Velvet celosia. Seed cultivation

The real decoration of the flowerbed will be celosia. Growing from seeds is not too laborious, so many gardeners are breeding this flower. Depending on the variety, the plant can be perennial or annual, it comes from southern China, Africa, found in America and eastern India. Although there are more than six dozen species, comb and porous celosia are considered the most common. According to the shape of inflorescences, gardeners distinguish comb, spikelet and cirrus plants.

The flower is ideal for creating floral ensembles. When cut, he

celosia seed cultivation
standing in a vase for a week without changing appearance. If the plant is dried in a cool and dark place, then it will keep its color and shape for a long time. Comb celosia stands out against the background of other colors for its decorative effect and unusual appearance. Inflorescences have saturated colors: red, yellow, orange, burgundy. To the touch they are soft and fluffy, like velvet. The plant blooms for a long time, from the end of June to October.

Heat-loving and completely cold-resistant flower of celosia. Growing from seeds is possible either in a warm room in seedlings or in open ground, but when the ground warms up well. If the plant is grown for seedlings, it is necessary at the end of February or the beginning of March to prepare boxes with soil and rarely sow seeds on the surface. That they sprout faster, it is better to cover with a film on top. Twice it is necessary to pick, and when the seedlings grow to 7 cm in height, you can transplant it into separate pots.

If there is no desire or ability to grow seedlings, then you can sow seeds directly into the open ground, this will not spoil the celosia. In this case, seed cultivation occurs in the second half of April, while the planting site must be covered with a film. You can also land them in May, when the earth warms up well and there will be no frost. Cirrus celosia also propagates by cuttings, but its appearance is spoiled, which is why it is better to use seeds.

comb celosia
The seedling method of growing is the most optimal, but in order for the plants to turn out healthy, you need to try hard. Boxes with seedlings need good lighting, so they are better off on window sills. The room temperature suits celosia perfectly, and one should not forget about ventilation. The flower loves moisture, but watering should be moderate, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. Direct sunlight affects plants, so you need to shade them a bit.

cirrus cirrus
After the end of the frost, transplanted into the open ground celosia. Growing from seeds allows you to get healthy seedlings, which will bloom in June. There is no need to hurry with the landing, it is necessary that there is definitely no sharp drop in temperature, because even slight frosts can kill seedlings. Celosia should be planted in well-lit areas, the soil should be loose, slightly acidic and drained. Once a month it is recommended to do top dressing with mineral fertilizers.


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