What is publicly available personal data?

Publicly available personal data is information about a person that he himself provides for free access. The realities of life are such that citizens daily have to communicate with employees of various institutions, draw up documents, fill out forms, answer questions. In some places you need to put your signature and these details become publicly available personal data, because the owner has allowed to use them at the discretion of the customer.

Privacy concerns

Legislative regulation

So that information about a citizen does not work against him, you need to carefully distribute a phone number to third parties, try not to fill out forms on unknown sites. The state has been worried about this issue for a long time, therefore it is even included in the country's main law - the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Based on the provisions of the main legislative act, Federal Law No. 152 has been approved, which gives an explanation of publicly available personal data. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Articles 23, 24) gave each resident of the state the right to have secrets, to preserve and protect the details of private life. Only the carrier of information about his own person can freely dispose of it, and the state serves as a guarantor of the protection of rights and freedoms.

An example is the processing of loans, filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job, when a citizen voluntarily agrees that all of the above will become publicly available personal data. But only such a condition persists for a time while a person occupies a position in the company or pays the debt. After the termination of the relationship, the employer must not disseminate information about the employee, transfer it to the archivist. Persons, both physical and legal, are required to obey the law.

Strict protection

Exception to the rule

In every, even strict rule, there are exceptions. Some publicly available sources of personal data have a special relationship:

  • Personal, family information, certificates, receipts that are stored in dressers, on shelves for many years, without putting them on public display, so as not to infringe on the rights of a third party.
  • Archival documents - the information may be requested by the owner himself, any eligible interested person, if the storage period has not expired and the papers have not been destroyed. Personnel of enterprises keep records of each employee for 70 years.

There are documents that are regarded as state secrets, access to them can be obtained only with special permission. Courts request extracts that are needed for legal proceedings. Different accessory information requires the same use, so a system has been created for them.

Secrets are firmly corked

Classification by type

Clerks are meticulous people, so as not to get into trouble with publicly available personal data (whether or not documents are such) they created a classifier. The information in it is distributed by confidentiality, difficulty of access and the possibility of use by others. The data may be:

  • depersonalized;
  • common
  • biometrics;
  • special.

Each informative view has its own characteristics, collection features, storage periods.

How to hide data?

General information

From birth, a person has a description of his own individual information that accompanies him throughout his life. If a citizen’s consent is obtained for publicly available personal data, you can freely use:

  • first name, middle name and last name;
  • place of permanent and actual residence;
  • passport details;
  • SNILS;
  • TIN;
  • phone numbers;
  • workplace address;
  • size of earnings.

Even this list is in doubt. Not always the owner of the phone number will agree that his contacts are publicly available personal data. As soon as the form on the site is completed, advertisers will not give rest from calls and dubious offers. For Roskomnadzor this is a controversial issue, they believe that they do not identify people by telephone, therefore it does not belong to confidential information. True, they make a clarification that, together with the name and address, the data becomes individual. And sending messages and incoming offers do not violate the law, no one forces the user to force them to accept.

What documents transmit accurate data?

State bodies (FIU in SNILS, FTS in TIN) contain all the necessary information about a person and try to hide them, protect data, establish strict controls for entering their personal account on the official website using complex passwords and codes. Citizens themselves must save from extraneous details:

  • passports
  • military tickets;
  • diplomas;
  • labor books;
  • various certificates and certificates.

Putting a harmless icon in the online application form can bring big troubles, for example, arranging large loans without the knowledge of a person.

Privacy protection

What do you get from anonymized materials?

What personal data is publicly available? First of all, anonymized information that contains:

  • address or telephone directory;
  • registry;
  • print source.

Before mobile phones came into use for every citizen, many residents used landline communications. The user’s address and device number could be obtained by mail, in a bank, in a public place where directories were sold for general use. Such information was not considered classified. Nowadays, the earnings of well-known politicians and senior officials are published, mainly they are done on Internet portals, but the legislator does not consider such actions as an encroachment on privacy.

Subject Characterization

These data are more relevant to medical indicators, as they describe the physiological and biological structure of a person. Information may be of interest to law enforcement agencies during the investigation. It could be:

  • fingerprint image;
  • blood type;
  • eye color description;
  • size, weight and height.

Personnel services are interested in biometric characteristics when they take staff to various government bodies. They began to demand such data for obtaining a passport, visa.

Locks for all information

What does the special information indicate?

Not all personal files and medical records can share special data about citizens. Some information completely belongs to the subject, he does not distribute it, but tries to hide it from strangers:

  • criminal record;
  • sex life;
  • diseases
  • religion.

A person’s belonging to a certain race, gender change, even political beliefs belong to special personal data. They depend on the will of the person: to tell on social networks or deeply hide their preferences and views.

Protection methods

Protecting information of any kind is a difficult task. Experts of different levels work on this problem, they identified the main methods. The choice is up to the user how to use:

  • legislative;
  • administrative
  • procedural;
  • technical.

Developed laws, various technical means to protect personal data. Nobody is so interested in their preservation as the citizen himself, therefore, it is necessary to be more responsible in the age of advanced technologies, when even instant distribution depends on pressing a button. If a similar incident occurs, it can always be eliminated by identifying the source of the threat. Credit cards are blocked, they change the operator on the phone. And employees who have committed criminal negligence, when collecting, storing and changing personal data, file a lawsuit in court.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9134/

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