Phantom Assassin, Dota 2: Guides. Guide to Phantom Assassin (Dota 2)

In “DotA 2” there is a large number of different heroes, each of which is unique - you can choose a character with long-range attacks, or you can make a choice in favor of the one who goes into close combat. There are "Persians" who have excellent command of magic, but have low physical strength, and there are those who are very strong, but in magic they are very bad. Therefore, the choice is up to you. And if you do not want to deviate too much into any class, then there are universal heroes. Of course, they will not be strong in absolutely everything - they will simply be more flexible in choosing attacks. For example, you can take a character called Phantom Assassin. Dota 2-guide will help you figure out what exactly to expect from this hero, how to handle him and how to use his powerful skills as efficiently as possible.

What is the Phantom Assassin?

phantom assassin dota 2 guide

If to talk about this character in brief, then first of all it should be recalled that has already been noted above: it is universal. Naturally, he has a bias in dexterity, but this does not mean that this parameter is the only one that Phantom Assassin relies on - the Dota 2-guide will demonstrate this to you. Phantom Assassin is famous for his incredible critics - it has already been estimated that it is with this character that critical hits are the most powerful in the game. But immediately it is worth noting that at the beginning of the gameplay this hero has a hard time, since he fully reveals his full potential only closer to the highest levels. And you still need to get to them, given the fact that the strategy may be wrong. In general, success in this case will only be achieved by an experienced player, since a beginner may simply not be allowed to develop until the stage when the Phantom Assassin becomes a real and terrifying threat. What are the characteristics of Phantom Assassin (Dota 2)? Hyde will tell you more about this. This is done so that you can immediately identify the strengths and weaknesses of the character and build your tactics, starting from the information received.

Main characteristics

phantom assassin guide

Each character in "DotA" has three basic characteristics, on which a number of other indicators depend. This is strength, agility and intelligence. As mentioned earlier, the “charm” we are considering has a bias in dexterity. This is expressed in the fact that at the beginning of the game this indicator is the highest, and also has the largest increase - 3.15 per level. Thus, you gain dexterity points very quickly, which allows you to realize everything that Phantom Assassin can do. Dota 2-guide cannot give you a universal answer to the question of how to become a champion by playing for a given character, but you can find out a lot of useful information on the basis of which you will build a game, improve your skills in order to achieve the best results. For example, you should understand that you will definitely have problems with the amount of mana - it will be very small, since the character’s intelligence gain is one point per level, which is extremely small. Things are not better with the amount of health at early levels. In general, the beginning of the game is the most problematic part for the hero Phantom Assassin. A guide will help you survive this period, reaching levels at which the character will become very dangerous.

Character story

guide to phantom assassin dota 2

Each character in DotA has its own story. Naturally, this is not a school or a university - you do not need to know such information. But still it will be very interesting, as it is written in harmony, combined with the world and the stories of other characters, and also allows you to understand your character even better. So what is the story of Phantom Assassin? The guide will wait, and you can find out details about one of the proposed characters, or rather, the heroine. Mortred is a member of the Order of the Veil, she is a professional killer who lives on this alone. The mentioned order shows that death is a full-fledged part of life, and Mortred is very well given what it is, in fact, intended for: it knows how to kill. Therefore, no luck is the one who meets her on the way. The same applies to characters who will confront it directly in the game itself. And so that you can defeat them all and bring Mortred unprecedented fame, you will benefit from a guide to Phantom Assassin. Dota 2 is a game where you will need an incredibly long time to learn and hone the ability to control this or that hero. Therefore, a guide is only a way to speed up the process, especially since you will do all the main work on creating your own tactics on your own - here you will only discover all the parameters, strengths and power of the skills of Phantom Assassin.

