Disabled child benefit: benefit amount

Although the state is trying to help, it does so based on evidence of a difficult situation. Payment to a disabled child is not given without a reason, you need to meet certain requirements in order to receive it. From this we will begin to understand.

Who can count on help

disability childcare payments

As already mentioned, payment to a disabled child is carried out after confirmation of status. Who are people with disabilities? Those children who have pronounced sensory, physical, mental or mental abnormalities. It does not matter if they were congenital or acquired.

Only after the official recognition of disability made by an authorized medical organization does the state help special children.

What is supposed

There are quite a lot of payments to a disabled child. We list them:

  1. Social pension. The child receives monthly 11 903 rubles. For registration, it is enough to contact the Pension Fund or the Multifunctional Center, of course, with all supporting papers.
  2. Monthly payout. It is 1478 rubles. It is issued in the same instances.

These are those payments to a disabled child that are paid exclusively in cash. But special children are also provided with social services, which, if desired, can be exchanged for money.


  1. Medical devices and medicines. They can pay in money (807 rubles). Everything is done through the same Multifunctional Center or Pension Fund.
  2. Vacation packages for spa treatment. If they are refused, then people can be reimbursed 125 rubles.
  3. Free travel in suburban rail and intercity. The service applies only to travel to the medical institution and back. Compensation is 116 rubles.

Total for the whole range of services you can get 1048 rubles. But this is only if the services themselves were not received.

In addition, guardians or parents who do not work and who care for a special baby are entitled to payments for caring for a disabled child. The adoptive parent, guardian or parent will receive 5500 rubles per month, other carers - 1200 rubles.

If a regional coefficient is set in the region, then the amount of payments becomes larger. We repeat again, the above amounts are fixed at the legislative level, which means they cannot pay less, only more, and then, provided that the local authorities in the region have decided so.

We disassembled the payments for caring for a disabled child, but that’s not all. There is also help that is provided regardless of disability. We are talking about maternal capital. It is paid regardless of whether the child is healthy or with disabilities, the main thing is that there are two children. Today, the amount of maternity capital is 453,000 rubles. Payment is made through the Pension Fund or the Multifunctional Center.


We have already talked about what kind of payments to a disabled child are due, now let's move on to benefits.

  1. Tax deduction benefit. Guardians and parents receive 12 thousand rubles. Parents and adoptive parents are half as much, that is, 6 thousand rubles. The exemption is made in the Tax Service.
  2. Benefits for admission to a higher educational institution.
  3. Early retirement. The benefit applies to one of the parents or guardians. Men go on well-deserved rest at 55 years old, and women at 50 years old.

Money compensation can be received at any time through the Multifunctional Center, the Pension Fund and social security. To receive benefits and payments for children with disabilities, it is enough to write a statement and provide the necessary documents.

The only exception is pension, it is paid only from the moment of appointment. No one will return unused money.

Some regions, on their own initiative, additionally support special children. What benefits does a disabled child receive? For example, in St. Petersburg, 5778 rubles are paid per month for a child.

No less attention is paid to those who adopted a special baby. After all the necessary documents are completed, the family will receive 124,930 rubles. True, the amount is paid once.

Definition by law

increased disability childcare benefits

Soon we will learn about increasing payments to children with disabilities, but in the meantime, consider what the law says about special children.

There are rules by which it is determined whether a person needs benefits and payments or not.

The first step will be to contact the institution that conducts medical and social examination at the place of residence or registration. Do it guardians or parents, and it does not matter - they are foster or relatives. Only on the basis of the conclusion issued by the institution, social assistance is issued. The document should contain information about the state of health, only under such a condition it will be counted.

The procedure for receiving assistance from the state is prescribed in the federal law “On the social protection of the disabled of the Russian Federation”, which was adopted in 1995.

Disability Recognition

What kind of payments does the state provide to a disabled child, we have already figured out. But no payment will be made if at least one cause of disability is not found. There are several of them:

  1. Limitation of life to some extent.
  2. A major violation of body functions, as well as the occurrence of health problems. This may be due to defects, illnesses or injuries.
  3. Need for social protection or assistance.

It is important that minors are not assigned disability in groups. Belonging to a particular group is determined only after 18 years.

Since the child has not yet reached the age of majority, parents or guardians draw up help for him, because they are vested with the right to act in the interests of the child. It is also important that legal representatives have the right to apply for government assistance at any time. This does not affect the number of benefits or the amount of benefits.

