Breeding crayfish at home as a great idea for business

Despite the fact that so many people love crayfish, breeding crayfish at home is a rather rare hobby, and in vain. We will not say that crayfish are wonderful and faithful friends or are an amazing decoration of the interior - of course, this is not so, and their main advantage is that they are very tasty and in addition to everything useful, and their breeding does not require significant effort. Of course, sometimes crayfish are kept in an ordinary aquarium so that they clean it, or representatives of rare species for the soul, but if we are talking about breeding crayfish - then, most likely, this happens for a very definite purpose.

Breeding crayfish at home is not a hassle, because crayfish are very unpretentious animals, and there are not so many subtleties of caring for them. Firstly, you need a large aquarium, the water temperature in which should be at the level of 20-25 degrees, it is better about 22. It should be noted that the water should be hard enough so that the crayfish can change the shell in time, and calcium is needed for it. For these purposes, you can use calcium rocks for aquarium soil, for example, limestone or marble chips, or add a small amount of calcium chloride to the water solution , the solution of which can be bought at any pharmacy. Under these conditions, the crayfish do not hibernate and molt three times in a year, after which they become suitable for consumption and for sale.

In order for breeding of crayfish in the aquarium to bring quick results, the aquarium must be equipped in a certain way. Naturally, it is necessary to organize heating and lighting so that the conditions are as close as possible to the natural summer, as well as equip the aquarium with water filters , a pump and a compressor. Aquarium soil should be suitable for crayfish to build holes in it to breed offspring, and it is also important to have plants, preferably ordinary for fresh water bodies in the middle lane. Clay soils are especially fond of crayfish, as holes in it turn out best.

The aquarium itself should not be so deep as wide, as crayfish live at the bottom. If you are going to raise crayfish for commercial purposes, it may make sense to set aside a separate room for it, since crayfish breeding at home becomes cost-effective when their number is over a hundred. Each year, each individual brings offspring with an average number of about 30 pieces, so the area of ​​the aquarium should be large, or there should be several.

With the nutrition of crayfish, no problems should arise. Despite the fact that they prefer meat, in fact, they can eat everything, including bread and cereals, and it is enough to feed them once every few days, however, spoiling protein foods at least occasionally does not hurt them - it promotes active growth. It is useful to feed crayfish with insects, even the same bloodworm, and special feeds. If this is not done, the crayfish may well begin to eat each other, and the rest of the time, there can be absolutely any food. Such unpretentiousness combined with high cost makes the cultivation of crayfish at home very attractive from a commercial point of view.

For breeding crayfish at home, you can use two types - river and lake crayfish. If the river is very easy to care for, the lake ones are significantly larger in size and grow quickly. It is lake crayfish that are the most popular for commercial breeding. For sale should be selected crayfish approximately the same size, having a presentation. Substandard individuals are best left for their own use. The best way to sell crayfish is to make an agreement with some beer restaurant - usually they are always happy to have the opportunity to supply fresh, classic beer snacks and are therefore ready to offer good prices.


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