Soft roof "Shinglas": installation instructions, technology, recommendations and reviews

Flexible tile “Shinglas”, installation instructions of which will help you to carry out work without errors, is a high-class material for arranging the roof. Canvases are something like a puff cake.

general description

shinglas assembly instruction

During production, it is impregnated with modified bitumen. The top layer is basalt powder, which can have different shades. It provides an attractive appearance and protects the roof from impacts. The bottom layer is a self-adhesive polymer bitumen mastic, which has a protection in the form of a siliconized film. It is quite easy to get rid of it before installation.

Consumer Reviews

Before you learn the installation instructions for the Shinglas tile, you need to familiarize yourself with the feedback from customers who have already used the described material as a cover for the roof of their house. Owners of private buildings especially note its frost resistance and durability. The first quality indicates that the canvases can be used in particularly cold climatic zones. If we talk about durability, then the duration of the operation of flexible tiles is much longer compared to similar coatings. Private craftsmen and professionals who are engaged in the laying of roofing, note low weight. This does not imply the need to strengthen the foundation. Bearing structures also do not have to be strengthened.

installation of a soft roof shinglas instruction

You can not help but pay attention to the reviews in which buyers talk about noiselessness. Even heavy hail or rain will not be heard by those inside the building. Using the Shinglas flexible tile, the installation instructions of which are presented below, in the process of work, professionals emphasize that after the completion of all the manipulations there is a minimum amount of waste. This is confirmed by statistics, even in the case of those roofs that have a complex configuration. In the latter case, the amount of waste is not more than 5%. Owners of private houses that have been using the described material for more than one year talk about its water resistance. This is due to the fact that the material forms a continuous coating, which is why the use of additional waterproofing is not required. The material is very resistant to aggressive environments, and is also characterized by safety. The covering material does not magnetize, does not accumulate static electricity and does not contribute to the attraction of lightning. You can not be afraid that the roof will ignite, as the material is fire resistant.

After laying, you will not encounter the problem of high operating costs. This is because painting and repair during use are not required. In addition to all the above mentioned positive features, which are reflected in the reviews, it can be noted that the flexible Shinglas tile, the installation instructions of which will allow you to eliminate errors, has an excellent appearance that harmoniously fits into the landscape and serves as a real decoration of the house.

Work on the flooring

installation instructions shinglas tiles

Giving recommendations on the installation of Shinglas, professionals indicate the need for a serious approach to the issue of arranging the foundation. It should be smooth, rigid and solid. It is important to ensure that there are no differences in height, however, if any, they should not be more than 2 millimeters. When installing a large-panel flooring, it is important to ensure the expansion of the seams. To fix, you should use ragged nails or self-tapping screws. When laying wooden flooring, special attention should be paid to annual rings. The material should be covered so that the rings are facing irregularities down. When laying the base from plywood or OSP-3 at low temperatures, leave a gap between adjacent sheets, the width of which is 3 millimeters. This will eliminate the deformation of the flooring when exposed to elevated temperatures. If you are installing the Shinglas flexible tiles with your own hands, the instructions presented in the article will allow you to achieve the desired effect. If there are boards of different thicknesses that will be used to equip the flooring, it is first necessary to sort them. This is done so that the thickness of the base changes gradually.

It is important to ensure the installation of thicker boards in such a way that they are located closer to the cornice, and as for thinner ones, they should be near the ridge. The joints should be supported, in these areas the boards are strengthened with nails in the amount of 4 pieces, but not less. If you plan to use wet wood, then the boards are attached to 2 screws on each side.

Work on the eaves overhang

flexible tile shinglas installation manual

If you plan to carry out the work yourself, then you will need the installation instructions for Shinglas. The technology of laying roofing material is presented in the article. In order to strengthen the eaves overhang, steel eaves should be used . They will protect the material from external factors. The planks must be fixed to the edge of the base with nails that are staggered in increments of 15 cm from each other. Planks must be mounted with an overlap, the width of which is 5 centimeters. In these areas, fasteners are installed at a distance of 3 cm.

Lining Carpet Work

shinglas ranch assembly instruction

If you decide to use Shinglas-Jazz soft tiles, the installation instructions for this material will help you. Lining carpet, regardless of slope, is laid over the entire area. ANDEREP self-adhesive lining should be installed near the eaves and overhangs. He will protect the areas where leaks are most likely. Particular attention should be paid to the eaves overhangs, in these places the self-adhesive carpet should be laid so that its width is greater than the eaves.


shinglas jazz assembly instruction

These manipulations are performed in order to indicate the guide lines along which the laying of the roofing material will be carried out. This is especially true for unusual ramp geometry or in the presence of structures that are embedded in the roof. Vertical lines should be applied at a distance equal to the width of the shingle of the tile. Between the lines should be placed in five rows of tiles. This indicates the need to remove vertical lines from each other by 80 centimeters.

Features laying flexible tiles

assembly instructions shinglas technology

If you decide to use the Shinglas Ranch soft tile for your work, the installation instructions for this material will help you to eliminate the occurrence of errors. The shingles from the packaging should be premixed. If the thermometer column has dropped below +5 degrees, then the packaging must be put in advance in a room in which the temperature is +20 degrees. The self-adhesive strip on the material must be heated with a building hair dryer. If it is necessary to cut the material on the roof, it is necessary to carry out these works on the plank, which eliminates damage to the coating.

Installation Recommendations

If you yourself will be installing the soft roof "Shinglas", the instructions presented in the article will help a master who does not have enough experience. Each shingle should be strengthened to the base with galvanized nails, which have wide hats. The number of nails will depend on the angle of inclination of the ramp. If you have to work with a roof, the slope of which does not exceed 45 degrees, then each sheet should be nailed with four nails. If the degree of slope is higher, then you need two more fasteners. Nails should be located evenly, they must be installed in such a way that the caps do not cut into the roof surface, but are in the same plane with it.

What the master needs to know about the starting line

If you will be installing the Shinglas soft roof yourself, the instructions will help you deal with the technology. For the starting strip, a ridge-eaves tile should be used, but shingles and ordinary material are suitable, such a sheet will need to trim the petals. This element is laid on top of the ledge so that it is located 2 centimeters above the bend. It is worth remembering that the width of the indent from the inflection will depend on the length of the ramp and the angle of inclination. The steeper the ramp, the more impressive the width should be indented. If the work is supposed to use sheets that have the shape of a “dragon tooth” cut, then trimming is not necessary.

Styling technology

If you will use Shinglas flexible tiles as roofing material, the installation instructions presented in the article will help you deal with the nuances of the work. If there is a rather long slope, installation is recommended to start from the central part. This will make horizontal alignment easier. 2 cm should be retreated from the initial strip, after which you can proceed with the installation of the first shingle. The master should pay attention to the fact that the joint of the paintings of the first row should not coincide with the joints of the elements that make up the starting strip. Depending on the shape of the cut, installation can be done according to the method of diagonal stripes, in the form of a pyramid or vertically oriented elements. Canvases of the second row should begin to be mounted from the central part of the ramp, shifting horizontally to either side by 1/2 petal with respect to the tile of the first row.


If you will use Shinglas soft tiles, the installation instructions presented above will certainly help you. Extreme shingles of ordinary material in areas where there is no adhesive should be treated with bitumen mastic. It is important to expose a width of 10 centimeters. The upper corners are cut by 3 centimeters to effectively combat the effects of water. It is recommended that you follow all the rules mentioned, only then the roof will last a long time, and it will also look attractive during the entire period of operation, which every specialist and home master dreams of.


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