The history of the origin of the surname Kondratiev

Surname is the main source of information about human ancestors. That is why this secret excites each of us. In this article, we will talk about the origin of the Kondratyev surname and satisfy the curiosity of its carriers. Like any other, it also has several versions of origin, and, therefore, several meanings. The whole complexity of the search for the origins of origin and formation lies in its prevalence among the Slavs. Note that this surname is on the list of 250 most popular in Russia.

Mysteries of history

Versions of the origin of the name Kondratiev

Version One:

The sources of the appearance, according to this version, is the name Kondratius (Kodrat), which translates as "warrior carrying a spear." It is surprising that this phrase will also serve as a translation of the name of Kondratyev (female version).

Spear warrior

Second version:

According to this version, the source of the occurrence is the transition from the church name Kondraty, which in turn is translated from Latin as "broad-shouldered, square."

Version Three:

You can’t argue that this surname is quite common, so its carriers should look for their ancestors, including among representatives of the noble family Kondratyev, who lived in the Kharkov province.

Coat of arms of the Kondratievs

The coat of arms of this noble family deserves special attention. The shield on the coat of arms is divided into two parts horizontally. Its upper part also has vertical division. The upper right part is painted in blue, it depicts a golden cross and a crescent moon, with pointed ends pointing up.

The upper left part is painted black, it depicts three silver octagonal stars in the shape of a small pyramid. We go down and look at the lower half of the shield, painted in red. It depicts a crossed saber and arrow, directed with their sharp ends down. The crown of the shield is a helmet with a crown, decorated with ostrich feathers. The shield is located on a background of a red substrate, the back of which is gold.


Having figured out the main versions of the origin of the surnames Kondratyev (female form) and Kondratyev (male form), it is worth paying attention to the famous people who wore it. Below are the names of some famous personalities:

  • Russian poet and prose writer Alexander Alekseevich Kondratyev;
  • Russian hockey player Maxim Valerievich Kondratiev;
  • Russian scientist physicist and chemist Viktor Nikolaevich Kondratiev;
  • Russian economist and politician Nikolai Dmitrievich Kondratiev.

Of course, this is by no means a complete list of the famous owners of the surname, in fact this list is much longer. If you yourself are its bearer, then perhaps you will someday become a part of yourself, a continuation of this list, making your family even more famous in the world.

Toponymy of a surname

In Russia there are even streets named after the famous Kondratyevs:

  • The city of Goryachiy Klyuch, Kondratyev street.
  • Svobodny city, Kondratyev street.
  • Yekaterinburg city, Kondratyev street.
  • Moscow city, Bolshoi Kondratyevsky lane.
  • The city of Moscow, Lane Sredny Kondratyevsky.
  • City St. Petersburg, Kondratyevsky Avenue.


It is worth noting that the exact time and place of origin and origin of the name Kondratiev is a mystery, covered in darkness. The versions presented above are only historical guesses, which are supported by a small number of facts found by scientists. It is important to consider that the historical process of the emergence and distribution of family names in the world is quite long and complicated. However, the fact that this surname has great historical value and, without a doubt, is an important part of Slavic culture clearly remains clear.


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