Terry Calendula: Seed Growing

Calendula is one of the oldest plants used to decorate summer cottages, gardens and urban flower beds. This is an annual family of asters with beautiful flowers in different shades of yellow and orange. In addition to ornamental, these plants can perform more practical functions, as they are considered medicinal.

calendula seed cultivation
Terry calendula, a photo of which can be seen on the right, is the most preferred view for planting on lawns and flower beds. This type is distinguished by extraordinary beauty and spectacularity. Reed flowers of plants of this variety are not arranged in one row, as in simple forms, but in two or three. The flowers themselves are very large, can reach a diameter of more than 10 cm.

Calendula, the cultivation of which is considered the most preferred, can be planted both in spring and autumn. The germination of this plant is very good. In spring, seeds can begin to be sown already in late April. Autumn - in the middle of October. Calendula is not at all afraid of frost. Previously in the garden you need to add humus and 1 tbsp. l urea per 1 square. m

calendula for hair
When planting, you need to ensure that the distance between the rows is about 40 cm. The seeds themselves are buried in the ground by 1-2 cm. Shoots appear in about a week and a half. Calendula, the cultivation of seeds which is preferable to carry out in places well lit by the sun, also loves plentiful watering. If the plant lacks moisture, the flowers will be small, or flowering will even stop altogether. It is necessary to water it once a week, and in hot weather the amount of watering should be brought to 2-3 for the same period.

Periodical weeding and cultivation (like any other plant) requires calendula. Growing from seeds is not the only way to breed it. Seedling can also be used. However, this method is more often used by urban landscaping services to design flower beds. Summer residents prefer to plant it nevertheless with seeds, since this is less troublesome.

calendula photo
Moreover, even with this method of planting, the plant blooms in early to mid-June. Seeds can be harvested at the end of July. Withered and dried flowers need to be picked off from time to time. This will greatly improve the decorative qualities of the flowerbed. In addition, in this case, the plant saves power, as a result of which new flowers form on it.

Any varieties of calendula are considered medicinal. It helps a lot against throat diseases. Calendula for hair will be extremely useful. Rinsing them with infusion from this plant helps to solve the problem of excess fat and get rid of dandruff. Calendula is used as an anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent.

In addition, this plant is very useful to plant next to strawberries and raspberries. This will increase the productivity of both crops. In the first case, planting a calendula will help reduce the risk of rotting the roots of strawberries, and in the second, it will protect raspberries from raspberry flies. By the way, many garden pests do not tolerate the smell of this plant. You can not plant calendula only next to radishes and basil. This can slow down the growth of these crops.

Calendula, growing from seeds of which is considered a very simple way, can be planted on any site. It is useful both as a decorative and as a medicinal plant. Flowers perfectly decorate the yard or garden, and also contribute to maintaining the health of their owners.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9148/

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