The smallest Spitz: description of the breed, characteristics and photos

“A little teddy bear with funny button eyes” - this description is quite relevant for the smallest Spitz of the Pomeranian variety. Indeed, such a cute doggie looks more like a plush toy, albeit a living one, than a pet. Largely due to such similarities, this breed of miniature dogs is currently at the top of popularity.

A small historical background

Without a doubt, dwarf spitz can be considered one of the varieties of the oldest breeds in the world! At the same time, these representatives acquired their decorative outlines no earlier than the 18th century. And its name Pomeranian owes a small provincial homonymous region that is located in Germany - Pomerania.

The smallest Spitz photo

What is characteristic, the ancestors of these representatives possessed much larger sizes than their modern descendants. And at that time it was sledding and hunting dogs. Their weight could reach up to 15 kg!

Having moved from the northern latitudes to an area with more suitable and comfortable climatic conditions, Pomeranian spitz acquired excellent watchdog skills. They were even entrusted with the duty of protecting livestock.

The explanation of dwarfism

What breed of Spitz is the smallest, we now know - Pomeranian. However, where did the fashion for miniature sizes come from? During the reign of Queen Victoria, Spitz from Pomerania was brought into England. And after some time, serious work was organized to breed dwarf breed. But not only was this all due to size - there was a need to correct the appearance of dogs in order to give the appearance more expressive features.

The best representatives of the Spitz breed, which English and American breeders worked on, were very similar to modern oranges. However, the First World War made certain adjustments to the ranks of these poor animals - most of them were simply destroyed. To restore the population, German breeders and breeders had to import dogs from European countries.

Little teddy bear

As a result of selection selection, the weight of the animal, including its size, decreased significantly (3 times). And now the weight of the dogs is not more than 5 kg. Currently, these representatives have already managed to become the main stars of social networks no worse than Hollywood celebrities! And today, almost every Internet user knows which Spitz is the smallest.

Standard breed characteristics

Due to the great popularity of the breed of Spitz, there are many who want to have such dogs. However, there are some nuances here - to be sure of finding a purebred dog, you need to accurately imagine what this breed looks like. The classic Pomeranian has the following characteristics:

  • weight - 1.4-3.2 kg;
  • addition - harmonious, compact, strong;
  • the wedge-shaped head is proportional to the body;
  • eyes - cunning "foxes", sparkling, dark shade, medium size, set not too wide and at the same time not too close to each other;
  • ears are small, erect, set high, but not very wide;
  • the skull is slightly convex;
  • muzzle - thin, sharp transition between it and forehead;
  • sponges and nose - black or match the color;
  • neck - short, set high, smoothly passes into the withers, with a straight top line;
  • shoulder blades of the forelimbs - set obliquely, which actually determines the proudly raised neck;
  • case - strong, equipped with convex and rounded ribs;
  • the breast is rather deep, but not too wide;
  • tail - set high, tight to the back;
  • forelimbs - medium in length, straight and parallel to each other;
  • hind limbs - set perpendicular to the ground, metatarsus parallel to each other, hock joints not deployed.

Knowledge of the standard and compliance with it may be relevant in the case when the animal is taken for the purpose of further breeding or for exhibition. Only one photo of the smallest Spitz is expensive!

Expressive face

Adorable Pomeranian dogs are distinguished by an elegant and slightly elongated muzzle, which in appearance is similar to a fox physiognomy.

The smallest Pomeranian

As for the shape of this expressive part of the body, it can be one of three varieties:

  • Bearish.
  • Fox.
  • Toy

The bear's muzzle is flattened and rounded in shape, with more fluffy fur on the cheeks. The eyes are located in the immediate vicinity of the nose. These features just do not resemble a miniature dog, but a small teddy bear. To meet such a person in the middle of an unfamiliar area and it’s not even an hour as you involuntarily look around in search of an angry mother.

A more elongated fox muzzle gives a truly believable resemblance to this cunning forest inhabitant. They even have a longer tail than other representatives of the Spitz breed.

As for the toy look, this form was imported straight from Japan. The muzzle is flatter in comparison with the first type. Eyes are located above and in a distance from each other.

What is characteristic, it is the fox form of the smallest Spitz in the world that is allowed to participate in competitions, while the rest of the varieties appear as pets. In the section of standard characteristics, a description of the fox type is given.

Other external physiological features

The Pomeranian spitz can hardly be denied. The dimensions of an adult do not exceed 230 mm, which, in turn, allows you to keep such pets in "apartments" with limited space.

A little resemblance to a fox

A muscular and square-shaped strong body is equipped with fairly strong, well-developed limbs. On the head are pointed ears. And in the oval eyes you can recognize outgoing curiosity, which is impossible not to smile.

The color of the nose is dependent on the color of the animal. The small size of the tail is rounded at the base. A thick luxurious-looking coat, as well as a pronounced undercoat, were inherited from the distant ancestors of the Arctic.