When the documents pass the checks, assign benefits from the month of filing the documents.

Social pension

Among the various benefits and payments to a disabled child there is a social pension. She is appointed only on the basis of a conclusion on disability. Pension may be paid until adulthood or when the child is cured.

After eighteen, a person can apply for social assistance as a disabled child, but the amount of payment will be different.

Cash payments to children with disabilities will be determined in the following amount:

  1. Since April 2017, the fixed payment amount is 12,083 rubles.
  2. Disabled people from childhood receive money depending on the group. So, the first group - 12 082, the second - 10 069, the third - 4280.

The amount of payment to a disabled child and persons with disabilities since childhood is regulated by the federal law “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”. The important point is that the size of the payment does not stand still, every year there is an increase.

Required documents

You already know that increases in payments to children with disabilities occur annually. The state is trying to help special children, but it is also not ready to give out money without reason. Therefore, to receive a pension, supporting documents are needed. Among them:

  1. The fact of establishing disability.
  2. Proof of residence of the applicant in our country.
  3. Directly application for payment.
  4. Examination of medical and social examination, which confirms disability. The document must be in writing.
  5. Birth certificate of a child.
  6. Passport applicant.

Additional help

Sometimes the state decides to provide additional payments to children with disabilities. As a rule, they are not too large, nevertheless, they help a socially unprotected category of citizens.

Monthly benefits

increase payments to children with disabilities

It does not matter if the child became disabled as a result of an injury or illness, or was from birth, everyone can count on monthly payments. A disabled child is also provided with a set of social services. By the way, the size of monthly payments depends on whether a person will benefit from benefits or request compensation. She is 1049 rubles.

Every year there is an increase in payments for the care of a disabled child. This is due to inflation and is a necessary measure. According to the latest information, the minimum payout is 1478.

It is important to understand that there are no obstacles in the form of a social pension to receive a monthly allowance. The child will be paid both this and that, from the moment the applications are submitted.

By the way, the following papers should be attached to the application:

  1. Passport.
  2. Appointment of a monthly allowance. It must be executed in the form established by the Pension Fund.
  3. Certificate issued according to the results of medical and social examination. It is she who is considered the basis for calculating benefits. There are other documents proving disability.
  4. Refusal of some social services. Such a statement is not mandatory, but may be required somewhere.

Social services

You have already learned that an increase in the payment for the care of a disabled child and other benefits is carried out once a year. But state assistance is expressed not only in monetary terms. The country supports disabled children with social services.

The amount of such assistance depends on several reasons and can be paid in cash. The law allows you to refuse both partially and completely from social services. In case of refusal, the child is paid compensation in money. There is an important point - to get compensation, you must submit documents before the beginning of October this year. The reason for this is the annual change in the procedure for the provision of services.

The increase in payments for caring for a disabled child does not extend to monetary compensation from social services. For example, during spa treatment, a special child must be accompanied, so an additional ticket is given to the accompanying person. This also includes a free ticket for travel. But if a person refuses the service, then only one ticket is refunded and, accordingly, one ticket.

Social services are considered part of the monthly assistance. What does it mean? Everything is simple - there is no need to apply to the Pension Fund again and collect documents again. As soon as disability is established, a certificate is issued, which indicates that a person can count on receiving in-kind assistance.

Drug Supply

In January 2017, a bill was adopted to change the amount of provision of medicines. Now the amount of compensation has been increased to 807 rubles. There are reasons for everything and there are also reasons for changing the amount. Inflation does not stand still, which means that drug prices are also rising, increasing costs.

Help content

Regardless of whether there is an increase in payments for caring for a disabled child or not, a certificate is filled out in a standard form. What does it indicate?

  1. What category does the beneficiary belong to? Allocate children with disabilities who have received status as a result of illness or injury, and those who are considered disabled from birth.
  2. Validity of the certificate. It also limits the receipt of monthly benefits at the same time.
  3. List of social services that are provided to the beneficiary. It is important that the list changes every year.

Only such a certificate gives the right to receive benefits and benefits. By the way, the beneficiary can present paper at the railway and bus ticket offices and then get a discount on travel.


increasing disability childcare benefits

Payments to a child with a disability from childhood or to a child with an acquired disability are assigned by the state. But also the state takes care of the parents (guardians) of special children. In many cases, the latter cannot work due to the fact that the child needs constant help. For this reason, the legal representative of the child is entitled to a pension, which is divided into groups.

