Steam Machine Game System: Overview, Features and Reviews

Steam Machine is one of the most anticipated and interesting game consoles from the company Valve, known for the release of games such as Half-Life, DOTA 2, CS: GO and many others. When the idea came up to turn the original Steam client into a full-fledged operating system, which is complemented by the development of its own game controller and a unique gaming platform, no one could predict what could come of it.

A brief history of creation

steam machine

In the process of creating Steam Machine, Valve provided users with access to the test version of SteamOS, which was available for download and use by anyone. It is worth noting that many manufacturers released their versions of a fully finished version of the system, ranging from extremely simple mini-computers to large gaming stations with incredible configurations. However, at the Steam Dev conference, the company independently demonstrated its vision of what Steam Machine should look like.

What it is?

"Steamboat", as the common people called the new platform, is a small personal computer that is completely assembled on the basis of the Gigabyte BRIX Pro GB-BXi7-4770R system. By itself, it is a fairly compact device, equipped with a desktop processor, characterized by a sufficiently high power. Among other things, the presence of 8 GB of its own RAM, as well as the presence of a hybrid drive, the volume of which is 1 TB, deserves special attention. Of course, there is also a built-in Intel Iris Pro 5200 model card in the Steam Machine. It is worth noting that the estimated cost of this device is approximately $ 850.

Device features

Using a desktop processor, which is characterized by impressive power consumption, requires the use of a high power supply unit. Of course, this unit is exclusively external, and in terms of its dimensions it can be roughly compared with the device itself, but this is not even surprising, because only the Steam Machine processor, the price of which is also quite impressive, has a power consumption of 65 watts.

steam machine price

In particular, this suggests that during operation the device will produce a sufficiently high noise level, and if in quiet mode it can be heard a little more than the previous generation consoles, then under serious loads the fan starts to give out full power, as a result of which the noise becomes already very noticeable .

In general, there is nothing outstanding in this hardware platform, but it is unlikely that anyone, in principle, expected from it any technological breakthroughs. The only strange thing for many people was that on Steam Machine the characteristics are provided by an extremely powerful processor, used in combination with the far from the most advanced graphics subsystem. The main feature is the presence of an individual OS.


alienware steam machine

Many users pay special attention to Steam Controller, and this is not surprising, because, according to the developer, it should be a real revolution in the field of computer games. In fact, in many ways these words are justified, since many know that standard gamepads simply cannot be used in the predominant majority of computer games. At the same time, Valve’s device is ideally used for those projects that initially switched to PCs from consoles, were developed for several platforms, or at least those that provide for the possibility of playing games with control using a gamepad.

Why is it needed?

The problem here is that in the library for Steam Machines, a review of games allows you to see a huge number of a wide variety of projects that initially do not foresee the possibility of using a gamepad in the game process. Thus, the standard Xlnput-compatible controller in this case cannot be used, and it was necessary to come up with a device that could be used in any games without the need for any additional processing.

Naturally, this task is extremely difficult, and therefore, even while the Steam Machines console is being finalized, Valve is constantly improving the working prototype, and even those versions that have already been periodically accessed by users are basically improved options, in which after a few days or months, various changes and additions were made. In particular, at the moment, we can note the fact that the joystick lacks a central unit of four tiled buttons, and those buttons that are on it have a more traditional arrangement.

Wired or wireless?

steam machine specifications

A 5 m USB-microUSB cable is supplied with the device, due to which you can use the gamepad in the living room so that the player can safely be at a fairly large distance from the TV. At the moment, it is still unclear whether the final version will be wired, or the developers will still decide to release a wireless version of this device, but each of them differs both in its advantages and certain disadvantages.

On the one hand, in a wireless version the gamepad will be much easier to use, but on the other hand, it will be necessary to use the input lag, and the battery will make the device heavier and, most likely, will force some to reconsider the initial approach to implementing continuous feedback using touch disks, because this will clearly affect the accelerated energy discharge of this unit.

Comfortable or not?

steam machines review

"Horns" have unusual bulges, but in fact, the non-standard shape in the end seemed to many to be very, very convenient, since the gamepad fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and is firmly fixed. The only thing worth noting is the difficulty of intercepting the controller in the game process, but in fact in this case there is no need for this, because you can easily get to any desired button.

Triggers are located directly under the index fingers and at the same time are standard buttons without any analog control. An excellent innovation is the presence of additional buttons on the back of the device, which are located under the ring and middle fingers, since their use is so convenient and simple that it becomes even surprising why no one has used this idea to this day.

How relevant is it?

It is worth noting the fact that Valve still managed to ensure that their controller is supported by any games, and this is a good impetus to the popularity of Steam Machines. After connecting this gamepad even to a computer using the Windows operating system, games begin to perceive it as a standard mouse, as a result of which it can already be used immediately after connection, that is, you do not need to install all kinds of drivers and make additional computer settings. The disks located under the thumbs are touch panels, while it is worth noting that the right panel provides a rather interesting feedback, which is somewhat similar to the effect of scrolling the mouse scroll.


steam machines games

The form of discs has not been changed to this day since the initial announcement of this controller, and in fact, users say that there is no need for this, since it is with this option that Steam Machine is an ideal gaming system that represents a complete replacement for a standard PC. Due to the use of such disks, the gamepad allows almost completely replacing the standard mouse for any computer game.

The only problem of sensory control is the lack of the so-called blind perception of the boundaries of the active zone, but in this case, a solution has been devised for this case. The developers came up with just to use two embossed rings, due to which the user tactilely senses when his finger is located in the central zone, and when it is already beginning to gradually approach the edge of the disk. Many people who have already purchased Alienware Steam Machine say that this innovation is also very, very convenient.

In the end, it can be noted that this device, although not the best in comparison with a regular keyboard and mouse, which everyone has long been accustomed to, is certainly a very, very convenient way to replace them for most games, and therefore it is not goes in no comparison with standard gamepads used in personal computers.


This operating system is part of the Linux family and is distributed absolutely free for everyone. The system requirements of this OS are suitable for almost any computer, so if you are also interested in experimenting, you can download the system from the official website of the developer.

SteamOS itself is an add-on for standard Debian, and if necessary, you can even go to the GNOME desktop by selecting one of the checkboxes in the settings. Virtually, the operating system completely repeats the interface of the original Steam client, that is, although there are differences between them, they are almost imperceptible.

How comfortable is it?

steam machines release date

It’s worth mentioning right away that the system provides for the use of not only a controller from Valve, but also the possibility of using a standard mouse and keyboard, while many note that they can be needed almost immediately, since the procedure for entering your own login and password is far from most comfortable.

Only games that include a Linux client can run on this operating system. Fortunately, you can find a fairly large number of such projects in the Steam library, but at the same time, of course, their number is still several times lower compared to the number of projects offered for the original Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10 operating systems .

However, many are quite satisfied with the work of SteamOS and Steam Machines themselves. The release date of the device in Russia has not yet been announced, but it can already be bought in America and Europe. Most likely, the company will nevertheless release its development in the near future also on the Russian market, because, as you know, in many games from Valve the majority of the audience is made up of players from the CIS countries, and this cannot be ignored.


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