Card index of outdoor games in the middle group: features and examples

Outdoor games in kindergarten are an integral part of learning. Children should not only collect the constructor or play with dolls, but also move. However, not every educator knows what games can be played with children. This will help the card index of outdoor games. In the middle group, games will naturally differ from those introduced for toddlers or older children.

card index of outdoor games in the middle group

Features of games for the middle group

Pupils of the middle group have already gained a certain motor experience, their movements are more coordinated and coherent. Therefore, it is worth increasing the distance for running and throwing, the height of the jumps. Also, a file of outdoor games in the middle group should contain exercises for dexterity, attentiveness and endurance.

In the middle group, the teacher can safely distribute roles among children. At first, the child should be the one who will definitely be able to cope with this role, so that the rest of the children observe him and clearly understand what they will need to do later. The teacher should not forget that all outdoor games in the middle group should be understandable and accessible to children of this age. This is necessary so that the children do not lose faith in their strength if the game is too complicated, or do not get bored if the teacher offers a very simple exercise. The teacher should celebrate the success of children in a particular game. So he will encourage and cultivate goodwill and honesty.

outdoor games card index middle group

Outdoor games: file cabinet

What is a properly compiled outdoor game file cabinet ? The middle group, for which the games are designed, must realize their needs for movement, and at the same time, for teamwork. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly describe what games will be held with the guys, what type they belong to, what they are aimed at and how much time is allocated for them to be held daily.

So, let's talk in more detail about what games can be included in the file cabinet for the middle group, and give their descriptions.

We make a card file

The card index of outdoor games in the middle group should include both plot and non-plot games. It is desirable to make their number equal in order to develop not only the motor skills of the child, but also imagination, the ability to compare the story with the situation.

Non-plot games

1. Colored cars. Children stand along the wall, depicting cars. The teacher gives everyone a flag of a certain color, he himself stands in front of the children and, on command, raises a flag. Children who have a flag of this color begin to run around the room, depicting a car (you can buzz, โ€œhonkโ€). When the teacher unchecks the โ€œcarsโ€ should return to their places.

outdoor games in the middle group

2. Find a mate. The teacher gives the children flags of different colors. The children scatter through the clap, waving flags over their heads, by the next signal (two claps or the words โ€œfind a pairโ€, for example), the children are looking for a pair with a flag of the same color. The game is repeated, the teacher can during the game change several flags to others in some children.

3. Find where hidden. Children become in a line, the teacher shows them a flag or other object and says that he will now hide it. Children turn away, the teacher hides the subject. At the signal, the children turn and begin to look for him. The first one to find becomes the leader. The caregiver can help the child hide the item.

Story games

The plot exercises, which include a file of outdoor games in the middle group, can be called everything based on fairy tales or stories well-known to children. Before them, an introductory conversation should be held, during which, for example, to divide the children into hares and choose one wolf, tell the bunnies that there was a wolf in the forest, and call them to caution. Next, you can ask the bunnies to go for a walk, and at a certain signal the wolf should jump out, from which the hares will scatter. The one caught by the wolf also becomes a wolf, and also preys on hares when the game is repeated.


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