Why do we need facade cassettes?

Recently, a new type of hinged facade with ventilation, which is the facade cassette, has become increasingly widespread. They allow you to give some parts of the building a spectacular and vibrant "appearance." At its core, it is a sheet of metal bent from four sides, which is painted in the desired color. These devices have become a literally new word in the field of modern facing materials. Of course, in the production of trying to comply with all standards and requirements in force in the world.

front cartridges

How do installation companies work?

Usually, when ordering, the design department of the contractor develops a cassette field. Specialists are trying to make it as consistent as possible not only with the entire appearance of the building, but also with its operational characteristics. Of course, facade cassettes can be installed on their own, using the instructions. But this option is not always the best.

What are the features of the material?

In general, we can say that facade cartridges have the main purpose - to carry out external wall cladding. These designs can be called peculiar profiles. The high relief of this device provides a modern and stylish appearance, which is especially true for large cities. Typically, the material for production is thin-sheeted. Most often this is polymer-type steel , where the surface is galvanized.

About the benefits of designs

Front cartridges have the following advantages:

  • for designers, they offer almost limitless possibilities;
  • no need to use heavy equipment for installation;
  • products are aesthetic and modern;
  • have a long service life;
  • high accuracy of geometry;
  • light weight.

Additional Information

front cartridges: price

Products such as facade cassettes, the price of which may vary depending on size, have some production features. Thanks to these features, the owner of the building himself can monitor how the walls in his room are aligned. Installation work is greatly simplified. You no longer need to think about careful measurements designed to calculate the desired wall slope and other similar parameters. Just one universal bracket is enough to achieve the desired result.

Varieties, specifications and sizes

metal front cartridges

In total, there are two varieties of products such as metal facade cassettes. They come with a lock or without a lock. Typically, thicknesses of these devices are suggested up to 1.2 mm. It all depends on the more specific dimensions of both the room itself and the device as a whole. The main requirements that must be observed are lightness and rigidity. It is very important to make the correct measurement for the room, otherwise the installation will not be possible to carry out properly. A high level of quality should be both materials and the work itself associated with them. The main thing is to choose companies that truly perform any kind of work, even if they are part of a whole range of services.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9116/

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