Original ideas - what can be made of candy wrappers

The fantasy of the craftswomen knows no bounds, and interesting decorations and crafts can be created from the most diverse and unexpected materials. It is not always worth throwing garbage. For example, what do you think can be made of candy wrappers from sweets that have long been eaten, and only sweet memories are left of them? It turns out that there are many options! Consider a few of them.

Weaving method

candy candy vase
Products from wrappers from confectionery products will always come in handy: decorate the interior, bring an atmosphere of comfort to your home. In addition, for vases, boxes and baskets there will always be quite a practical application: to store cosmetics, stationery, medicines, a pillow for needles, the same sweets on the dining table. To make such crafts is quite simple, even children can do it, and therefore their creation is suitable for family creativity.

Weaving is based on the following principle. The wrapper should be folded several times along to make a strip. Then you need to bend it in half, and insert another one in the middle (it should be in a contrasting color). Now you can get acquainted with specific examples of what can be made from candy wrappers from candies, and how to get an interesting and useful little thing.


candy wrapper garland
A basket woven from candy wrappers will look very organic. Depending on which candy wrappers are selected, it will turn out either motley or sustained in a certain color scheme, and even with a beautiful thoughtful pattern. In the latter case, you need to stock up on a large number of wrappers from sweets of the same brand. All of them need to be folded along to get strips of the same width.

There are many options for what can be made of candy wrappers. For crafts, you will need scissors, a needle with threads and a sheet of cardboard. After all the candy wrappers are smoothed and folded in a certain way, you can start weaving. At the same time, the same one should be inserted into the middle of each bent strip from the wrapper. The strip will initially come out. She will form the volume of the future basket. Such blanks should be the required number (for example, five pieces). A pen is created in the same way.

To get a small basket, you need to stock up on forty candy wrappers. In order to fasten the strips together, they must be sewn with a needle and thread, tighten it tightly and pass through all the harnesses. The stitched strips should be connected in a circle and again secured with a needle and thread. The bottom can be made of thick cardboard. Moreover, its diameter should slightly exceed the parameters of the basket. Then it is pasted over with candy wrappers and the workpiece created earlier is sewn to it. A pen will require twenty-five candy wrappers. Weave a strip of them and attach to the basket. Sew the ends of the handle firmly. If everything is done correctly, you will get a very neat basket. In a similar way, handbags, cosmetic bags are created. A pen can be sewn ready-made, purchased at a needlework store.

Vases from candy wrappers

what can be made of candy wrappers
A real miracle will look like a vase of candy wrappers from sweets. It will become an indispensable attribute of your room. In this openwork wicker container, you can successfully pour water and hold bouquets of flowers. The weave is staggered. Making a vase is like making a basket. You can connect strips with each other not only with a thread and a needle. Useful stapler. In this case, it is better to fasten the products from the back. From the skill of the manufacturer depends on what shape the vase will turn out. It may be like the one on your table made of crystal. To create a masterpiece, you need to weave several strips of different lengths (to form the throat of a vase).

candy wrapper flowers

They must be connected in series. To give the product strength, you can insert a container of tin or glass in the middle.

Beautiful garland

The most successful and easiest option is a garland of candy wrappers from candies, it will decorate the entrance to the kitchen, it can be placed in a room for the New Year. Such an ornament can be woven using the method already described above, or collected in a garland of various figures created from wrappers, for example, butterflies. They are strung on a thread or fishing line.

Wonderful flowers

In order to get delicate and beautiful flowers from candy wrappers from sweets, wrappers from cling film will be required. This material is the strongest. The number of candy wrappers depends on how lush the flower will be. To get the inflorescence, you need to make the following manipulations with the accumulated wrappers. They need to straighten, smooth. Put five or six pieces in a stack, and they must be shifted relative to each other. To connect them you need a bead and fishing line, which must be threaded into the center of candy wrappers. The resulting petals are collected in a bud. Tie a knot from the outside. There can be several such flowers. They need to be tied to the base. For the manufacture of the stem, a skewer for skewers or sticks suitable for Japanese food are suitable. The flower will turn out to be very large and bright.

Now you know what can be made of candy wrappers. Fantastic butterflies, umbrellas, handbags, Christmas trees, snowflakes and stars, bright balls and many other little things come out of them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9209/

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