Masks Hotline Miami, methods for their preparation. Computer games

Hotline Miami is a 2012 Swedish game project. This game is an overly brutal Top-Down action (similar in essence to the shoot-em-up genre). The goal is to destroy crowds of enemies with firearms and cold steel and unravel the mysterious activities of the protagonist. Actions take place in Miami, in honor of which the name Hotline Miami was chosen (the Russian version is sometimes referred to as “Hotline: Miami”).

masks hotline miami

The game instantly gained deafening popularity due to its unique style and unusual for modern complexity projects. A few years later in 2014, the sequel to the Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number was released.

Surreal Masquerade

Features of the game are: a unique style, oppressive atmosphere, an unusual and stylish soundtrack, as well as mysterious masked strangers, “faceless” accompanying the protagonist throughout the storyline. Masks have become an important element of the game. They fit perfectly into the overall visual performance, and also affect the gameplay.

Collect them all

Why are these masks needed, and how to get them? There are a number of answers to the first question. First of all, each mask gives the protagonist unique abilities, making the passage easier or changing control, complicating it. Also, Hotline Miami masks are a certain moment of collecting that avid players love so much. Thanks to these items, they get another goal - to collect them all. On how to open all the masks in Hotline Miami, we will tell further.

Base mask

The very first mask in the game is the Rooster mask (name is Richard). It does not need to be sought, because this item is given at the very beginning, and therefore it does not have any additional features. This is just an element of clothing, so to speak.

hotline miami 2

Masks for good passage

Many Hotline Miami masks can be opened, passing level after level, trying to score as many points as possible. These include:

  • Rasmus (Owl) - this mask highlights all the elements of the puzzles in the game, so that it is easier for the gamer to find them and use them. This item can be obtained through the Prelude prologue (Metro)
  • Tony (Tiger) - this mask is a help for those who prefer close combat. All melee attacks are amplified and accelerated, moreover, with this mask you can manually kill dogs. To get it, you need to score as many points for completing the first chapter. It is worth noting that many masks in the game refer to various brands and famous people, such is the mask of Tony. Hotline Miami abounds with various references. This character, for example, is part of American culture, he is known as the face of the Frosties brand (breakfast cereals).
  • Aubrey (Pig) - significantly increases the amount of weapons that can be found at the level. You can get the mask by going through the second chapter. The pig has become one of the most recognizable characters in the game, as it appeared on the cover and in the teaser. The mask is named after the famous artist on the Web Aubrey, who worked in the studio Wolfire Games.

hotline miami game

  • Don Juan (Horse) - wearing a horse mask, you can kill enemies by knocking out doors (without it, it only neutralizes them for a while). You can get the item through the third chapter.
  • Graham (Rabbit) - increases the speed of the protagonist. To get this mask, you must successfully complete the fourth chapter. This is another reference to the studio Wolfire Games, as well as to the author of the games Lugaru and Overgrowth, the main character of which was the rabbit.
  • Dennis (Wolf) - a mask for edged weapon lovers. Those who dare to try it on will begin the level with a knife in their hands. The mask will be received by everyone who completes the fifth chapter with a fairly high number of points. The mask got its name from the co-author of Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2 Dennis Vedin.
  • George (Giraffe) - increases the overview of the map. You can get the mask by going through the sixth chapter.
  • Ted (Dog) - the main character disguises himself as a dog, as a result of which they stop attacking him, but nevertheless remain enemy creatures, and they must be destroyed in order to complete the level. You can get the item by completing the seventh chapter.
  • Rufus (Elephant) - the player receives a certain body armor, the ability to survive one shot appears. You can get such a mask by going through the eighth chapter.
  • Rami (Camel) - increases ammunition by 30% (there are a number of restrictions on some types of weapons). The mask is named after a close friend of developers Rami Ishmael, who was involved in the creation of Serious Sam.
  • William (Monkey) is another mask dedicated to the creator of Serious Sam. Gives a player a lethal attack. To execute it, you need to come close to the enemy and press the space bar. The mask is given as a reward for completing the tenth chapter.

hotline miami russian version

  • Peter (Unicorn) - all weapons used become silent. You can get the item by completing the eleventh chapter with the highest score. This mask was given the name of designer and writer Peter Rasmusson.
  • Zach (Frog) - combo counter does not reset longer than usual.
  • Rick (Fox) - significantly increases accuracy. It is rewarded for completing Chapter Sixteen.
  • Brandon (Panther) - just like a rabbit mask, it increases the speed of movement of the main character. This item can be obtained by collecting a large number of points in the seventeenth chapter.
  • Louis (Chameleon) - the mask is given to all those who completed the game with the “usual ending”. Wearing it, you can become less noticeable to opponents.

Masks to look for

Some Hotline Miami masks are scattered across levels. Usually they can be taken from the dead. These include:

  • Earl (Walrus) - this mask can be taken from the corpse, which is located on the second floor in the second chapter. Just like an elephant's mask, it allows you to survive a shot, even two.
  • Jones (Alligator) - here you need a whole instruction. In order to get a mask, you need to wait in the fifth chapter for the inscription “Come to the car” to appear, then take the mount, leave the building and open the well (in which the necessary object lies). The mask, unfortunately, does not affect the strength of the hero, but only increases the amount of blood.
  • Karl (Grasshopper) - you can take a mask from a corpse in a disco (chapter eight). It is the only way to get a drill as a weapon.

how to open all masks in hotline miami

  • Jake (Snake) - Weapon-free weapons become even more useful. Now with this item, weapons thrown at the enemy instantly kill him. The mask lies in the northwestern part of the room (chapter ten).
  • Richter (Rat) - another mask for a "hot" start. The player starts with an ultrasound machine in his hands. The mask lies on the counter in the evidence room (chapter thirteen).
  • Charlie (Octopus) - replaces a part of a firearm (located on a level) with a cold one. The mask lies in the kitchen (sixteenth chapter).
  • Phil (Fish). Do you like french? This mask is for you! With it, you can translate all the dialogs into the language of love. She lies among other masks near the metro (chapter nineteen). This mask was created as a tribute to the French game developer Philippe Poisson.

Masks for those who like more complicated

The last two Hotline Miami masks are designed for hardcore fans and new sensations:

  • Oscar (Mole). For a worthy passage of the fourteenth chapter, the player receives at his disposal this item, which (obviously) impairs the vision of the protagonist.
  • Nigel (The Bat). It would seem, how to make one of the most difficult indie games even more difficult? Developers know a lot about perversions and offer all owners of this mask reverse control (sheer hell). You can get the item by completing the game with the secret ending (the Hotline Miami game has two different endings, to open the secret one, you need to collect all the letters on the levels and use a computer that stands in the way of the sewer).

mask tony hotline miami

The cult of masks (instead of conclusion)

Hotline Miami masks have become an integral part of the game. But this was not all. Hotline Miami has become one of the few indie games to be awarded a series of merchandise. Now on the Web you can find many such life-size items that fans are happy to purchase and sometimes wear.


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