Insectivorous plants - exotic in your home

Insectivorous plants are organisms that have adapted to catching and digesting (hydrolyzing) small animals (mainly insects). Most of them are perennial herbaceous land plants. These plants are found in different regions of our planet (Borneo, Siberia, Western Australia).

Carnivorous flower prefers poor soil. Gets nutrients by catching insects. The main weapon of insectivorous plants is modified leaves, which are also called trapping organs. The main prey for these plants is insects (wasps, flies or microscopic daphnia). Sometimes insectivorous plants adapt only to catching ants and termites. In the network of some carnivorous plants , frogs, as well as small mammals, are found.

The insectivorous plant attracts insects with its sweet secretions, bright color and smell. On the surface of their leaves, glands secreting proteolytic enzymes (pepsin, trypsin), as well as carboxylic acids (benzoic, formic, etc.) are localized, which digest their victim by hydrolyzing animal proteins. In the process of such extracellular digestion, a significant amount of amino acids is formed, which are absorbed and absorbed by the plant organism.

The fastest carnivorous plant is considered the Venus flytrap, which is able to slam leaves in 1/10 of a second. For a long time, scientists puzzled how such a plant as a flycatcher, without nerve endings and muscles, can make lightning movements. A little later it was found that the plant accumulates energy in itself.

In modern flower shops you can find different insectivorous plants (the most popular of them are herbaceous sarraces and tropical creeper nepenthesi). These are simply amazing plant organisms that can be observed for a long time, while not losing interest.

Today, more than 300 carnivorous plants are known, but only six are suitable for indoor cultivation. These plants are listed in the Red Book in wildlife, so in natural conditions it will be quite difficult to meet them. Growing these plants at room conditions has some features. Insectivores include vesicular aldandra, giant biblis, saccular heliamorphus, Venus flytrap, Californian darlingotonia, common papillary, vesiculate pentes, bloated pemphigus, rotundifolia sundew , lusitanian dewdrop, sarracenus purpurea.

Today, there is a threat of extinction of these plants, which is mainly associated with drainage of soils for agricultural needs, low soil fertility. The largest collection of carnivorous plants is collected in the Atlanta Botanical Garden.

There is no dormant period in the life of predator plants. At home, you can use pieces of ordinary boiled or even raw meat to feed them, but you should not overfeed the plants, since this leads to their death. Insectivorous plants at home act as "orderlies", because they perfectly destroy spiders, flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches.

The optimal conditions for growing these flowers are a humid environment, acidic soil, rich in nitrogen, nutrients and minerals. The soil structure must necessarily include moss, peat or river sand. It is best to use plastic pots with drain holes for growing them. Insectivorous plants are photophilous. As artificial lighting, fluorescent lamps are often used. Air temperature should not exceed 30 C. Carnivorous flowers should not be placed near the battery or any other heating devices.


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