

page costume

A pattern for them can be done independently.

  1. We lay out any pants of the future page on the newspaper and circle the seams of the front and rear halves.
  2. Cut out the details of the patterns. To make the main pattern template, you need to slightly push them along the side seams to give splendor to future leggings.
  3. From light satin we cut and sew the inside of the pantalon. Slightly stepping back from the bottom edge, make a drawstring and insert a linen gum into it. Along the edge of the pantalon, you can sew a frill of lace.
  4. Stripes 5-10 cm wide and a length equal to the height of a pantalon are cut from a dark atlas. Then, every two strips are folded face inward and stitched. After that, the details are turned upside down.
  5. The edges of the strips are trimmed with golden trims. Lay them on the lower part of the pantalon and sew on top and bottom. When an elastic band is inserted at the top of the leggock, they are considered ready. When putting on the pants, the strips move apart in the middle part, between them the lower light trousers become visible. It looks beautiful and extravagant.
  6. In the same way, you can arrange the upper part of the sleeves of a page outfit.

As you can see from the article, it is quite possible to make such a carnival costume yourself. Just need desire, accuracy and patience.


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