Disability of the first group in a child provides for the following pension:

  1. For the legal representative - 5500.
  2. For an unauthorized carer - 1200.

By the way, if a child has reached the age of eighteen and had a second or third group of disabilities, then the parent or guardian ceases to receive a pension.

In addition to the amount of compensation payment to a disabled child, or rather, his guardian (parent), you need to pay attention to a few more points:

  1. To get extra money, you must provide evidence that the child needs constant care.
  2. Payments are charged on a par with other payments.
  3. Only an able-bodied person can satisfy a request for additional payments. As an example, we can cite pensioners who are no longer considered able-bodied, which means that they are not supposed to be paid.

When making compensation, it is important to understand that this type of payment does not increase annually. The payout has a fixed amount.

To apply for compensation, it is enough to contact the Pension Fund. You need to have:

  1. Proof of identity. It could be a passport. It is also necessary to have a work book with you.
  2. Two statements. One spelling indicates the need for an assignment of childcare benefits. The second document must be the consent of the parent or guardian.
  3. Two certificates from the Pension Fund. They must be taken at the employment service at the place of residence.
  4. Extract from the results of medical and social examination.

Documents are prepared very quickly, and are considered even faster. It only takes a few days to check.

Maternal capital

We discussed almost all social benefits for children with disabilities, there were mere trifles that should not be ignored.

Not so long ago, the Government increased the areas in which maternity capital can be used. Now people whose children are unable to adapt due to their disability, have the opportunity to use maternity capital specifically for these purposes.

Funds can be spent on the purchase of the necessary equipment or payment for the services provided. It is rare that anyone can create all the conditions for a special child with their own money, and with maternity capital this becomes possible.

But everywhere has its own nuances. In the use of maternal capital there are also many of them. For example, you will not be able to spend money on medicines or rehabilitation of a child in medical institutions.

By order of the Government of 2016, the list was approved, only items from it can use the funds of maternity capital.

To use the funds you just need to contact the Pension Fund, where they will require certain documents:

  1. SNILS and mother’s passport.
  2. Statement. It is made up by the mother, while it indicates the purpose of using maternal capital.
  3. Certificate issued earlier.
  4. Act of social protection. It confirms that the child really needs a specific product.
  5. A document indicating permission to conduct a rehabilitation program.
  6. Bank account details, where the money will be transferred.
  7. Documents confirming the fact of purchase and the cost of an item on the list. Most often this is a check.

Benefits for children and parents

what is the payment to a disabled child

Payments to children with disabilities in Moscow and other cities are aimed at helping families who find themselves in a difficult situation due to a child’s disability. The state is trying to provide assistance to all those in need, and not only, because special children require a lot of finances. Of course, it happens that scammers shamelessly take advantage of the situation, but very soon everything will change, because now the option of providing assistance only to the truly needy is being considered.

There are some concessions that are prescribed in the Labor Code. They can be used by all people, regardless of where they live. The benefits relate to parents who work and at the same time have children with disabilities. Let's consider some of them:

  1. Each month, the legal representative is provided with an additional paid weekend in the amount of 4 pieces. To use them, just write a statement. By the way, the payment comes from social insurance funds. This weekend is given to all parents and, if desired, the latter can be divided.
  2. Single mother cannot be fired. Only upon liquidation of the enterprise is the reduction of the employee allowed.
  3. Workers with children with disabilities cannot be called to work at night.
  4. Employees are entitled to a two-week leave, which is granted upon application. It is interesting that the applicant himself can choose the time for rest.
  5. If a woman who is raising a disabled child works in rural areas, she is entitled to an additional paid day off.
  6. When a special child has not reached the age of 16, parents have the right to a part-time week. At the same time, wages are maintained.

The employer cannot refuse to provide benefits, it will be illegal.

Early exit for well-deserved rest

Not only cash payments to children with disabilities and their parents are provided by the government. The state provides early retirement for the latter.Only one of the caregivers can take advantage. If the child was raised before the age of eight, then the legal representative has the right:

  1. Retire at the age of 55, but on condition that the person has been insured for twenty years. This is all about men.
  2. Retirement from 50 years on the same conditions is for women.