Dwarf Spitz would not have become so popular if not for the color of his coat! At the same time, this breed is distinguished by a double wool coat:

  • spine;
  • downs.

The very wool of the smallest Spitz is elastic and at the same time very dense. In an adult, you can see the collar. But besides this, other characteristic signs may also be noticeable, be it “pants” or “plumage” (on the back of the forelimbs).

All adolescents (meaning people) experience a difficult time associated with the appearance of acne on their faces. These animals have something similar - at an early age, dog hair does not look very presentable. For adults, this equates to marriage. Not every dog ​​breeder is familiar with this characteristic.

Pomeranian Spitz

Representatives of the Pomeranian breed of Spitz are often perceived with a red color. However, there are other shade variations:

  • the black;
  • zonal (gray);
  • white;
  • Orange;
  • brown;
  • cream.

At the same time, among this color scheme you can often find Spitz with a red color.

What is the character?

Representatives of Pomeranian Spitz are distinguished by a cheerful and light disposition. In addition to this, dogs lead a rather mobile lifestyle, they love to play, run and are not afraid of water. They are able to easily adapt to new conditions of stay.

Among other qualities of the smallest breed, the Spitz is worth noting the expressed makings of a leader. We can say that dogs prefer to dominate. However, despite these qualities (on the one hand, even useful), Spitz can get along with other representatives of the fauna. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they are not able to endure loneliness, and strive by all possible means to attract attention.

They also have another quality, due to which the great popularity of the breed and universal recognition are also due to. Pomeranian spitzs are always devoted to their master, obedient, able to show quick wits, and are distinguished by affection.

Pomeranian character

And due to the natural good nature of these dogs, you can leave small children in the care of possible consequences. Meanwhile, if necessary, the Spitz is ready to immediately take up a defensive position to protect the interests of the owner. And, despite their miniature size, these dogs are quite bold and can provoke a fight with larger representatives.


As already noted above, the smallest Spitz are good-natured and for this reason the dog will become a faithful and reliable nanny for young children. Their behavior is balanced, they are able to show patience. For this reason, if a child unknowingly hurts a dog, he will not growl at him, let alone bite! At the same time, it is advisable not to allow such an opportunity at all, you should immediately make it clear to the children that the dog is hurt and thereby harm the pet in no case.

Spitz are good-natured on the one hand, but on the other - they have a rather delicate and vulnerable psyche. Thanks to this, they can for a long time remember the human attitude to themselves. In other words, the owner needs to be persistent, affectionate and patient in the upbringing of such “children”. Just no aggression and rudeness to puppies, and then to adults!

Thanks to the same quick wit, coupled with dexterity and speed, the smallest Pomeranian spitzs have long been taking part in circus performances, showing funny numbers and tricks.

Old age is not a joy!

However, mobility, playfulness and other qualities remain only until old age. As a rule, dogs of this breed can live a relatively long life - from 12 to 15 years. At an age comparable to old age, dogs become calmer and slower. What can I say, the years and the dogs take their toll!

How many Pomeranian spitz live

The old man is already becoming increasingly difficult to understand on his feet, to overcome the steps and even perform some elementary trick. He spends most of his time in solitude. The nature of the dog also undergoes certain changes. It is very difficult for a doggie to endure separation from his master, and when he is left alone he becomes anxious. Alone for a long time, he begins to bark, whine or howl.

Yes, old age is rarely easy for anyone to transfer. And what can we say about such cute animals with a delicate and vulnerable psyche ?!

Strangers and spitz

By virtue of its nature again, Pomeranian refers to strangers in humans and is wary and with a great deal of mistrust. During a meeting with other unfamiliar representatives of the fauna, first of all, he pays attention to how his master behaves. In this case, his behavior largely depends on the manner of the owner.

As a rule, the smallest Spitz dogs behave decisively and courageously. Thanks to this, their makings of an excellent watchman can compete with the same qualities of strong and larger individuals. In most cases, fighting-style Spitzs start a fight with dogs much larger than themselves.

Owners opinion

Little Oranges cannot get along in the same house, where lazy and passive owners live. This breed, due to its activity, needs a person with the appropriate character, which will allow the pets to splash out the accumulated energy, and completely! This can be confirmed by anyone or anyone who has such a sweet, devoted and courageous comrade of animal origin.

These are wonderful companions to human beings of any gender and regardless of age:

  • men
  • women
  • children
  • adolescents;
  • To old people.

At the same time, such a pet has several individual traits of natural origin. First of all, it is worth noting the vertical standing of the wool, which is why the dog looks outwardly attractive and “fluffy”.

Expressive fox face

In addition, in the absence of proper upbringing, one can constantly hear indiscriminate barking, which becomes excessive. And it should be noted that such the smallest Spitz have a rather clear voice!

Now it’s worthwhile to give evidence in favor of the insight that dogs can display, even when they are puppies. As soon as the pet feels the lack of persistence on the part of the owner during the upbringing, he can begin to show his character. This is manifested in the form of stubbornness or ignoring the execution of any command.


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