Zehnder (radiators): overview, description, types, specifications and reviews

The modern heating equipment makes it possible to provide heat to large-area buildings and production facilities with high demands on microclimate performance. But in the case of private houses and apartments, high power potential is not always the main selection criterion. For example, in providing a small small-scale family, considerations of compactness come first, and when supplying a cottage or a penthouse with communication units, aesthetics and compliance with design requirements will be a prerequisite. Zehnder heating radiators, which are also famous for the stable performance of immediate heating tasks, meet such requirements. The German manufacturer produces units in various configurations, which enables customers to purchase the most suitable models for specific application conditions.

Zehnder Radiator Overview

zehnder radiators

The company focuses on the segment of equipment that integrates into the water heating system. In essence, this is the concept of traditional radiators, but in a modern interpretation. The basis of the units is a metal structure formed by several sections. Developers are especially careful about technological protection measures for equipment surfaces. With all its strength, Zehnder steel tubular radiators can undergo severe fracture under heavy-duty conditions. To prevent such phenomena, the manufacturer exposes the units to several sessions of external processing. At the first stages, surfaces are cleaned, and then a primer with painting in an electrostatic field is followed by enamel powder. At the final stage, antistatic and thermal finishes are performed.

Unit Specifications

zehnder tubular radiators

The Charleston line is considered the most popular, so the rest of the lineup is guided by its technical parameters. The standard width of the elements is 4.6 cm, while the height of the sections reaches 180 cm. Each radiator panel also has a metal head 1.5 mm thick. The number of sections may vary depending on the modification - the standard range varies from 4 to 12 elements. Of course, from a user’s point of view, the performance that Zehnder steel radiators provide under optimal operating conditions is most important. As for power, it is 188 watts for the basic configuration. This is not much, and modern boiler plants, of course, demonstrate a more impressive return, but this will be enough for the average needs of a city apartment. Temperature conditions are different, but the maximum is 120 ° C. Circuit pressure - 10 bar.

Types of structures

zehnder charleston radiators

Models are offered in several versions of the form, the main among which is the traditional panel design. Outwardly, such versions resemble a pipe grill, which, however, has a very attractive appearance. It is due to the aesthetic appearance that German radiators can not be masked and operated in an open form - they will not spoil the interior style and even bring in their own designer shades. Especially for those users who want to focus specifically on the design effect through an unusual structural design, the developers also offer modifications with an unusual shape. These are the radius and corner models of Zehnder. Radiators of the first type are distinguished by a curved design with a rounded contour. The curvature parameters may vary, but the first three sections always remain linear. Corner models are usually used for installation in bay windows. Designers form angles in the range of 90-179 degrees.

Technological features

Against the background of the appearance of more and more productive boiler and furnace units with small sizes, the class of radiators as such is gradually dying, unable to withstand competition. However, German experts strive to maintain interest in this niche through the development of models in different directions. In particular, the design of modern units suggests the possibility of replacing individual Zehnder elements. Radiators with minimal effort can be updated, which extends their service life. Mentioned protective coating of special enamel also gives many advantages - for example, all surfaces are accessible for washing. Regardless of the temperature regime, the coating from a special solvent does not emit harmful substances, so radiators can also be used in residential premises.

heating radiators zehnder

Ways to connect radiators

This is another feature of German equipment. A variety of connection options expands the range of applications of the radiator and makes installation convenient. As practice shows, the most popular is the lateral type of connection, which allows both a bundle with a central riser and apartment pipe wiring. If possible, many use a less noticeable lower eyeliner, but in this case, you can not do without the use of a special Zehnder thermal vent. Radiators can also be connected from above. This option is considered less convenient and unattractive, but in some cases, this configuration will be the most rational solution. Regardless of the connection method, the manufacturer suggests the use of an addition in the form of special thermostats. These are devices that allow not only to regulate, but to control the parameters of the operating modes of the equipment automatically.

Positive radiator reviews

steel radiators zehnder

Radiators as such are appreciated by the consumer for their small size and pleasant appearance. It is on these characteristics that the manufacturer Zehnder relies. Radiators are offered in different stylistic designs, which, in fact, attracts a considerable part of the target audience. Owners also respond positively to a simple and effective management system. All electronics and mechanical controls are accurate and reliable. It is also worth emphasizing reliability with security. German equipment rarely raises doubts about quality, and the Zehnder brand confirms this with the example of its own products.

Negative reviews

Like the positive qualities of this equipment, the negative aspects of its operation come from the very concept of the device. The radiator as heating equipment was initially considered an auxiliary component, so it is not able to provide the proper power for the full heating of large areas. Nevertheless, Zehnder Charleston radiators are quite suitable for use in apartments and small houses. As for other negative aspects, one can note a high cost, which on average varies from 16 to 20 thousand rubles.

steel tubular radiators zehnder

How to choose the best model?

First you need to determine the heating needs and compare them with the capabilities of radiators. If, theoretically, the equipment is able to ensure the fulfillment of the intended functions, then we can proceed to the selection. Actually, you should focus on two main criteria - thermal return and structural performance. To some extent, these are interrelated characteristics, since their effectiveness depends on the dimensions available to the plants. For example, Zehnder 14-section tubular radiators are capable of operating at a maximum temperature of 120 ° C. In order to ensure maximum heat transfer, options should also be considered in terms of shape. In some cases, the traditional wall arrangement will be advantageous, and in small-sized rooms and the corner version of the design, it will successfully cope with the assigned tasks.


radiator zehnder charleston completto

Steel sectional structures of heating elements to this day are the best solution for use in residential premises. As one of the best examples of such equipment, you can consider the Zehnder Charleston Completto radiator, which combines both design attractiveness and high thermal efficiency. Compared to alternative heating systems, such units practically do not cause trouble in maintenance. They do not require maintenance work and present a minimum of requests in terms of sanitary and hygienic care. Again, the treatment with a special antistatic coating saved housewives from unnecessary trouble in the form of dusting, and the possibility of easily replacing individual sections eliminates the need to contact service centers for repair.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9140/

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