If the law establishes a period of courtship for a child of the first disability group, then a coefficient of 1.8 is charged. But at the same time, the period between 14 and 18 years is not included in the bill.

There is not very good news - the fact of disability can be established only after reaching adulthood, in this case you should not count on early retirement. But if you prove that care before 8 years old was done properly, then there is a chance.

Even if you apply when the disability has been lifted, the parent or guardian still has the right to early retirement.

Benefits on admission

what benefits does a disabled child receive

We already know what payments are due to a disabled child, but we still have not figured out the benefits.

If a person has passed the entrance exams, then he has the right to count on admission to the university, while the certificate and the competition for the place are not taken into account. True, in some universities this rule does not work, because there are health restrictions. Only in such a situation is the refusal legitimate.

For school graduates, the following benefits apply:

  1. Admission to a budget place without entrance exams.
  2. If the exam was successfully passed, then the applicant is accepted according to the established quota for budgetary education.
  3. The beneficiary has advantages, especially in a situation where there are several candidates for one place and with the same number of points.

You should not think that a disabled child can unlimitedly sort through educational institutions and enjoy benefits. The opportunity is given only once, so you need to think carefully before choosing a university.

To take advantage of the benefits, you will need documents. They are provided to the educational institution:

  1. Rights to benefits.
  2. Application for admission.
  3. Conclusion on the health status of the future student. Issued by the medical board.
  4. Proof of identity.
  5. The conclusion, which says that there are no contraindications for study.

Tax deduction

In addition to social benefits for children with disabilities, parents are given a tax deduction. The latter is paid on all income indicated in the declaration. Thus, the family’s net income increases, because the amount of deductions becomes less.

This moment is regulated by Article 218 of the Tax Code. It says that:

  1. The adoptive parent or parent receives 12,000.
  2. A guardian or foster parent can count on 6000.

An increase in payments to children with disabilities, or rather, their legal representatives, occurred only in 2016. Prior to this, the maximum that parents and guardians could count on was 3,000.

In addition to the amount of payment, there are other nuances:

  1. The amount of benefits depends on how many special children are in the family.
  2. With one guardian or parents, the amount of the benefit is doubled.
  3. This benefit does not depend on already assigned payments and grants.
  4. To obtain a deduction, you must contact the tax office or the direct employer.
  5. A deduction can be made in three years.

If a person earns more than 350 thousand a year, then the benefit does not apply to him. As soon as the next year begins, the candidacy will be considered again.


Sometimes it happens that one of the parents does not withstand the tense situation and responsibility and leaves. But we will leave aside moral standards and talk about providing children who have reached the age of majority. The Family Code stipulates that they are obliged to support their own children if they are legally incompetent. We are talking about people with disabilities from the first to third group.

When is child support paid?

  1. If a person cannot provide for himself.
  2. If there are medical contraindications to work.

In case of divorce, both parents must support the child financially. Transfers are made every month, and the amount depends on the following factors:

  1. Peace agreement of the parties. The case when the parents amicably agree on the amount of alimony.
  2. By the tribunal's decision. If the issue cannot be resolved peacefully, then people go to court. The latter makes a decision, the adoption of which takes into account the material condition of the alimony.

Under the same Family Code, a parent who lives with him can receive payments for a disabled child of the first group.

Home improvement

allowances and payments to children with disabilities

The law provides for the allocation of additional living space for special children. What are the benefits?

  1. Cash compensation in half the amount of what is needed for major repairs and payment of utilities.
  2. Allocation of land for the construction of a house. And also the land is allowed to be used for farming or building a summer house.
  3. If people need to improve their living conditions, then they can count on housing. It is provided under a social contract of employment.

Living space is provided in a certain order to those families where there are children with problems of the central nervous system, psychological disorders, problems of perception of the world.

Other support

A disabled child is first taken to kindergarten, bypassing the rest of the queue. The school provides free meals.

For special students, there is a special regime for passing a single state exam. And also support the child and social services that help in rehabilitation.

A family with a disabled child will be helped to organize home-based education if, for some reason, the child cannot attend school.

All benefits are provided only after a certificate issued by a medical and social examination is provided.

As you can see, the Government is ready to support families and children with special needs. It is only necessary to collect the necessary documents and not try to deceive the state. Then everything will be fine.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9158/

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