What does a ramp mean? What is this device?

We understand the meaning of the term "ramp". What this device is for sure sailors know. The military also came across this concept. Perhaps not all, but specialists in engineering departments should know exactly what it is.

Apparel what is it


The word of French origin appareil can be translated as “device” or “device”. In another sense, it is “entry”. Another interpretation - appareiller can be translated as “picking up”, “staging”, “arrangement near” (in the order of something to something, for example, bricks when laying in construction).

So ramp - what is this entry device located nearby? In the traditional sense, this is an inclined platform without steps between two levels (ground - vehicle), used as an auxiliary device for moving goods. The concept is most used in shipping: on ships, ferries, ferries. Vehicles are equipped with lifting structures (ladders), usually with fences, for the convenience of organized movement of people, rolling cargo, animals and other things.

In military affairs, with the help of ramps, heavy guns and non-self-propelled equipment are raised on the heights of a fortified fortification or bastion. According to them, if necessary, redeployment of military equipment, auxiliary equipment and cargo descend to the ground. If necessary, the ramp principle is used to move equipment into trenches or other depressions.


So, ramp - what kind of device is this from a constructive point of view? On ships and ferries, goods are usually served from the stern or sides. Each floating craft has its own dimensions. To be able to quickly load, the vessel is equipped with ramps. This is such a peculiar convenient gangway with fences on the sides, which can be quickly lowered in a suitable place and organize loading operations.

For heavy vessels, such devices consist of several collapsible sections and rise up. During transportation, the ramp occupies a vertical position and limits the opening of the feed. When lowering, the structure forms an inclined platform (road from the ship to the pier), fenced on the sides. May be linear or angular. This feature makes it possible to save berth space or perform work from the side of the vehicle.

Installation of ramps

In fortifications, ramps for installing military equipment can be prefabricated and bulk. If soil is used, then on the approaches to the line it is laid so that a slope is formed that is suitable for moving the guns to the position. The surface must be able to support the required weight.

Ramp and ramp - varieties of the ramp?

These devices use the general principle of moving something along an inclined plane from one level to another. They are used for ascent or descent. But in civil engineering and architecture, where the main role is given to the movement of people, the definition of “ramp” is used. An inclined platform is equipped at the entrances of houses, entrances and exits of buildings and structures. It is usually installed permanently with the possibility of use constantly or if necessary.

Ramp is a more industrial term. It is also an inclined platform, but intended mainly for moving goods. It can be stationary or temporary. Depending on the purpose, it is designed with different load capacities: to support the weight of a fifty-kilogram truck or a multi-ton tractor with a trailer.

In some countries, a catch ramp is used . What is this object? On highways in mountainous areas, a side road ramp with a slope is equipped. The surface of such a platform is loose. She is able to stop a truck with faulty brakes or a car that has lost control. Installation of objects of this type, as well as the installation of ramps, is carried out in accordance with the technical documentation, with the requirements of standards and safety standards.

Fabric ramp


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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9153/

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