Languishing eyes. How to describe a woman's charming look

What is beauty and how is it determined? It is definitely impossible to answer such a question. The canons of beauty, adopted around the world, rarely turn out to be an expression of universal opinion. Is it possible to express it, because each person likes something specific? The most amazing thing is that the drawback for one for the other is the very “highlight” that the eye clings to.

Eye beauty

Since ancient times, people have said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Sometimes one can argue with this statement, insisting that appearance is much more deceiving. However, at most, it is the eyes that form the impression of the person.

languishing eyes

They are different - large, small, deep-set, etc. But each look is unique, and finding another one is almost impossible. But even if you look for similar eyes, they will look differently, because they belong to a completely different person.


What is the wand that changes eyes so? Academic dictionaries say that a ceiling is a cover, a haze, a veil. It becomes clear that the harassment is a kind of cover. Thus, one can gradually get to the concept of mystery. After all, it is she who is especially attractive to people with such eyes. The blurred gaze is always mysterious, to catch it, to follow it, even to understand it is almost impossible. He does not say anything, he is simply beautiful in himself.

female eyes

It follows that the smoky look gained popularity precisely because of secrecy and secrecy. After all, it was these qualities that always attracted men. A certain mystery must always remain, and it is eyes with a ceiling that allow a woman at any age to remain desired and in demand.

What is out of sight with a wiring?

A lot has been said about such eyes. They were sung in antiquity, they are admired to this day. What is this mysterious look? It is believed that withered eyes are blurred, smoky eyes. They look gently, playfully, languidly, as if caressing with one touch. Such eyes have been seen in many recognized beauties of all time.

Physiological basis

Such eyes can be in any person, any age and gender. Explain the enchanting view from the point of view of science is impossible. To date, it is generally accepted that this is an innate feature that is either present or not. It is definitely worth noting that this is not a visual impairment, and there are no problems with the eyes due to the ceiling.

languid look

A distinctive feature of these eyes is the lack of focus on anything. To a greater extent, this is what causes a mysterious and attractive effect. But there is another small detail - the iris does not touch the lower eyelid

A similar highlight is found in many world famous and beloved people, like A. Abdulov, L. Guzeeva, O. Hepburn, etc. Also, the features of the mysterious look include the presence of fluffy and long eyelashes that “caress” anyone who looks at them.

Importance in physiognomy

Physiognomy is a science that studies facial features. She claims that appearance can tell absolutely everything about a person as a person. This takes into account the smallest details, such as shape, section, color, location, clarity, eye brightness. And this is only one part of the face. A detailed study of its characteristic features can provide complete information about the inclinations, preferences, talents and weaknesses of a person.

a bewitching look

In the East, it is commonly believed that the eyes are the most important part of the face. Carrying out the analysis, the area around the eyes is taken as a reference point. This is due to the fact that only they do not change throughout life, while the nose, mouth, forehead - all this undergoes a gradual change and aging.

A languid look is always distinguished by striking clarity or brilliance. People with such eyes stand out from the rest because they seem truly alive, enthusiastic and happy. And this means the inner strength of man. In addition, the eyes with the ceiling are distinguished by a special radiance that gives sexuality and charm to the eye.

As for their size, there are no clear restrictions. A languid gaze enchants the beholder, even if the eyes are located not quite harmoniously in terms of elaborated canons of beauty. Naturally, big eyes at all times caused a storm of praise. However, small female eyes speak of the spirituality of their owner and her inner strength. In this case, we repeat, if a person has a smoky look, then the size of the eyes fades into the background.

What is a person with such eyes?

Physiognomy characterizes a person with a blurred gaze as a romantic, passionate nature. It is about such people who write books and compose poems - they are able to surrender to the whirlpool of passions, breaking any moral and social laws. But you should not assume that they are immoral or indifferent people - they are too dedicated to what attracts them.

beautiful green eyes

The description of the eyes in physiognomy is based on many factors that need to be comprehensively analyzed. Judging a person only by a mysterious and beautiful look is not worth it - you can be very mistaken.

There are many other features of the structure of the face, and only a comprehensive approach can give a plausible picture of the nature and habits of their owner. In addition, one should not ignore the cultural influence of the environment, upbringing, etc.

Men's eyes with a ceiling

For men, such eyes are a rarity. Nevertheless, you can meet representatives of the stronger sex with a mysterious enchanting look. As the female audience notes, men's wiry eyes are of interest, admiration and arousal. Being able to manage his advantage, such a man could win more than one woman.

wired eyes in men

The male gaze looks attractive if it is mysterious and cunning - as most representatives of the fair half of humanity think. But there is a group of women who are sure that it does not matter what color, size and shape of the eye, whether they are worn or not - the main thing is that the male’s look is confident and thirsty.

A similar opinion is expressed by an increasing number of women, saying that the main thing in a man is not appearance, but strength of character. Nevertheless, it is difficult to stop admiring men whose facial features and eyes are almost perfect.

In Hollywood, famous actors with beautifully defined eyes occupy the top places in the lists of sex symbols. The most attractive are: Brad Pitt, in whom they are blue and soft, the green-eyed Channing Tatum, the brown-eyed Keanu Reeves, Chris Pine and Jude Law with large blue eyes, as well as the refined Jared Leto.

Famous people

The color of the eyes of each person is unique. People just combined them in similar shades for simplification. Nevertheless, most people agree that the most attractive eyes with a wiring are green or brown. However, judging tastes is useless. It is worth noting that the brown color gives the look a special mystery and inspires the confidence of the beholder. A beautiful green eyes are admired, while suggesting the presence of cunning and playfulness in humans.

Many famous people, both women and men, had a mysterious charming look. Perhaps this particular feature helped them achieve popularity?

The eyes of the famous Indian actress Aishwarya Rai belong to this mysterious type of eyes. In many photos of the girl you can see all of the above qualities. It is worth noting the singer Adele, who also boasts a languid look. One cannot ignore the stunning Amanda Seyfried, the brown eyes of Mila Kunis, Kristen Stewart and Kate Winslet. Among male celebrities, John Krasinski can be noted.

eye description

To summarize, it should be said that women's eyes have great charm. It doesn’t matter if they are languid, green, brown, large or small. It’s not worth it to focus on such standards, they only limit your own perception. A person must accept himself as he is, only under this condition harmony can be achieved. As for the above, it should be remembered that the most bewitching eyes have loving and beloved eyes.


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