How to plant a lilac: basic rules

The fragrant lilac bushes adorn many suburban areas. The aroma of lilacs is liked by many and resembles the smell from childhood. How to plant lilac in your own area to form a beautiful bush, pleasing with its appearance and aroma? Depending on the selected variety, a shrub of various heights and shapes can be grown.

how to plant lilac
The most common varieties of common lilacs , once brought from the Balkan Peninsula. Such varieties are unpretentious in care and well survive the harsh Russian winters. However, for landscape design, you can choose specially bred terry varieties. Varietal lilac differs in the form of inflorescences, the height of the bush and the density of the crown.

Where to plant lilacs?

Before planting a lilac, you need to think carefully about its location. Experienced gardeners plant lilacs along the hedge, thereby covering the area from prying eyes.

varietal lilac
Bushes near a reservoir look picturesque, being reflected in water and creating a double effect. For the lush flowering of lilacs, a sunny piece of land is needed. In partial shade, as in the sun, the number of inflorescences decreases sharply. The soil is suitable neutral or slightly alkaline, but not acidic. Drainage is very important, therefore, broken brick is laid at the bottom of the dug hole (40x40cm in size), a mixture of humus or compost with sand is poured on top, a handful of superphosphate, a bucket of ash are added. On depleted soils, the width of the pit should be 100x100 cm, and the entire soil is completely replaced by fertile.

How to plant lilacs in prepared soil?

Despite the fact that this type of shrub is not demanding in cultivation and care, it is still worth planting in cloudy, non-hot weather. The best time for transplanting is autumn, before the onset of the first frost. You can not plant young seedlings in waterlogged soil or dirt. Below are the steps for planting a lilac:

  • before planting lilac, the hole is filled with drainage and filled with prepared soil to the middle;
  • the roots are lowered into the pit, gently straightened and poured out the remaining soil, the plant should not be too deep, shallow planting is also contraindicated, since the upper roots can dry out;
  • the soil needs to be slightly compacted, the edges of the hole should be raised by 20 cm;
  • pour 4-5 buckets of water into the hole, wait until it is absorbed;
  • mulch the soil under the bush with peat, mowed hay or sawdust.

It is worth noting that autumn planting in the ground is preferable to spring, since during the fall the bush will have time to take root, and after wintering, it will delight flowering in the very first summer.

Aftercare for lilacs

how to plant lilac
As mentioned above, soil acidity is important for lilacs . Many gardeners noticed that over time, the inflorescences change color, become smaller. This means that the soil is not suitable for the bush. On acidic soil, lilacs may even wither away. Care must be taken to introduce deoxidizers or wood ash.

In addition, lilacs need watering and top dressing, at least during flowering and before winter. Rotted manure or humus is introduced under the bushes.

Watering the plant is necessary as the soil dries out at the rate of 2 buckets per bush. If the summer was arid, then in the fall they produce water-charging irrigation.

Pure loose soil, without weeds, always moistened or mulched - the key to successful growth and beautiful flowering of lilacs!


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