Hero type

phantom assassin dota 2 guides

All the characters in DotA are of a certain type, depending on what functions they can perform on the battlefield. Naturally, this division is not official, but it is generally accepted, so you can easily navigate it, which allows you to make a guide to Phantom Assassin. Dota 2 is rich in characters of various classes, and among them there are no useless or unnecessary. As for the Assassin's Phantom specifically, this hero can belong both to Kerry and to the escape class. The first is not characterized by the greatest strength in the initial stages of the game, but by the incredible power in the end. And the second includes those heroes who can leave the battlefield at any time if they feel that the bets are not in their favor. Moreover, they can also suddenly enter the battle, so that any surprises can be expected from them. Regarding Phantom Assassin, Dota 2 guides disagree - some attribute this character only to carry, others only to escape. But it is most correct to attribute this hero to both classes, as this will characterize him as accurately as possible.

Stifling Dagger

phantom assassin dota 2 arcana guide

The first and easiest skill is Stifling Dagger. Its use is also a matter that is discussed by all experts on the Phantom Assassin character. Dota 2-guides consider differently: some say that this skill is better used as a distant weapon that the Persian does not have, and others - as a kind of camp. In fact, disputes are groundless, because both the use of the ability has the right to exist - it is just a need for them at various stages of the game. The phantom Assassin throws a throwing dagger, which when it hits the enemy slows him for a while. As you can see, the ability does damage, and the debuff is hung on the enemy - useful and nice. But not enough to pump it to the full at early levels - you will need points for another. Develop this skill gradually in order to complete it to the tenth level. As you can see, the best guide to Phantom Assassin is the Dota 2 Guide. You are unlikely to need an arcana to succeed, but if you have one, then this ability can become much more dangerous.

Phantom Strike

phantom assassin dota 2 navi guide

Phantom Strike is the most useful skill a character has. Its essence is as follows: you can teleport to the nearest enemy or ally. In the first case, as a bonus, you are given an increased attack speed for four seconds - imagine the effect of surprise! Well, in the second - the whole essence of this hero is manifested as an escape: you simply jump out of the thick of the battle, retreating to your comrades. There is a Phantom Assassin (Dota 2) guide - Navi. They advise not to concentrate very much on this skill, but this is a rather big mistake, since in fact it is better to pump it to the maximum by the seventh level - and use it whenever possible in both offensive and defensive tactics. Where will I recommend using this ability for the Phantom Assassin Dota 2 Guide? Forest is the best solution, since the effect of surprise will be much higher, and retreat will be much more effective. However, any location with proper use will fit no worse than others.


phantom assassin dota 2 guide forest

Bloom is an ability that must be used carefully. Do not rush with its pumping - up to the tenth level you can not even think about it. What is she like? With it, you can blur the contours of the body of your character, thereby increasing the probability of dodging an attack up to fifty percent. Why is it not worth using at low levels? But will the guide begin to lie to you? "Dota 2" (Phantom Assassin is an excellent confirmation of this) is a set of characters who have their pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses. And this hero has one of the main problems at the beginning of the game is his health - he is disastrously small. And if at high levels you can withstand enough hits, even if you are not lucky, and dodges will not work, then at low levels with an unworked skill you can easily be razed to the ground. Therefore, be careful with Bloor - this is a useful skill, but only for top levels.

The punch of mercy

The guide for Phantom Assassin is coming to an end, since there is only one skill left to disassemble - this is the Beat of Mercy. This is a passive ability that, when studied, increases the chance of crit drop by up to fifteen percent, and also seriously increases critical damage. Instead of 200%, the enemy will take 230, 340 and 450 percent damage, depending on the level of ability.

guide to phantom assassin


What should Phantom Assassin wear? A guide from the Hare says one thing, a Navi guide says another. Specific items will not be named here, as you better define it yourself. The only important thing is which parameters you better pull up with these artifacts. Damage is the most important thing, because then your crit will be simply incredible. But you should also take care of items that enhance the health of the Persian, his regeneration, speed of movement, armor, as well as the second most important parameter for you - strength.


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