When can I sit a boy

when can I sit down a boy

Very often parents are tormented by the question: "When can I sit down a boy?" Impatient mothers and fathers are always in a hurry somewhere, pushing their baby to an early knowledge of this world.

What time the boys sit down is a controversial question. On the one hand, most children begin to try to keep their balance by six months. On the other hand, when the peanut reaches this age, but still makes no attempt to sit, they begin to “help” him, sitting on his hands or in pillows. However, experts do not recommend doing this earlier than at 6 months.

what time do the boys sit down

There is no specific difference in how much boys or girls can sit in. It all depends on the individual speed of development of your baby, his desire and desire to quickly find out the world around him, as well as his physical fitness. The fact is that when little crumbs start to sit down on their own, their muscles are already strong enough, and they feel confident in their abilities. If you try to contribute to the more rapid development of the musculoskeletal system, in particular, prematurely plant a child, you can do a lot of harm to him.

Even if a child can already pull himself up well, holding onto his mother’s arms, confidently gets on all fours and just does not want to lie at all, consult a specialist before intervening in his development on his own. Indeed, it is not for nothing that there are no specific dates when you can sit down a boy.

However, if you are very worried that your son is already six months old and he is not sitting, ask a pediatrician about this. He will dispel your painful doubts and will answer in detail all questions related to the development of children of your age, including when you can sit down a boy. Also, the doctor can always detect the presence of any deviations in the child. At this age, they are usually easily corrected by massage, water procedures or special gymnastic complexes.

what time you can sit boys
Having coordinated the selected complex with a children's specialist, you can independently do various exercises with your child. For example, a “bicycle” - first with one foot, then the other, then both at once, and finally, alternately. Frog is also standard gymnastics for babies. But remember that all movements should be done smoothly, without causing any crumb of any discomfort. Do not forget to also often lay the baby on the tummy, practicing turning. The muscles of the arms are strengthened by pulling and scattering in different directions. If the baby is clearly resisting, let him relax a bit and rest.

After 6 months, when you can sit down the boy, the variety of these exercises is gradually increasing. The kid will be incredibly pleased with the new sensations, and he will be happy to continue his studies.

You will see that little peanuts very patiently perform all the necessary exercises. After all, they, like you, would rather like to explore this world on their own, so huge and amazing.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9191/

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