The pit is a universal way to check foundation wear.

A pit is a procedure that helps to examine the foundation without serious damage, to find out its depth, thickness and width. Such work is simply indispensable in dense urban buildings.

Technology Description

Very often, in case of violation of the integrity of the foundation of the house, it is necessary to find out the degree of damage and determine what repair methods can be applied in this situation. Often, well drilling is contraindicated, because there is a risk of complete destruction of the foundation.

A pit is a deep hole that breaks out along the outside or inside of a house. With its help, you can determine all the details of interest and carry out a quality restoration.

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Choosing a place for a pit

The place for examination is selected strictly individually for each building. Most often, priority is given to areas where clear damage is visible. The pit of the foundation can also be produced in areas that do not require repair. This is necessary in order to draw up a plan of work and understand what there are whole points of support.

A pit is a procedure that is carried out with the aim of prevention in order to notice and eliminate damage in time. Therefore, in addition to critical situations, it is carried out in the following cases:

  • In places with increased loads.
  • If a multi-storey building has several sections, then each of them is checked.
  • In areas where it is planned to install additional supports.

Number of pits

This indicator depends on the reason for the work and the technology of building the foundation.

  • If the base is of a monolithic or tape type, then in this case several holes break out, at a distance of no more than one meter from each other.
  • For the survey, the length of the gaps between the pits increases to 3-4 meters.
  • In the event that there is a risk of building subsidence, exploration pits are made bilateral.

foundation pit

Work results

Given that the pit is a pit that is dug up for the purpose of conducting diagnostic work, with its help you can find the following indicators:

  • The depth of the underground part of the foundation.
  • Exact information about the size of the base.
  • The presence of various damage.
  • Strengthening the load on specific sites.
  • Also, various samples are taken with the help of a pit, on the basis of which it is possible to determine the strength of the foundation, its composition and the quality of the materials used in the construction.

This procedure is very useful in the modern world, because it allows you to identify and eliminate various defects in time, preventing premature destruction of buildings.


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